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Mar 30, 2005 20:16

yep so i have been pretty busy lately! track started last week.  Its been pretty good so far, Jordan, Jackie and I are captains.  Some of the girls are very annoying and full of drama, which isn't fun at all.  Also many of them are the most amazing people!  In which i wish i were more like them.  I've learned how to throw the discis (sp?) and jav.  Im not very good with the dis yet but i will be with some practice.  First meet is April 13!  against North at South.  Very excited for that.  My shot putting is looking good! going for 34ft this season. 6foot difference.

I can't wait for this year to be over! and summer to begin! today was soooo nice out i love this kind of weather, the sun is bright and the weather is warm. In less than one month ill be california!!! I am sooo excited to go.  Its going to be a blast! Over all i think i have had a pretty good senior year so far.  The beginning of the year was pretty sucky.  Ive meet some new people, made better friends with others that i have known for a while but never hung out with or talked muched to.  I think i have changed a lot as a person in the last couple of weeks... i have learned not to care what other people think because they dont matter and that you have to do things that make you happy.  I have become less shy, talked to people that normally would be hard to talk to.  I think i have also helped a couple people feel better and more confident about themselves.  Right now, i am pretty happy of how things are going.  I have got rid of a huge load of stress although still stressed about college stuff, im filling out scholarship stuff so im hoping all of that will help with the finacial stuff! going to fitchburg this weekend. Im waiting for plymouth to send me an acceptence letter, i think i want to go there! chill with liz and t haha.  I think t is my mr. annyoumous guy.  don't know tho.

Nicky B i love u, we need to have some bonding time, just me and you! kk?

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