its been too long.

Jun 21, 2005 16:33

                         Congradulations to the 
                               Class Of 2005

There are so many things i could say about high school right now.  There are so many things i wish i did, and didn't do.  I wish i made some closer bonds with more people.  I was always too busy with work, or track/field hockey stuff that i didn't get to enjoy high school and the people around me like i should have.  Don't get me wrong i made tons of new friends, built stronger relationships, mended some others and had some unforgetable memories.  And I am very happy with them.  Looking through my year book there were kids in there that i had never met or only talked to once.  so i just keep thinking that there are aquantences that i have made, that i wish were friends, and that im probably not going to see them ever again and im going to miss them.....i can't go back and change it, all i can do is learn from my mistakes.

i haven't updated in a real long time so there is a lot of cover.  I had a really great end of the year.  Cruise was fun, they def needed a bigger boat for us, Prom was tons of fun, Orientation with liz and her nan was good times.  mono really sucked, track is done :-( looking forward to trying out for fh in august, i need to get my ass in shape or i am going to make a fool of myself.  Little bit of boy trouble, but i am straightening it out.  I need to chose and i don't know who i am going to chose.  I hate making decisions.

Liz get better, ill come by to visit tonight or tomorrow.  Rest up!
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