"When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, the devil changes you"-8mm

Dec 23, 2004 20:53

This has been playing on my mind lately, seemingly it encapsulates my life. Everything has been so different lately. I have changed to that person I always held a deep curiousity about and that have at times touched on but never fully submerged myself within. Every moment sees me fall deeper and deeper. I know that it can not continue like this...that I can not survive like this. I am not sure what exactly has changed within myself, I do know though that not only has my mind and lifestyle changed, my soul has as well. I have never felt like this before. I don't know if it is encouraged by the lack of those whom I have called my dearest and closest friends, or by the presence of these whom excite me despite being ethically, morally and intelligently opposed...I guess it is simply encouraged by me. I could have contacted my old dear friends, if nothing but to say I still so deeply care but instead I have removed myself, shut down and found a world so far removed from reality, a world so easy to forget. Oh well, for now at least I will continue to dance with the devil...and for now I will continue to see the devil change me.
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