On Life and Love

May 09, 2005 16:39

I'm warning anyone who reads this right now that this is going to be a rant and more than likely nonsensical, definately self-centered, and possibly offending. So if you happen to be one of those people that takes livejournal entries personally or may think less of me for something I say here....stop reading. Not like I plan on screaming obscenities or racial slurs or anything, but I figured I'd give fair warning.

So yeah...finding "the one" is hard. And that may just be because I have incredibly high standards and I'm such a hopeless romantic, but why should I compromise? I feel like I'm pretty enough that I should be able to be with someone I find really attractive and I'm smart enough to be with someone that I find intellectually stimulating, or at least they aren't a friggen idiot...I mean come on. However, I have rarely found the two to coincide. If I'm really attracted to someone they wind up being either dumb as a brick or mind numbingly boring, which I just can't deal with, or likewise if I find them really interesting and fun to be withso often I am just not physically attracted to them, and it's a damn shame, but I just cannot be with someone that I have absolutely no physical attraction towards it doesn't work, I've tried. But sometimes, and only on occasion, I have found a guy that I'm like wow this guy is really attractive and hey I'm having a great time, look at that, so I see them again, and some time passes and we continue dating and then it happens, I find the big ugly nasty flaw that I just cannot deal with, sometimes it's not even a big flaw, it doesn't have to be, I am consumed by this one thing that just bugs the shit out of me and things wind up going south. Now, I know no one's perfect, I personally am quite far from it, but I have told some said people the things that bother me and then it only makes matters worse because either they get really upset and offended, or it actually becomes worse (such as the case in which what bugs me is a guy acts like a jerk and cuts me off when I'm not done speaking), or it does get better but only for a little while and then it goes right back to normal. I want to believe that there is that perfect somebody for me, but dating gets very discouraging.

They never make it look this hard in TV and movies. I suppose that's why it isn't real life, eh? But ya know...I don't want Prince Charming, or Johnny Depp, or Heath Ledger, or Orlando Bloom (gasp, I know.) I just want someone who is perfect for me. I want a guy who I can lay next to in bed and say to myself, he's so handsome, I'm so lucky, and I could just lay here and stare into his eyes listening to him talk to me for hours. And that ladies and gentlemen in what I want. I mean, ideally I'd like a guy who I could see myself married to and having kids with and being with until I'm old and wrinkly, but with the first comes the latter.

Just one more thing before I end this rant. Nothing and I mean nothing annoys me more than people stating the obvious. I know my friends are only trying to help, but when I am in a relationship or whatever in which I know I'm not happy and I know I'm not being treated well, I don't need to be told "Kate you can do so much better" "Kate you don't deserve to be treated like that" "Kate dump his ass he's not worth it". I friggen know all of this. But sometimes things just aren't simple like that. I never tell anyone to flat out dump their significant other because I realize there is emotion invested there and it isn't my place to say that sort of thing, I would expect the same consideration. But once again, I do realize my friends are only trying to help, but sometimes a rant is just a rant and doesn't need a solution.

Ok, that is my current take on life and love. Hate it, love it, laugh at it, tell me to go fuck myself, whatever. It's only a livejournal and I refuse to be anyone but me.
P.S. Sorry this is so long, I could've just kept on going but I decided I ranted enough for 1 day.
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