Title: Beneath the Surface (2/?),
Chapter 1Fandom: X-Men: First Class, Charles/Erik
Genre: AU; Drama/Romance
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter, possibly up to NC-17 later.
Word Count: 6k
Summary: Charles is a young marine biologist and activist that, one day, makes the find of his lifetime. Inspired by
this fanartAuthor's Note: Still un-beta'ed.
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Comments 8
I love you! I love you!
...Sorry. I just get flaily when I read a story/book/fic that takes place on my home...area. I'm totally seeing their house in my head, because I've driven through the Hamptons before, and I've driven around Shelter Island (which is honestly contributing to my image more). Also, "A Pirate Looks at Forty" is playing in my head.
I'm kind of hoping that Charles, Raven, and Erik go to, like, Port Jefferson or something. It would be adorable.
Anyway, back to the fic. I love how Erik's knowledge of the land is spotty, and how he's after Shaw specifically and Shaw's after him right back. Also, Charles is totally developing a crush on fishy-Erik. And Shaw's totally going to be a dick.
(also, if you need someone to make sure the setting is behaving, I offer my services!)
Tl;dr -- Murf is an LIer and is super excited about the setting, the fic, and fishy-Erik.
Shaw is already on their tails and this is not good.
When I was reading this, I had the incredibly odd (but funny) image in my head of Erik watching tv for the first time, and it's playing Finding Nemo when Bruce appears. I don't know whats wrong with me.
And I think Erik knows Charles' feelings before Charles does.
Can't wait for the update! =D
I love the slightly alien quality you've given Erik in this, as he adjust to a human world :)
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