Title: Acts Like Summer, Walks Like Rain (Part 5/?)
lealpotter Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kurtofsky
Summary: In which Kurt is sososorry and Dave's socks are disgusting .
Author's Note: Ugh, thought I'd never finish this one. And we have a guest appearance! Thanks again for all the unbelievably lovely reviews; to those who wondered whether David would
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Comments 26
And I know Dave totally remembers the phone sex.
[rubs hands together with glee]
This next part is going to be SO good...
Keep it up, babe! I'm enjoying the heck out of it!
He's got THAT to keep him going, at least. =D
"This next part is going to be SO good..."
Will it? Hmmmmm...
David and Kurtie - in the same room together? In the dark? Sitting close? With both of them remembering what happened on the phone that day?
How can it not be? I mean, Dave will try to hold back, but will *want* to touch Kurt and Kurt, well, I don't think he'd going to be able to hold back too long himself.
Least, that's what I'd hope for. You, of course, are the magician here so [waiting patiently] I am totally up for however you imagine this "date" going down.
[tail wagging] Oh, yeah. I'm patient, all right... ;)
A friend of mine said more or less the same thing after reading it - I asked how was she so sure the "date" would even happen. She called me a big tease and said I wouldn't dare ;D
"David and Kurtie - in the same room together? In the dark? Sitting close? With both of them remembering what happened on the phone that day?
How can it not be? I mean, Dave will try to hold back, but will *want* to touch Kurt and Kurt, well, I don't think he'd going to be able to hold back too long himself."
And I was all set on writing an angsty third-degree encounter with Blaine... Now you made me want to write smut, Blaine be damned!
>"I make an awesome big brother."
oh, finn, you big lummox. how i love you.
I like him SO much better as a brother to Kurt than as a boyfriend to any of his girlfriends. Takes me back to my days as a Kinn shipper ;D
I love it how Kurt got all "WHAT'D YOUR MOTHER THINK!" on Dave who has no clue what that's about :D
First, your Finn is great and then... Klaine is actually DOWN?
OH MY GOD, KURT! You need to tell Dave!!!
"Finn, have you seen the kind of pants I wear? Considering how difficult it is to take them off, Dave gets points just for effort." My absolute favorite line about Kurt's pants EVER! :D
And yes. Finn is an awesome Big Brother :D
And yay, a date!!
And Kurt has to tell Dave about the phonesex. He HAS to!
He has a MORAL obligation to!!!
THANK YOU!! I was so afraid I'd gone too far with Finn, I never know how to write him. About Klaine... well, we'll see ;)
"And yes. Finn is an awesome Big Brother :D"
He SO is.
"He has a MORAL obligation to!!!"
He really does, doesn't he? And he should be very... descriptive about it, too.
Yes, Kurt needs to be honest to God about the Details to Dave. He owes it to him. Because Dave needs to know what he did so he can do it again :D
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