Jul 21, 2003 16:45
I just came back from FASET (Tech Orientation) an hour ago. I was sitting down at some table getting my schedule set up before I had to register. My mom's cell rings, its my grandmother, she says she got some things in the mail for me and one said AP on the front. my mom hands me the phone, and suddenly, i had never been happier in my life.
First off, I made a 4 on AP Calculus!!!!!
I made a 5 on AP ART!!!!!!!!
I am Mrs. Preston's first student to ever make a 5!and I am the only student of over 6 years to make a 5 on the AP Art Portfolio (Exam) at Dunwoody High.
I am beaming
I'll write more later about orientation, but i had to get this out, it is f*ing crazy, I cant believe it. I called Mrs. Preston immediatly, told her, and we're both two happy campers!