Hey kids :) Hope everyone is doin' fine.
So here's the latest Tiffany News:
-I am horribly obsessed with fstv. amy goodman and her serious-ness cracks me up.
-I would like to take over the world, is that so much to ask?
-Went to the casbah the other day with the homeboy, had a long talk. It was good for me.
-Went with Kim to her brother's last night. Everyone has apartments these days!
-The pirates sent me an application to join the crew... I'm one step closer to ARG.
-I've been a job-hunting fool. If the pirates reject me, I'll be taking pictures of seniors for cady & cady OR working for progressive auto insurance. The latter doesn't appeal to me much, but we'll see.
-or maybe I'll just be a beggar.
Also, this:
leakysunroof's LJ stalker is caffieneaddict!caffieneaddict is stalking you because you are really good at bowling. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom
Go-Quiz.com Well, Sam, I can understand your obsession... I have been known to throw a turkey once or twice in my hay-day. I've also been known to bust a ball or two, so watch it.
What do you want for a housewarming gift, Lenore?
Lastly, I'm still getting money from people for graduation. Sweet!