Dec 13, 2007 02:02
heyyy! i dont really think anyone comes on here anymore, which is kinda cool so this way i can most more stuff about stuff without worrying about who will read it- not like i should anyways
basically i thought i would write down some new years resolutions in the thought that if i write them down somewhere it will make me more committed to doing them
1. Get more involved- I know that sounds clique but i just feel like i havent done too much here at western. I am in SSE but thats about it. I am going to talk to my counsolor today and hopefully she will let me into the sewing or art class i want to take. You can olny register for them if you are in the major but i really miss doing somthing creative. I seriously just need to use my left brain or whatever, and i want to learn to sew real stuff and actually finish projects. One of my teachers reccomended working in the theatre costume center, which would be cool, but i wanted to work on some of my sewing skillz first. I was also thinking about trying out for choir... i dont know if i can handle the intense program here but maybe there is like an easy choir for people who just like to sing?
2. Make some money- I seriously have NO money. My debt card got declined for 9 dollars yesterday and so i am broke. Gina is trying to get me a job at jimmyjohns, which would be cool because its all young people working there. I could work at one of the grocery stores since i have experience in that but it will be with old people and not as close to school.
3. Work out- I seriously have gained many pounds since i have been away at college. I know its because I sit around and study a bunch and sleep in half the week and eat bad and dont have a running practice every day to keep me in shape. Its really starting to bother me and i really hate being this lazy all the time so hopefully i can stick with working out. I signed up for a karate class next semester so that should be a funner way to work out i hope.
4. Study more/ do not procrastonate- I procrastonated on every paper i had to turn in, and they all were crap. If i just started them a few days earlier i know i would get some better grades. I also just need to concentrate and study more, and not cram right before my tests.
5. Take showers/ dont look like a bum- This one is for my roomate erin and I, i find myself waking up with just enough time to throw on a sweatshirt and go to class looking nasty. since i look nasty i feel nasty, and dont talk to people. Basically i need to get up a bit earlyer and take showers haha.
6. Just trust myself more, i guess just be able to say how i feel and more self confident and all that improvement of self b.s.
7. Keep in contact with back home friends more- i just find myself never calling anyone and being wrapped up in my not super busy life here. i love and miss everybody so much and i dont want to loose touch with my friends
8. Probably make an effort to hang out with new friends here more. There are a lot of cool people i have met but since i hang out with the same group of people every day, and i feel so comfortable with them, i find myslef not making the effort to call other people i may not know quite as well.
i guess thats it the spelling on this whole entry is HORRIBLE! but i feel like maybe some of them will come true since i posted it and spelt out my reasonings
lets hope i stick with them!