Mar 26, 2005 15:04
1. I need a LOT of sleep to function properly
2. I plan on being in every play and musical that mainland does, I know this makes me a huge loser.
3. I miss West Side Story with all of my heart.
4. I feel really pretty whenever I wear glitter, especially eyeliner.
5. I really like to exaggerate things
6. I laugh at almost anything, I smile a lot too, even when it's not funny. I don't know if this is good or bad.
7. I've been told more then once that the fact that I try hard to give everyone the benefit of the doubt will get me in trouble. I like to think that any trouble I get into by giving people a chance will be worth it.
8. I love my friends so fricken much.
9. This is harder then I expected it to be.
10. I like to type perfectly, it's a pet peeve of mine when people use "u" and all that crap.
11. I look really ugly in every picture ever. I like to think it's because I'm unphotogenic, I might just be ugly.
12. I'm breaking out on my chin, this pisses me off because I've always had really good skin, it's one of my better qualities. If I don't have good skin then I don't have many other qualities to fall back on.
13. When I like a song I listen to it on repeat for a while, then I get tired of it and don't want to listen to it anymore. When I REALLY like a song, I try and save it and not overdue it.
14. Right now my favorite CD is "Chutes Too Narrow" by the Shins, and my favorite song is Pink Bullets.
15. I'm super easy to impress, it doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am, all that matters is who I'm with, and if I'm not with anybody special I can usually make friends, I try to make the best of everything.
16. I hate going places without my digital camera.
17. I can't leave the house without my cell phone, I feel naked.
18. For some reason the phrase, "You're never fully dressed without a smile" came into my head - haha I agree with that too.
19. I never paint all 10 of my nails. I forget or get tired or don't feel like it.
20. Last night I had 4 painted.
21. I like my eyes a lot, that's my other good quality
22. If someone punched me in the eye then I would be really ugly.
23. I say the most obvious things.
24. There's a container of floss next to my computer, I'll forget to floss otherwise.
25. My toothpaste is flavored "Green Tea". I like it a lot.
26. Number 24 reminded me and now I'm going to floss.
27. I try really hard not to cry in front of other people, most of the time it works. I think my only friends that have seen me cry are anyone in NJDFL (that one competition was like, hell) and Emma. Edit: I think Sean has seen me cry too.
28. I really miss Emma, I hardly see her this year.
29. Nothing makes me sadder then when my friends don't get along with eachother.
30. I subscribe to 3 magazines. Vogue, Teen Vogue, and Elle Girl.
31. My mom subscribes to Time, I read that sometimes.
32. I read magazines different then anyone else I know. I read the entire thing, I don't just look at the pictures. Not only do I read every single article, but I read the fine print, the credits, who photographed the picture, how much it all cost, ect ect. I want to work with magazines someday.
33. I want to go to Columbia. I'll probably never EVER in a million years get in, but if I did my life would be complete.
34. I'm going to Columbia with Emma, we decided that when we were like, 8.
35. I don't like to throw things away. I have every magazine from the past two years in a magazine holder above my desk and a bunch of other ones are on the desk and others are on the coffee table. I keep price tags and receipts and anything that triggers emotional value. I'm a sap like that.
36. My mom suggested I start a scrapbook earlier this year to keep track of it all and to have a place for it all. I did, and it's awesome, I'm behind though, it's still in like, November. Over break I'm going to do a few pages.
37. I don't have a place for my CD's, they're scattered randomly about my basement.
38. I don't like it when people touch my computer.
39. I'm a beast at Wheel of Fortune, Sean and I are going to go on that show one day.
40. I miss Sean, I still see him but I'm not half as close with him as I was last year, that makes me sad.
41. I have a lot of clothes I don't wear because I'm scared of what people will say.
42. I'm a loser like that, I shouldn't care.
43. I have two CD's completely memorized. Well, techincally 3, because one of them is 2 disks.
44. The Rent soundtrack and Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie. They're absolutely amazing.
45. I rarely curse, no specific reason why, I don't have any moral opposition to it, I just don't.
46. My dad watches MTV more then I do. Yesterday he made my grandmom watch Punk'd. It's his favorite show.
47. I think Billy Joel is amazing. He's a freaking genius.
48. I like sushi a lot, but the sight of raw fish grosses me out. I'm so weird.
49. I'm just like my dad, except female - likeable, happy, goofy. He's me except male and 54 years old.
50. I don't like it when people play with my cell phone or my camera. I know this is weird, but I recently learned how to lock my cell phone and I lock it all the time, it makes me feel better.
51. I'm halfway done my list.
52. This is the 7th journalish thing I've ever had.
53. I keep a normal journal, I write in it sporadically, it's usually something melodramatic and exaggerated, but I figure if I'm wasting my time it'd better be interesting.
54. I try really hard not to be shallow. Sometimes I am. Oh well, such is life.
55. I'm still wearing the bracelet I got at the reading rally. It says, "Imagine. Discover. Read." I like what it says.
56. I love to read, books make me happy.
57. My goal is to place in at least 5 events next year. Comedic Monologue, Dramatic Monologue, Comedic Pairs, Dramatic Pairs, and Prose. I'd like to place in improv pairs as well but I probably won't.
58. I already have a prose, I need to find the other 4, and I need two partners.
59. I would really like to go to prom, but I'm not even bothering because I don't know if my mom will let me go.
60. If Emma and I don't get into Columbia we're going to NYU. I know everyone wants to go there. I don't care.
61. My life's goal is to live in Soho.
63. I just realized that, except that my tv should have taped it. Does anyone know if it was on last night?
64. When I first got my big screen TV, I was amazed with how bad everyone's teeth were.
65. I have pretty bad teeth, I'm really insecure about them. It doesn't stop me from smiling but it bothers me in pictures.
66. They're discolored from medication I was taking when I was a baby.
67. I contracted tuberculosis on a plane to FL, the medication I was on was superstrong and it got rid of the disease, but my teeth are permanently ickyified.
68. In 4th grade Sean Bannon told me my teeth were ugly and I went home and cried.
69. I was such a loser in 4th grade.
70. I type 120 words per minute.
71. My brain works really randomly.
72. My mom's currently telling my grandmom how I'm a genius.
73. I'm not a genius, I swear.
74. I think you guys have already figured that out by, you know, conversing with me. I wonder if my mom tells other people that I'm a genius.
75. I'm actually pretty dumb, I can write decently but I swear just because I get good grades doesn't make me smart.
76. I put myself down a lot.
77. I'm just realistic.
78. I'm almost at the end.
79. I'm listening to taking back sunday right now, I feel like such a poser when I listen to taking back sunday.
80. I'm like incredibly fickle, I can never stick by what I say.
81. I don't like it when people can't ever not have a boyfriend, I think it's stupid. You need to be yourself without a boy. Same goes for guys I guess.
82. I think random hookups are the stupidest thing ever. I'm sorry, they just are.
83. I ordered a book of monologues two days ago. I hope I can find something good.
84. I ordered a coach purse too, it's for my mom and I to share. It's kind of boring, whatever.
85. This is 85...whenever I do something where I need to be 18, like sign up for myspace or something like that, I'm born in 1985.
86. Mostly because I like the song.
87. If I was born in 1985 I would be 19.
88. My birthday is July 17th
89. I don't like my birthday at all, I've always wanted to have a birthday in school, because when it's your birthday it seems like everyone knows. I mean the teachers know, and not only do your good friends know but sort of aquaintences know too. I nthe summer it's only the people that you hang out with that know it's your birthday or are talking to you to wish you a happy birthday. That's only like, 25ish people.
90. That was really long, but I really hate my birthday. This is my actual birth year.
91. I'm going to get my drivers liscence after everyone else, that will suck a lot.
92. I like my pool a lot, I don't care how bratty that sounds, I love my pool.
93. I don't think anyone will read all 100. If they
94. I can't think of 6 more.
95. I'm in a musical rut, I wish somebody would tell me a good CD to buy and it would blow me away.
96. Actually I have about 10 unopened CD's lying around that I bought myself. I'm lazy.
97. Tonight I'm going to watch Shrek 2, and sometime I'm going to go to the quarter and go to PF Changs and see Robots at the Imax theatre. That will make it so I've seen 3 animated movies in a row. Last night I watched Shark Tale.
98. Finding Nemo is one of my favorite movies ever. One of my other favorite movies ever is Forrest Gump. I like Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind a lot too.
99. I've seen Forrest Gump like 8 times. I like it better every time. Life is like a box of chocolates.
100. This is my last one, thank you for reading this if you actually did