Nov 14, 2004 17:15
Name: Leah
Birthday: 08.05.91
School: Stemmers
City: Essex
Have you ever
1. Been kissed: Yes
2. Done drugs: Yes
3. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yes
4. Eaten Sushi: Yes
5. Been on stage: Yes
6. Been dumped: Yes
7. Had someone be unfaithful to you: Yes
8. Gotten in a car accident: Yes
9. Watched Punky Brewster: No
10. Watched the Smurfs: Yes
11. Hiked a mountain: No
12. Stayed home on a Saturday Night, just because: Yes
13. Seen the White House: No
14. Cold or hot: Warm
15. Lace or Satin: Lace
16. Blue or Red: Orange
17. Rain or Snow: Drizzle
18. Give or Recieve: Give bcause you reciever a smile
19. Wool or Cotton: Cotton, Im allergric to wool
20. Rose or daisy: Rose
21. Private school or Public school: Public
22. Chocolate Milk or Plain Milk: Chocolate milk
23. Celsius or Farenheit: Farenheit
24. Spring or Fall: Both are pretty
25. History or Science: Chorus
26. Math or English: English
27. Alternative or Country: Alternative
Opposite Sex
29. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex: Yes
30. Do they know: Yes
31. What do you look for in a woman or man: Humor,kindness,just really a heart and someone who can have fun and show their inner self
Your Friends
33. Who's your funniest friend: Olivia
34. Who makes you laugh/smile the most: David
35. Who do you e-mail the most: I dont e-mail
36. Who's the loudest: David, even though he is quiet on the phone)
37. Who's the shyest: Brianna
38. Whose parents do you know the best: Olivia's
39. Who are you jealous of: Gorgicious people with wonderful bodies
40. Who has the best room: Not me since I don't have one... Olivia.. i like it cuz its normal... regular
Within the last 24 hours
41. Had a serious talk: Yes
42. Hugged someone: Yes
43. Gotten along with your parents: Yes And No
44. Fought with a friend: No
Do you like to
45. Give hugs: Yes
46. Give back rubs: Yes
47. Take walks in the rain: Yes
49. What color is your floor/carpet in your room: Room?
50. What was the last CD you bought: Probably Korn - Issues in the 5th grade
51. If you chew gum, what kind: All different kinds
52. Do you use chapstick: Sometimes, more of a lip gloss kid
53. What did you do this summer: Went to Florida
54. Gender: Female
55. Age: 13
56. Nicknames: Lei Lei, Emo Muffin, Emo pants, Gothic, Jerbang
57. Hair color: Redish brown with little blonde highlights
58. Eye color: It changes
59. Skin tone: Peachish tan
Which one of your Friends????
60. Is most likely to grow up to be a model: Olive
61. Which one knows most about you: David
62. Is most likely to become a comedian: They are all funny
63. Have you known the longest: Olive
64. You know most about: Olive
64. Who will send this back the quickest: None
65. Best Friends: Olive,Vicky
66. Is the smartest: Haha, good one
67. Most likely to end up in jail: Carissa for beating someone up just because it would be fun
68. Food: Cheesecake
69. T.V. Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
70. Drink: No-acoholic pina coladas
71. Movie: SLC Punk
72. Actor: Johnny Depp
73. Actress: Angelina Joline
74. Restaurant: Denny's they got good food
75. Place to be: Anywhere with my lovely friends
76. Song: Everclear - Wonderful
77. Singer/Group: Coheed And Cambria
78. Sport: Soft ball
79. Color: Green
80. Candy: Skittles and Mentos
Have you ever
81. Been to a concert: Yes
82. Been in a different country: :No
83. Loved someone so much it made you cry: Not sure it was love.
84. Cheated on a test: Yes
85. Smoked: Yes
86. Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else: No
87. Stole from somewhere or someone: Yes
88. Stalked someone: No
89. Single or taken: Taken
90. Who was or is your biggest crush: David
91. If you could go out with anyone who would it be: David, but I do go out with him
92. Have you had a lot of bf's/gf's: 6th grade yea. I was pretty then.
93. Have you ever had an online relationship: Lol, yea when I was 10.
94. What is your worst habit: Smoking?
95. What gets you really mad: Users,PromiseBreakers, my dad
96. Scariest moment: being put in the hospital
97. Happiest moment: My mom for once not lieing to me and admitting to my face she did drugs..I was proud she told the truth, for once.
98. Do you curse too much: No
99. What do you feel about homosexuals: How do you think since I'm partially one?
100. Do you dress like a slut/prep/snob/sporty/or just plain normal: Emo?
101. Are you a hottie with a body or a cutie with a booty: LMAO! Cutie with a body is bleh.
102. When was the last time you showered: Couple hours ago
103. What color pants do you on have right now: Denim Jeans
104. What song are you listening to right now: None
105. What is the last thing you said: I need a butt massage?
106. What is right next to you: A Chair and a water bed
107. What is your computer desk made of: Wood its alittle dresser
108. What was the last thing you ate: A pretzel
109. If you were a crayon what color would you be: Green
110. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: David and Olivia
111. Do you have a lava lamp: I use to
112. How many buddies do you have on your list: 69, weird, aa?
113. How's the weather right now: Cold
114. What did you do last night: Went to olivias, then she came over here.. then went to my dad's and got my feeligns hurt
115. Is it possible that their is anyone sexier than Patrick Foth: yes, David
116. Last person you talked to on the phone: Justin
118. Who do you admire most: Jamie
119. Fave Nsyncer: Well when I was way into them I liked JT
120. Do you like the person that sent this to you: Ah,He is cool
121. What is the nicest present you've gotten this year: Tell you the truth, nothing.
122. How do you eat an Oreo: Dunk it or open it up and lick it to hell
123. Fav M&M: Green
124. Who makes you happy: David and my friends
125. Fave CD: tenacious d
126: Height: 5'4
127. Siblings and their ages: Jamie,20 Shayne,12 Chad,18 Hunter 5 Matthew,5 Brandi,17
128. What do you like to do: Go to the mall, the movies,hanging out with my friends davey..getting on the computer, listening to music,going to concerts
129. Are you a loser: Usually Yea
130. Dream car: Doesn't mater long as it isn't a piece of crap
131. Have you ever won any special awards: No
132. What do you want to be when you grow up: Model (Ha, like that will happen) or a Photographer
133. What are your future goals: Get married, have a familly, hopefully be successful?
134. Fave music: techno,Trance,Emo,Pop Punk...