UBER BORED! theres like 5 surveys under here

Feb 16, 2005 18:34

001) What time are you starting this? 5:34 In the PM
002) What is your name? Leah
003) Date of birth: The month of June, on the 11th day in the year of 1989
004) Sex: Female
005) Height: dunno 5 feet 5 inchs?
006) Eye color: brown
007) hair color: brown...with some highlights
008) Location: in a chair...in my house...in west jewfield
009) Where were you born? Donetsk, Ukrain
010) Have you ever failed a grade? Nope
011) If you have, what grade did you fail? i havnt
012) Do you have crush on someone? fo sho
013) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
014) If so, what is his/her name? n/a
015) How long have you been together? n/a
016) What are you wearing right now? pj pants and a tshirt
017) Would you have sex before marriage? probably
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? haha...frayfray?
019) Are you a virgin? yessum
020) Do you smoke? nope
021) Do you drink? nope
022) Are you ghetto? OH FO SHO! lol my spanish name is shaniqua :)
023) Are you a player? nope
024) What are your favorite colors? ORANGE! and gold
025) What is your favorite animal? hmm..monkeys
026) Do you have any birthmarks? im sure i do somewhere
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?  nope
028) Who are your best friends? i have a bunch
029) Have you ever beat someone up? no
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone? um...i dont talk on the phone
031) Have you ever been slapped? yes
032) Do you get online a lot? YES!
033) Are you shy or outgoing?  shy at firs tthen outgoing
034) Do you shower? umm of course i shower
035) Do you hate school? hmm...i hate the learning part
036) Do you have a social life? kinda
037) How easily do you trust people? very easily
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends? maybe
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? nope
040) Would you ever sky dive? HELL YEA
041) Do you like to dance? not really
068) Have you ever been out of state? yes
069) Do you like to travel ? love it
070) Have you ever been expelled from school? no
071) Have you ever been suspended from school? yes
071) Do you want to get out of your hometown? yea
072) Are you spoiled? not really
073) Are you a brat? i dont think so
074) Have you ever been dumped? nope
075) Have you ever gotten high? nope
076) What's your favorite drink? pop
077) Do you like Snapple? never had it
078) Do you drink a lot of water? yea
079) What toothpaste do you use? umm crest i think
080) Do you have a cell phone or pager? no :(
081) Do you have a curfew? not really
082) Who do you look up to? people taller than me
083) Are you a role model? not that i know of
085) What name brand do you wear the most? um...i dont do much name brand stuff
086) What kind of jewelry do you wear? none....maybe my cartalidge peircing when i actuaally get it peirced
087) What do you have pierced? just ears
088) What do you want pierced? 3 in one cartalidge, 2 in the other and double peircings
089) Do you like taking pictures? not with me in it
090) Do you like getting your picture taken?nope
091) Do you have a tan? nooo
092) Do you get annoyed easily? yea kinda....even tho i am annoying myself
093) Have you ever started a rumor? no
094) Do you have your own phone/phone line? nope
095) Do you have your own pool? nope
096) Do you have any siblings? yes 2
097) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?boxers
098) Have you ever been played? no
099) Have you ever played anyone? no
100) Do you get along with your parents? not really
102) How do you vent your anger? blast my msuic
103) Have you ever run away? yea...but no...lol i ran away once but i came back home like an hour or 2 later
104) Have you ever been fired from a job? nope
105) Do you even have a job?  nope
106) Do you daydream a lot? YEA
107) Do you have a lot of exes? nope
108) Do you run your mouth? no
109) What do you want a tattoo of? hmm maybe something little but i dunno what
110) What do you have a tattoo of? none
111) What are your favorite flowers? ?? white roses
112) What does your ex look like? n/a
113) What does your most recent crush look like? a boy...with hair..and eyes..and a mouth..and a nose...and hands..and feet...
114) Have you ever been bitched out? probably
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out? ??? 
116) Are you rude? i can be...but im not
117) What was the last great compliment you received? ???  kellie told me i was smart?
118) Do you like getting dirty? um
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? iinnie
120) Are you flexible? NOT AT ALL1
121) What is your heritage? russian
122) What is your lucky number? 13
123) What does your hair look like right now? i dunno...its on my head i cant see
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian? i prolly can...bu ti dont want to be
125) When was your last real heartbreak? ??
126) Describe your looks? my looks? well i am umm a grl with brown hair...and ugh i dont want to
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? hmm brown..lol
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you? maybe...not that much younger...only a year
129) Would you ever date someone older than you? fo sho...but not too much older...3 yrs at most..for now..when i get older that will change
130) When was the last time you were drunk? new years eve
131) When was the last time you went on a date? n/a
132) Would you rather give or receive oral sex? i dunno...
133) Have you ever given? nhope
134) Have you ever received? nope
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder? no
136) Do you have one now? no
137) How many rings until you answer the phone? 2
138) Have you ever been skinny dipping?  umm i dont thinkso
139) If yes, when was the last time? ???
140) Do you look more like your mother or father? my aunts
141) Do you cry a lot? yes
142) Do you ever cry to get your way? umm i prolly have b4
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be? probably...my right arm
144) What's your favorite phrase? your mom goes to college
145) Are you the romantic type? i think so
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?  no
147) What do you like most about your body? eyes
148) What do you like least about your body? weight
150) When was the last time you threw up? umm in june i think lol
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? i like both
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like? vans
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? no sirre
154) What about cleavage? umm?
155) Is your best friend a virgin? i beleive they all are
156) Have you ever fucked someone up? no...i dont like these ?'s lol
157) Have you ever been fucked up? no lol
158) What color are your underwear right now? umm white
159) What theme does your room have? no themse...
160) What size shoe do you wear? 10.5 in womans
161) What jewelry are you wearing now? none
162) What is your screen name on AIM? Leahpeah611
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public? probably haha
164) How are you feeling right now? okay
165) When was the last time you were at a party? umm new years?
166) Have you ever given a lap dance?no
167) What do you sleep in? pj pants and tshirt
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? maybe?
169) What is one of your bad qualities? umm i get annoying
170) What is one of your good qualities? i am nice
171) Would you marry for money? no
172) What do you drive? nothing YET
173) Have you ever given or received road head? wtf...no
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child? im more of a daddys grl
175) What does your username mean? its my name nickname and bday
176) What's your favorite journal to read? umm my friends journas?
177) When was the last time you cried in school? umm that time during BNW
178) Do you wear Chucks? nah
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy? if i was hot lol
180) What time are you finishing this? umm right now its 6;03...but i took a break

[X] I miss somebody right now.
[ ] I don't watch much TV these days.
[ ] I love olives.
[X] I love sleeping.
[ ] I own lots of books
[ ] I wear glasses or contact lenses.
[X] I love to play video games.
[ ] I've tried marijuana.
[ ] I've watched porn movies.
[ ] I have been in a threesome.
[ ] I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
[ ] I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
[ ] I have acne free skin.
[ ] I like and respect Al Sharpton.
[ ] I curse frequently.
[X] I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
[ ] I have a hobby.
[ ] I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me
[ ] I'm smart.
[ ] Ive never broken someone else's bones.
[ ] I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
[ ] I hate the rain.
[X] I'm paranoid at times.
[X] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[X] I need money right now!
[ ] I love Sushi.
[X] I talk really, really fast.
[X] I have semi-long hair.
[ ] I have lost money in Las Vegas.
[X] I have at least one brother and/or one sister.
[X] I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
[X] I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a regular basis.
[ ] I have a twin.
[X] I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
[ ] I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
[ ] I like the way that I look sometimes.
[ ] I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months
[ ] I know how to cornrow.
[ ] I am usually pessimistic.
[X] I have a lot of mood swings.
[ ] I think prostitution should be legalized.
[ ] I think Britney Spears is hot.
[ ] I have cheated on a significant other in the past.
[ ] I have a hidden talent.
[X] I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
[ ] I think that I'm popular.
[ ] I have kissed someone of the same sex.
[ ] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[X] I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
[ ] I love to shop.
[ ] I would rather shop than eat.
[ ] I would classify myself as ghetto.
[ ] I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
[ ] I'm obsessed with my Xanga or myspace.
[X] I don't hate anyone. I dislike them.
[ ] I'm a pretty good dancer.
[ ] I don't think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
[ ] I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
[ ] I have a cell phone.
[ ] I believe in God.
[X] I watch MTV on a daily basis.
[ ] I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
[X] I love drama.
[X] I have never been in a real relationship before.
[ ] I've rejected someone before.
[X] I currently have a crush on someone.
[X] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[X] I want to have children in the future.
[X] I have changed a diaper before.
[ ] I've called the cops on a friend before.
[X] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am a member of the Tom Green fan club
[ ] I'm not allergic to anything
[X] I have a lot to learn.
[ ] I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger
[ ] I plan on seeing Ice Cube's newest "Friday" movie.
[X] I am very shy around the opposite sex sometimes
[X] Im online 24/7, even as an away message.
[X] I have at least 5 away messages saved.
[X] I have tried alcohol or drugs before.
[ ] I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past
[ ] I own the "South Park" movie.
[ ] I have avoided assignments at work (or school) to be on Xanga or myspace
[ ] When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum
[ ] I enjoy some country music.
[ ] I would die for my best friend.
[ ] I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
[ ] I watch soap operas whenever I can
[ ] I'm obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist
[ ] I have used my sexuality to advance my career
[ ] I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all
[ ] I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children’s Story"
[X] Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
[ ] I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
[ ] I have dated a close friend's ex.
[X] I am happy at this moment.

LAYER ONE: On The Outside
Name: leah 
Birth date:june 11th
Birth place: ukraine
Current location: west jewfield
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown w. some highlights
Height: 5.5 ish
Righty or Lefty: lefty
Zodiac Sign: gemini

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Your heritage: russian jew
Shoes you wore today: didnt wear any today
Weakness: trusting
Your fears: dying, drowning
Your perfect: my perfect?
Goal you'd like to achieve: graduate hs and get into a good college

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
Your thoughts first waking up: what timeis it
Your best physical feature: eyes
Your bedtime: none
Your most missed memory: blake

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group dates: single probably
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: none

Smoke: no
Take a shower everyday: yes
Have a crush(es): yep
Think you've been in love: no
Like(d) high school: its alright
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: yes
Get motion sickness: kinda
Think you're attractive: no
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parent(s): not relaly
Like thunderstorms: yes
Play an instrument: no

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...
Drank alcohol: no
Made Out: no
Gone on a date:no
Gone to the mall?:no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:no
Eaten sushi: yes
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: yes darkened it
Stolen anything: umm id ont think so...not intentionally

Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something": no
Been called a tease: no
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: yes

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: mid 20's
Numbers and Names of Children: 2 dunno
Describe your dream wedding: witht he perfect guy
How do you want to die: peacefully
What do you want to be when you grow up: ??? happy
What country would you most like to visit: Australia...and Ukraine..see where i was born

LAYER NINE: In a guy
Best eye color?: anything
Best hair color? light brown..black? blond i dont care lol
Short or long hair? i like relaly short...like buz...i like long..but not too long...i like inbetween
Height: taller than me a little bit
Best first date location: Dinner..so we can talk and get to know eachother..then take a walk..outside...so the weather shoudl be good hehe

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
Number of people I could trust with my life: i dunno
Number of CD's: a lot
Number of piercings: 2
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper?: ??
Number of scars on my body 1
Number of things in my past that I regret? 0

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had: green day tickets, cell phone, a car, michael vartan and billie joe armstrong :)
Name Four Scents You Love:vanilla...strawberry, umm i dunno..
Name Four Things You Did Today: sleep, update my lj, talk to people online, and watch tv
What is your current relationship status? single
What is your sexual orientation? umm straight?
What sort of people do you like, as far as what their interests are in life? umm people who dont give a shit about what others think of them
What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? i dont care
What fashion-sense attracts you? different
What kind of hair style do you find attractive on a potential mate? hmm..i like it all as long as it fits the person..for example...michael vartan looks bad with shaggy hair...on the other hand someone with shaggy hair might look bad with short haril...it has to fit them
What usual age range you look at? anything within 3 yrs for now
What traits turn you off? smoking?
Are you afraid to ask people out on dates? yes
If you're single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?yes
What are the positive points about being single? u can flirt? i dunno lol
What are the negative points about being single? valentines day lol
When single, do you often find yourself longing for companionship? yes
How well do you handle rejection? dunno
Do you miss your last sweetie? n/a
Do you think it's better to look for love or let it find you? let it find u 
Do you think couples should spend a very large amount of time together or space things out a tad? space out a tad
Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment? no
When involved with a person, do you try to think about the here and now or do you often think of the future? ??
How do you prefer to handle disagreements? what kind of ?'s rthese
How do you feel when people are mad at you and won't tell you why? i hate that
Do you have a crush right now? yes
What's the longest period of time you've ever had a crush? oh my...3 years
Have you ever confessed your feelings to a crush?  yes
Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? yes
Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? no
How do you feel about long-distance relationships? i think if u really love someone it can work out
Have you ever pined for someone when you're not around them? huh?
Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? pprobably
What would you do if you got pregnant while in a relationship?i wouldnt get pregnant
Would you get involved with someone if they were previously married? yes
How big of an issue is religion to your compatibility? not big issue for me...for my parents it is
How big of an issue to you is your mate's ethnicity? none really..but then again...parents
In a potential mate, how important is intelligence to you? well i would want him to be no dumber than me
In a potential mate, how important is a sense of humor to you? important
What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? when a guy does somethign cute/romantic
What part of a person's body do you find most attractive? eyes and hair
What's the first thing you look at when you look at someone you're attracted to? face
How important are the looks of a mate's face to you? it depends on the personality
How important are the looks of a mate's body to you? if a good personality then not important
Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with? nope
What are your ticklish areas? everywhere...i dont like to be touched
Are you a virgin? yes
If not, would you consider your first time to have been a good one? n/a
How old were you when you lost your virginity? n/a
Have you ever had sex with someone you loved? n/a
Have you ever turned down an offer for sex? n/a
How much do you think sex changes a relationship? i dunno...once u have sex with someone..things are jkinda differnt...ur closer n a way..
On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being the highest] how would you rate your sexual attractiveness? 1
On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being highest] how would you rate your kink factor? 1
How do you feel about casual sex?  eh..
Would you stay with a lover if the love stopped but the sex was still enjoyable? no i dont like these?'s
Would you stay with a lover if the sex stopped/got boring but there was still love? ????
Do you believe in love? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? no
Has someone ever told you they loved you? not in a...relationship sexual way lol
Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it? not like that way...u no
Have you ever told someone you loved them and not meant it? no
Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? ?
Have you ever been married? no
How do you feel about marriage? ill do it when the time is right
If you're currently not married, do you foresee yourself ever tying the knot? yes
Do you plan on having children someday? yes
Have you ever had your heart broken? no
Has a romantic companion ever made you cry? n/a
Have you ever made a romantic companion cry? n/a
Have you ever had an emotional pain so bad it made you sick or physically hurt? no

1) Starting Time: 6:24
2) Name: leah
3) Nicknames: leahpeah peepee pee shaniqua
4) School: WBHS
5) Hair color: brown
6) Eyes: brown
7) Height: 5.5ish
8) Siblings: 2 sisters
9) Ever Been So Drunk You Black Out: no
10) Missed School because it was raining: hhaa no
11) Set any body part on fire for amusement: my hair
12) Kept a secret from everyone: yes
13) Had an imaginary friend: no
14) Wanted to hook up with a friend: no
15) Cried during a flick: HAHA YEA
16) Ever Liked A Teacher: frayfray
17) Ever thought an animated character was hot: umm maybe
18) Ever prank called someone: yes
19) Deodorant: umm secret
20) Shampoo: herbal essence
21) Soap: umm dove?
22) Colors: orange
23) Radio station: 89x
24) Kind of music: alternative
25)Satin or silk: silk?
26) Cartoon Character: ?
27) Sex or shopping: neither
--------------FRIENDS AND CRUSHES------------
27) Have a bf/gf: no
28) Have you ever loved anyone:no
29) Loudest friend: me der
30) Who is the smartest: umm..natalie
31) Who do you go to for advice: fima mostly..oh and sonya and kellie
32) Who do you cry to: nobody
33) Been Mean: yea ive been man b4
34) Been sarcastic: yes
35) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes
36) Missed someone: yes
37) Called off work just because? i dont work
38) Fought with your parents: dont all teens
39) Wished upon a star: yea a shooting one
40) Laughed until you cried: yes
41) Watched a sunrise/sunset: yes
42) Went to the beach at night: yes
43) Are you happy: yes
44) Are you talking to someone:no
---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
45) God/Devil: neithjer
46) Loving someone: yes
47) Angels/Demons: umm not really
48) Heaven/Hell: nopr
49) Where did your name come from: the bible
50) When was the last time you showered: last night
51) What is right next to you: phone
52) What is your computer desk made of: wood
53) What are the last 4 digits in your phone:2630
54) What was the last thing you ate: umm an orange
55) What is your biggest fear? dying and drowning
56) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my lover
57) How many buddies do you have on your list: 200
58) How's the weather right now: crappy
59) Have you ever-smoked pot: no
60) Do you eat Oreo's: not much
61) Have you ever lied to a very important person: my parnets
62) Favorite Song: basketcase - greenday
63) Favorite Food: general tsos chicken
64) Scariest Movies: umm i dunno
65) Are you to shy to ask a boy/girl out:yes
66) If you could change your name, what would it be: shaniqua
67) What will your first son's name be?: dunno
68)Daughter's name will be: ??
69) Favorite drink: pop
70) Do you like scary or happy movies:sad
71) Do you like talking to people on the phone or in person: person
72) Lust or love: love
73) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: i gues
74) Do you want your friends to do this and send it back:no
75) How much time did you spend on this quiz (so far): like an hour haha
77) Have u ever had a hickey: nope
78) What's the best flavor of tic-tac: orange
79) What's your favorite language you can't speak: russian
80) Dysfunctional family: huh?
81) Favorite Sports: basketball
82) Favorite Animals: monkey
83) Finishing Time: 6:33

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