Dec 09, 2009 17:47
I have that song in my head. Our class is going to be recording a holiday CD and that is one of the songs on it. I think the hardest song will be John Lennon's "Happy Xmas" only because they don't know it at all.
Anyway, there is a good chance that we'll have a snow day tomorrow. I would obviously love to have a snow day. However, if we do have school, it can't be crappy driving out. I HATE driving when it's slippery. It makes me so anxious. Orchard Park cancelled all after school activities for today.
I am waiting for Dave to get home from work so we can make dinner, design our Christmas cards, and possibly play a board game. The weather is getting progressively worse, so I hope he comes home soon. It is Wednesday, however. Wednesdays are the days where he has a meeting after work, so he comes home a bit later.
If only snow fell softly and slowly...not accompanied by freezing rain, sleet, black ice, slippery roads...