Started writing Oct 5, 3 AM

Oct 05, 2012 20:34

Man, all that talk about pushing myself to not miss a day and I have been remiss. My apologies. Probably not going to post until hours after writing this, because it's really late and I'm probably putting typos everywhere. Writing without looking at the screen = fun times.
Well, I applied for a job. Not a big job, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up. The local malls' Halloween stores have opened up, and they're looking for warm bodies for the month. I think that'd be really fun to work in, so I took note of the website and checked it out once I got home. The site itself seems to be an online job application thing, so that's nice. Though it doesn't seem to-- well it says it lists job opps in my area, but when I searched after finishing the application, it said there were none. A little bit hard to believe. Anyway, hoping to hear back from the shop in Hadley soon. I've never worked in retail, but I think this would be a fun place to start.
Also went shopping yesterday - found the Marvel movies with special features for cheap, so picked up Iron Man and Incredible Hulk. Also found a lot of World of Darkness books for a bargain. I feel a little guilty about the whim purchase, but that's another reason I applied to the Halloween store. I will apply to more if I get rejected, and just... keep hunting. Short term: day-to-day job. Long term... dreams. Working in animation, or cinematography. I have passion; it is unfocused.
Volunteering at the library in the morning to early afternoon. There's a big pile of unopened boxes oat my workstation, so we'll probably be cataloging a lot of new books. Hooray. Though, after Tuesday, it's not like we're falling behind. I'd cleared so much off the shelves, I was looking for more things to do.
The weather's been rather awful of late. Beautiful fall foliage against a dull, slate grey sky. And after sunset, the clouds muffle the light so everything's in a dark, dark grey murk. Also it's humid as all get-out.
Gonna try to to say fewer unpleasant words. Don't want to upset customers >_>; I think I'm fairly good about that, but it's not 100 percent. I think the whole concept of words being harmful and taboo is kinda silly, but why not avoid conflict. Judging by some of the questions that job app asked, I should expect shoplifting co-workers, unreasonable bosses, etc. I'll try not to cause problems, just to make things a little easier.
I don't know if I'm making sense. I'm trying to write myself to sleep, which worked for me once a long time ago. Unfortunately I might be too focused on the keyboard to properly relax. Curses. Haven't really done much with my WoD story either. Maybe I should just end the log here and try going to sleep the normal way.

I'll leave it here for now. I dont feel like editing just yet. Night.
Sure enough, more than 12 hours later :P Not much else has happened since - sure enough, had a lot of books to process, but got through all of it within a couple hours. Also had good weather, finally, so I spent a lovely afternoon outside, waiting for the store to call me back. Still hoping. Later ^_^

Oh, PS - Oct 03, NEVER FORGET. Go watch Fullmetal Alchemist ^_^
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