February Post 14 - Not a Month Summary

Feb 29, 2012 03:04

Well, Happy Leap Year. Day.
Well, I didn't post every day like I'd hoped, but it could have gone worse. Maybe I'll keep up an LJ goal, but go for once every two days or something, and see where I get with that. It's not like I have nothing to write about. I just need to focus it.
Writing I should/could work on:
- Elysium world-building and writing down the mechanics booklet.
- fanfics: MLP world-building, Naruto ghost AU, Naruto Tamers crossover, Naruto Obito AU
- online RPG, Promethean...
- The goddamn Chronicle write-up. Along with a lot of other write-ups I never got around to. And those memes >_>
I have things to do, I just need to do them.
I also want to follow my therapist's advice and start dedicating an hour a day to modifying my resume. It's not. fucking. hard. And maybe it would be more effective at soothing my emotional issues than therapy, which, at times, only seems to be adding to them. Apparently clearing out my baggage and then becoming a functional member of society isn't going to work.
I need to find a way to smack some sense into myself. And stop giving myself anxiety attacks and serious gloom fits over little things. I don't want to keep sitting out of mock combat practice because I think I'm going to bash someone's head in and then crying because I'm an awful person and a failure who doesn't deserve people's attention. Maybe it is just an adrenaline reaction to getting hit in the face like T said, but it's it's clearly compounded with other things, and, honestly, scaring me. It's not the first time it's happened, and it's not what a sane, healthy me should do.
Maybe I am just a violent little prima donna at my core.
I've at least applied to a couple jobs; they just see no need to be polite and turn me down over the phone.

If I feel better tomorrow I may write again. emanga, I will definitely need advice on that Naruto/Tamers crossover if you have time :P Also will be busy this weekend at a foam weaponry LARP, so that'll be interesting.
See you in March :)
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