I'm first in line at the DMV, I'll sweet talk you just give me the keys.

Jun 05, 2006 22:34

I LOVE the English class I'm taking right now. Just when I was starting to think I was just floating through my whole education here, constantly half awake (at best) in huge ass lectures halls, a class like this comes around and I'm totally into this whole learning thing again. I've decided the problem is required classes. They're stupid and awful and while I know they're supposed to serve a purpose, I can very rarely see it. Anyway back to my English class. It's amazing. It's "writing as exploration" and we read and discuss all kinds of "creative non-fiction". We just got done reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius", one of the first "required readings" for a class that I've enjoyed in a long, long time. It's very chaotic but really interesting not only for content but in the style it's written in. After reading so many textbooks and books that might as well be textbooks it's so nice to read something that's written the way REAL people think.

I got a paper back today too. All was well except my grammar, which has always been terrible. Over the years I've found out that I love writing and using words to express my thoughts but I really couldn't give a shit about the "rules" of writing. Being that I'm going to be a teacher (and maybe sometime in my life a high school English one at that) it would probably be a good idea for me to start paying more attention to some of those rules. Just a thought,(In the meantime if anyone would like to edit my papers for me, I wouldn't be opposed. :) So anyway, as if the class wasn't already interesting, engaging, and an all around good time, the TA is extremly attractive. We're talking young, english student, black glasses, messy hair...h-o-t. Did I mention how much I love this class? haha, see it DOES pay to take summer classes.

Math is also going almost ridiculosly well (considering that I'm the most mathematically challenged person EVER.) I got a 76% on a quiz that was handed back today. That might not sound so great to some of you until you take into account that it was actually a percent higher than the class average and this is my SECOND time taking this class. I'm pretty sure that the highest grade I ever got the first time around was about a 36%. So basically I'm kicking ass and super excited about it and just wanted to share it with you all.

Other than classes my schedule for the summer is starting to get pretty hectic but I'm totally not complaining. Lisa (my roommate) and I are thinking about going to see Teddy Geiger in August (I'm REALLY starting to like him). We wanted to see the Fray (who are playing on my birthday) but of course I have class till 10 so that's a no. Lots of good plans though so I'm super excited. However, on a less exciting note, I really need to get some of my homework done.

Have a great night friends :)
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