Crash and burn

Aug 15, 2008 15:30

The past couple of days have been really emotionally draining.

I'm not going to talk about today.

Yesterday, my 20-year-old brother was in a motorcycle accident. He was thrown 85 feet from his bike. His head apparently bounced off the tire of an oncoming truck. When the police and medics got to the scene, he was unconscious. The medics had to cut off his clothes. They thought he would never wake up, let alone walk again.

Miraculously, he didn't break a single bone. He has no internal bleeding. He's really badly cut up as the above photo shows, but he'll be okay. This is so ridiculously lucky. Two more feet and he would have landed in oncoming traffic. If it hadn't been for the expensive helmet he bought just a couple of months ago, he would have probably suffered brain damage at best - death at worse. It's a miracle that he didn't break his neck or his back.

I've never felt as terrified as I was when I got the call that he'd been in an accident and was in the hospital. I can't imagine what I'd do if he died.

I'm lucky that he got so lucky.

Dear friends - please wear a helmet when you ride, even here in NH where you don't have to. Actually, if you could just avoid motorcycles altogether, that'd be really great. Thank you. Love, Leah.
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