the most loving way you can behave
- ask for exactly what you want
- tell the absolute truth about what you want.
- clearly let others involved know your expectations of them.
- ask for clarity about what is expected of you.
- tell the absolute truth about your ability to live up to the expectations of others.
- renegotiate any agreement you have made if you find that you're unable to keep the agreement.
- honor what you feel, first to yourself, then to others around you.
- remain open to hearing what others want and expect, without feeling you have to do anything about it.
- never dishonor or deny yourself, or what you feel, simply to please someone else.
- be willing to surrender (give up) what you want or expect when surrendering it serves a greater purpose, such as healing or generating more love.
- be willing to forgive people for the things they do or fail to do in fear or anger.
- be willing to forgive yourself for the things you do in fear or anger.
- bless every experience and ask that divine will and understanding be granted to you and others.
- living in the meantime by iyanla vanzant