It's Blog Chain Time again, and this time the topic was picked by
Elana. The question was When you're in a pool of writing funk, how do you get out?
Basically, when you're bummed and your writing isn't going as planned, what do you do to get out of it? Personally, I'm a ponderer. I'll throw some tracks on repeat and zone out. Sometimes it lasts for a few minutes, other times it lasts for days. I've found that by just clearing my mind and not focusing on the problem, a solution usually comes to me in some way, shape or form. For a long time while writing Reapers I was really unsure of one of my character's motivations. I knew this person was important, I just wasn't sure how so I kept typing away, not quite knowing what the deal was but making progress. When a song I'd downloaded randomly (I liked other songs by the band) came on, everything snapped into focus and I was able to keep writing. Sometimes, it's not that easy, and when the rejections get to be a bit much, and the story's not flowing, sometimes the best thing to do is something else. That's right. See, there's a whole world that I sometimes forget about, one that goes on with or without me. It's called Real Life. In it are my family, who's phonecalls cheer me up (Sorry, Elana, but when I'm bumming I totally call my mom ;) ) and my very patient friends, who are usually game for a movie or dinner. Sure, it's not as exciting as torturing my characters, but sometimes excitement is overrated.
Now, I'm not sure how this will help you. See, everyone is different. You've gotta figure out what works for you, and what doesn't. That's part of becoming a stronger writer.
Elana also requested that we post our favorite funny thing that makes us happy. For getting out of a bad mood? For writing? I'm not entirely sure. The only thing I do know is that most of my favorite quotes, poems, and Youtube videos have made various blog chains in the past. Last one in my arsenal is
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Alright, kiddies! Next up in the chain is