ok so i went to Paul Smith's College of the Adirondacks on...yesterday. the 8th. i think. anyways. it's a really small school, only 800-830 "degree seeking undergrads"as collegeboard.com loves to say. it's a B-E-A-U-TIFUL campus. it's not a traditional college, you know brick walls and ivy and such. it's in the adirondack style, with lots of wood, browns and greens. there is an amazing hotel that is operated by the Hotel Management and Culinary students. that's where we stayed thursday night.
when we got to the college, i got to met the lady that would be my counselor/addmissions person. she's really nice and peppy. very energetic and happy to be where she is....out in the middle of the adirondacks....in the middle of nowhere.
that's the library. it was really nice. the side that you can see is the south side of the building. the north side is built into a hill. so on the north side you walk in and you're on the ground level. then cross over to the other side of the building and you're on the second story. it's got the whole passive heating cooling thing that we learned about in AP Environmental (Darla, Celi, and Jen: you should remember this....but we were probably talking and not paying any attention during that lesson....lol)
there's no smoking in all but one of the dorms, so all smokers get put in that dorm. this is good. i'm glad i don't have to worry about having to deal with someone smoking in the room. there's also a substance free dorm (maybe 2) that allows no kind of...anything. but that's a bit much. oh and when i say dorm....it's more like....there's 2 people per room. 10 rooms per wing. 2 wings per building. 2 floors per building. so 80 people per residency hall. there's different combonations though. one of the "halls" houses a whopping 18 students. that's the substance free one that i talked about already.
ok i'll edit this later. it's time for me to go get some shut eye.