September and an Ottawa appearance!

Sep 06, 2016 16:43

Now that we’re past Labour Day (and what turned into an eight-hour jam-making marathon over here; I have so much jam, guys) it’s going to be a full September for events: I’m going to be hosting a stage at Word on the Street, running a launch-day Facebook event takeover, and panelling this weekend at Ottawa’s 2016 CanCon, which is right downtown this year and shaping up to look great! Here’s my quick panel schedule for the convention:

Friday, September 9

8:00 pm Story Structure - Sunset Room
Sheila Williams, Sam Morgan, Ranylt Richildis, Leah Bobet, Nina Munteanu (m)

From the perspectives of literary agent, editors and writers, our panel discusses story structure, both the old standards and more experimental structures that have worked.

Saturday, September 10

11:00 am Reading - An Inheritance of Ashes - Guildhall
Leah Bobet

Leah Bobet reads from her Aurora-winning novel An Inheritance of Ashes

6:00 pm Youth Gateways Into Genre Fiction - Zenith Room
Ed Willett, Leah Bobet (m), Fanny Darling, Mark Shainblum

Every author can probably, tell you when they first got interested in their chosen genre. Today, though, the way that younger readers are accessing speculative fiction is much different than it was even five years ago. How are new readers being hooked into sci-fi, fantasy or horror? Have there been changes for older readers, too, and has this changed the way we write or market our fiction?

Sunday, September 11

12:00 pm Amazing Books in the Different Subgenres of SF - Zenith Room
Timothy Gwyn (m), Leah Bobet, Lisa Toohey, Jonathan Crowe, Amal El-Mohtar

Science fiction is bubbling over with new ideas and new voices. Our panel discusses must-read works that have been published in the last couple of years.


I’ll be stopping into the Rideau Chapters to sign stock on Saturday as well, and leaving a few autographed - and personalized, if you want them! - books there.


Looking forward to seeing you, Ottawa!

Originally published at Leah Bobet. You can comment here or there.
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