So, the latest news in my world is that my "beautiful" city is now not only famous for building a ship that killed over 1000 people, nearly a century of conflict resulting from religious ignorance and the fattiest diet in the whole of the UK....we have had one of the biggest bank robberies in the UK (rumours abound that it's the whole world...but I doubt that is true) Don't know if anyone else picked up on this...perhaps in the UK as it was on the National news, perhaps not in the US?!?! Correct me if I'm wrong!
To cut a long story short, the two bank managers taken hostage along with families on Sunday night, bank officials have to go to work on Monday and act like nothing has happened. They let staff go home early, robbers pull van up beside doors of vaults on monday night and load (estimated figure) over £22 million in the back. The families and bank officials released shaken but not injured (as far as I know) Everyone finds out on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning everyone has a theory and the jokes about £22 million transfers of football players to N. Irish teams are rife!! There are lots of little details but that is the gist of it. Interesting facts: I get the bus across the road from that bank every morning, my ex-boyfriend works on the 2nd floor of the bank (none of the staff had a clue what was happening) The police were informed on Sunday night that there was suspicious activity in the area and did not follow up on the info! The bank is in the city centre, right beside several shops, bars AND City Hall. It was late night Xmas shopping and the vault doors were down an alley off the main street beside city one had a clue! It's pure madness! It's parts of the films "Bandits" and "Oceans Eleven" all rolled into one and seems implausible.
Anyway, the other news in my life is that things with the wife are getting better, there are still issues bubbling under the surface but we are not ignoring them and are both really making the effort to work on what's bothering us! I'm really looking forward to Christmas now and just wish it was tomorrow night so I wouldn't have to go to work for a few days!
This week I managed to spill coffee all over my keyboard and destroy it!! The boss wasn't too happy but it meant I got a shiny new one that makes everything else on my desk look disgustingly dirty (which they are!) He even surprised me by saying I might be getting a new PC (when he says new, he means newer second hand!!) My computer in work currently has a pitiful 1gb hard drive, bearing in mind nearly all basic computers come with 80gb nowadays! It is unable to cope with more than one thing at a time and I have to have 3 programs running at the same time if I want to get any work done!!!! My plan is to slowly spill liquids over all my office equipment and maybe get a system that wasn't manafactured along with the first computers in the first half of the last century!!
zero2aries Thansk for your card. It is gracing our hall table along with the flowers and plants we received at our party. The hall is becoming the most festive room in the whole house!
x_wastedtears_x and
xtwistedxfairyx behind the cut are some more Natasha pics for drooling purposes. They are some older ones that I found so they might not be as good as the more recent ones. As for the Champion of Champions...they were amazing together but I understnad they weren't technically as good as Jill and Darren. I really like Jill, she seems really down to earth and she looks pretty fine as Roxie in Chicago too....check out the pics (Natasha and Jill)
Natasha...divine as always...
This one of Jill as Roxie isn't the best but the bottom one is nice...??? Comments please! My gf has always liked her but until SCD I hadn't really thought she was that attractive!!?!??!