(no subject)

Dec 09, 2004 16:13

Another (supposedly) quick update! I am still suffering form that persistent cough. I tried to get up for work but the wife had to physically restrain me from getting out of bed. She knows how hard it is for a control freak like me to stay off work and actually lie still and do nothing (that's why I'm on the 'puter!!) I can't rest properly anyway with this cough so I may as well do something constructive. I really have to be well for work tomorrow as I will have a lot to catch up on and I can't afford to lose another day's pay! We start paying our rates out of this months pay!! Not looking forward to that!

Still working away on the website but I got caught up in doing too much research and not getting enough actual work done! Will just have to knuckle down and get it finished...the relief is going to be immense when I finally do get finished.

Here are some pics of our Xmas decorations. The top is (obviously) our Xmas tree with our groovy Red Disco Ball on top instead of a star or angel. The other ones are of the hallway garland going up the stairs with our Xmas cards along the bottom. jrosestar is the furthest right...with the horse on it. Thanks!

Must go and attempt to get some work done before I get the dinner on!
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