The girls came over today..... played the guitar ... made music was fun i went to my room and sed rite i no wha... and then i fell over and gor crushed by the chair they found it very funny!!! I feel really awful for adrienne though coz i smacked her in the head twice really hard with the guitar so hard the second time she was in tears:( IM SORRY SO SO SORRY :| we spent 5 hours playing the guitars:| AND I LEARNED HOW TO PLAY SHE WANTS TO BE ME SOLO ON THE GUITAR yay!!!!
I know its blurrry but hey!!!
im so bored and feel so down i dont know why :) i have sumone on my mind:D and its not who ize thinks it is:) I duno if i shud bother having tha one on my mind...... maybe its a waste of time..... or maybe it isnt.... you never know. I seen him today and almost caught myself dribllling i hope he didn notice i was looking! Ahh well so bored and tired but i cant sleep coz everythings buggin me and i dun have to ger up early in thew morning and plus! the girls wrecked my rtoom theres rainbow drops everywhere coz we where watching the grudge and one of the girls went boo! on a scary part and i sceramed and tipped them everywhere
Awww well im off now Sallong xXxXxXx