Thursday night were banquet and bash, both of which were fun. The food at banquet was terrible, and the slideshow contained pictures of all of the same people, but it was fun. Bash was AMAZING. The hypnotist the Astonishing Neil was incredible. I've never laughed so hard in my life. I love Greg Burke.
Friday was Springfest, which usually I get SO bored at at around 12, but because seniors slept in, getting there at 10:30, cause I skipped the knowledge bowl, made the day go by a lot faster. This year's yearbooks are cute, and I find it all too appropriate that the theme of my senior yearbook is premium blend coffee.
Saturday!!! Ball was AMAZING! I got my hair cut and like waved into big S-curls and I LOVED the way I looked. My dress fit really well for once, and Zack and I matched really well too!
Dinner was at Country Club of Rochester, and despite the beautiful golf course backdrop, when all of the girls walked onto the brand new green, we of course perforated the grass, and the grounds crew came running in their sport jackets to get us off before we did any more damage. I found it hilarious!! Then we drove to Cobb's Hill to pregame before Ball, which was just weird because we were all standing in a circle taking shots. Not a lot of talking, just a lot of shivering and drinking. Then we got to ball, which was really fun once the music got better. The alcohol definitely helped. Then we went back to Sam Rubiner's to camp out and have a bonfire. Hayley kept spilling her drink everywhere, so my pillow smells strongly of three olives, but it was nonetheless an AMAZING time. Jack O'Connor came over eventually, and everyone just had so much fun around the fire. Everyone went to sleep at around 4:45, but Jack, Phil Kless and I stayed up to watch the sun rise. Then I drove the boys home and crashed until around 2 pm.
Yesterday I went Kayaking with Katie Murphy on the bay. We launched from Empire Blvd, and did a 6 mile loop to the bay bridge and back. I've done further paddles before, like an 8 mile loop that goes the entire course of the bay to the lake, but it started getting dark and windy, and the water was SUPER choppy. I'm so sore today because it was such a tough paddle through the 2 foot swells in such a little kayak. Whatever I'm glad I did it.
Today is senior skip day, and I think Greta, Sveta and I are going to have a picnic on Cobb's Hill. I'm excited. I need an extra day to the already long weekend.