stole this from amy , who stole this from raeven ,who probably stole it from someone else...

Jan 13, 2005 20:18

Name: Leah Lashay
Birth date: Nov. 13th, 1986
Birthplace: Decatur
Current Location: Hartselle
Eye Color: depends----blue-green-gray...mostly blue-gray....sarge says they are 8 different colors
Hair Color: blonde/brown
Height: 5'6
Righty or Lefty: righty ------Leftys dod it better but rightys do it right <---saw that on a shirt at aeropostale
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio<----i heard that scorpios are good in bed.....Yesssssssssssss

TWO: On The Inside

Your heritage: Scottish, Indian ...other stuff
Your weakness: guys smiles.....not everyones. thats the way to my heart , a smile. gah, i just melt.
Your fears: people who could be hiding in my house....killers and such....i dont like going outside by myself at night cause there could be things waiting for know stalkers,murderers,aliens,monsters,dead people, Jason,Michael......the usual. my mind goes wild sometimes.
Your perfect pizza: domino's----pepperoni,mushrooms,and black olives....hand tossed.
Goal you'd like to achieve: decide on a career, be happy with my decision, have fun while i am still young (no regrets of course),fall in love, have my dream wedding, have a family. hold hands with my husband when we get old.

THREE: Love, Hate, Death

Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
Your thoughts first waking up: "what the hell, radio?, GAH.... i know it is not morning already.....i just got to gotta be kidding me."
Your best physical feature: eyes, smile,feet......what do you like?
Your bedtime: pretty much whenever i go to sleep
Your most missed memory: there is alot of things....just like amy...I miss those times when all of my cousins and me spent the night together all at the same time...that was some of the best times

FOUR: Your Pick

Pepsi or Coke: i like the taste if pepsi better,,coke is addictive though
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King----McDonalds makes me wanna vomit on your
Single or group dates: i like both i guess..well i havent actually had a Good single date but it wasnt the right person either
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

FIVE: Do You?

Smoke: never have...its a nasty and costly habit... i would rather spend 2,000+ a year on shoes.... but thats just me
Cuss: yep sure do.. its not my fault though, everyone around me is so difficult
Sing: it is one of my favorite things to do... a day without me singing is a day that i never want to see... how could i survive?
Take a shower everyday: try to..
Have a crush(es): hmm lets seee....yeah i think i got one ..maybe. umm yeah.

Think you've been in love: not even close...i have some very serious crushes before
Like(d) high school: yes i love high school this year! was ok the other 3 years...its definately better than the jr. high
Want to get married: eventually yes
Believe in yourself: depends.....most of the time no...cause i know myself to well
Get motion sickness: when I read in the car
Think you're a health freak: no....i wish i was...i dont think i have enough self discipline
Get along with your parents: hardly ever
Like thunderstorms: kinda...dont like the rain though.
Play an instrument: not really i wish i could play the piano but even with my requests to get lessons i havent gotten them

SIX: In the past few months have you...

Drank alcohol: a New Year's Resolution on this one....and its not what your thinking
Smoked: does pretending to smoke count? like have a ciggarette in your hand but it just be cold outside and it looks like your smoking
Done a drug: nope
Made Out: yeah
Gone on a date: nope
Gone to the mall: sure have
Eaten sushi: i cant remember ... i know my sister tried it that time but i dont know if i did
Been on stage: i sat on the civic center stage the other day....otherwise i dont think so
Been dumped: hmm...not officially. cause we werent really going out. but someone did choose someone else over me. so that counts
Gone skating: yeah i went ice skating in august for the pt.mallard thing.....oh josh rath where are you now? i hope you still look cute w/o your pretty hair
Gone skinny dipping: nope...i did get in with my clothes on and you could see through them....twice actually
Dyed your hair: unfortunatley had a little accident ...but it got fixed and i need my hair highlighted again or touched up
Stolen anything: yeah... well at point mallard.......amy you said no and thats a lie that was only like 4 months ago
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