
May 08, 2011 13:28


This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.

Backtagging: Oh god yes I am notorious.
Threadhopping: Fine by me, just clear with the other mun(s) first, especially on important/plotted threads.
Fourthwalling: I'd say okay? It'll mostly fly over his head.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): If you think something is offensive, I guess clear it with me first? I'm not especially sensitive about most topics.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

Hugging this character: Sure! He's a touchy-feely person, although he'll usually hold back around people he doesn't know well, or people who he knows won't appreciate it. like Green like Sabrina
Kissing this character: You go right ahead. s-sob I've probably even got an icon for it
Flirting with this character: He's terrible at picking up on cues, but by all means don't let that stop you.
Fighting with this character: Of course! He's great at pokémon battling, although he'd be kinda pathetic in an actual physical confrontation.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Anything up to bruising is fine without permission, but beyond that I'd say just ask - I'm fine with broken bones/wounds and the like, I'd just prefer to plot it out first so we both know what's going on.
Killing this character: Aw, who would want to kill that face? lots of people, probably I'm kinda hesitant on this one, seeing as I don't want to throw Red through the angst wringer just because, but if something between our characters gets violent and it seems like an IC thing to happen, just contact me about it so we can work to plot it out. It's not like he won't be back in another week anyway.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure! You're not going to find a lot in his brain besides fancy wedding scenarios, though.

Warnings: Red's got it in his brain that he wants to marry a Gym Leader, so if you play one, prepare for a lot of stammering/blushing/general ineptitude because he is a damn schoolgirl when it comes to romantic interest, unfortunately. He could care less about age and gender, although he's definitely more focused on the ~feelings~ and ~commitments~ side of a relationship than the physical. If you don't play a Gym Leader, don't worry! That never stopped me from shipping anything. Rest assured he still wants to be best friends. Also, he's got a soft spot for sickly/ill people, even though he actually gets sick a lot himself - staying on a mountain for three years with no jacket tends to do that.

Anyway, as a general side note: this character is blatantly a crack shipping account I made on a whim just for the icons, but since someone actually cared enough to buy him paid time, I figured I at least owed it to them to keep playing him. I've done my best to flesh Red out as a character that can build up realistic CR/friendships outside of just, you know, shipping, but if you prefer to avoid him or feel uncomfortable tagging him I'll completely understand.

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!

As always, if you ever want to plot out anything or ask for a random musebox thread or something, feel free to PM this journal or just contact me over AIM!

permissions, ooc

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