Aug 31, 2015 10:00
Well, I have started my character profiles and plot lines for the original novel. I really would like to stick a ninja in there... Real life seems so dull.
I am struggling with a title. Working title is "spring wedding" but it's blah, so I need something a bit smarter.
I tend to always make my protagonist "Jack". I dated a guy named Jack in highschool and he was a dick, but Jack is my favorite name. Totally unrelated to him in all ways. I think it's just a good boy name.
I considered doing it for nanowrimo to get a good start on it but I don't think I can wait that long. I typed 15000 words on the Kakashi daughter story in one day last weekend. I think I have read that story over 10 times this week. I love it so much. I'm hesitating to post it because I don't want anyone to rag on it. I adore Aiko and Minato and Arashi. Its like my own little original Naruto story.
If I had enough time, I could probably have nanowrimo done in 4 days. lol. I guess when I know where I'm going, it's easy to pound out the words. Doesn't mean it's good - just means it's done.
On a positive note, it seems that getting on my treadmill is good for inspiration - although I'm thinking its the music. Matt Goods - "Us Remains Impossible". (great fucking song) has put a full depressing kakasaku story in my head that spans 20 years and follows canon. I imagine everyone is doing this sort of thing now though.