I am planning on attending this ceremony. Mainly to commune with the awesome shakuhachi bliss of Phil James, but the ritual itself should be quite beautiful...
Opening Ceremony for the 2007 Sand Mandala at MIT
Tuesday, March 6 at 7 PM
Simmons Hall, 229 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA
This is the opening ceremony for the five foot sand mandala that's being
created by the MIT Buddhist Community with the Venerable Losang Samten.
Although the sand mandala is principally an exercise in visualizing and
meditating on the positive qualities we'd like to see manifested in the
world, the opening ceremony also includes a short shakuhachi performance
(by Phil Nyokai James).
For more information on the mandala please see
http://web.mit.edu/metta/mandala/ Simmons Hall is close to the Kendall Square T stop (Red Line). Free
parking is available in the MIT West Lot that's just to the west of
Simmons Hall. There are also often spaces available along Vassar St. or
Massachusetts Ave.