Technical Update

May 18, 2005 13:28

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm rying to upload some of my photos to deviantart per solraev's suggestion. So I scanned them all in as .TIF files, which I like but are HUGE files. The site won't take them, of course, because I would be uplaoding something like 500MB of photo files. OK. So I go back today and resave all the images as JPEGs so they will all be 5MB or less. I try to upload them again. This time, it says I have scanned them in (I don't use digital) at more than 10 Megapixels. How do I fix this? I'm afraid that I don't even know what a megapixel is. I scanned them all in at 900dpi with little to no image correction. Any ideas?

Next, I tried another site that petitesoeur invited me to: Flickr. There I was able to upload the photos (you can check them out here, if you like), but now I can't seem to figure out how to inbed (I think that's the right term) any of them to my livejournal. I know the HTML codes and whatnot, but the page will not let me create an external link. Now I can "blog" the photo from within the service, but then I lose control of the post's format. Sigh, I suppose that will have to do.

Watch out for the fruits of my labor later on, now it's time for the gym. Again, any advice on how to fix the other problem, though, would be grand.

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