I spent this weekend with my father at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. I'm not sure what I expected, but was a little surprised at how even the Hall of Fame supports the view of baseball as big industry. I have to admit, I like the Red Sox, but I purposefully try to watch as little as possible and never buy anything because I try to support the game without the industry as much as possible. Of course, one could argue if this is just a quixotic attempt on my part.
Yesterday a friend of mine made the suggestion that in a hundred years in stead of voting for political candidates we will have spoting play-offs to see who gets to lead the nation and "voting" will be like betting. Here's how it works: two teams play a series and people bet on the teams. Which ever team wins the most money gets to lead the country! Teams will be publicly funded only. Scary that this proposal sounds better than what we have now!
I have gotten my mile time down to about 8:30. I'm really happy about this since I used to be a distance runner, but haven't done anything in this realm since highschool. I used to be a 7 minute miler (races were about 3.2 at cross-country meets), but never good enough to actually win anything. I'm hoping to get myself back to the point where I was.
Lastely, I have completed two of the designs I was talking about. They can be found at
cafepress. I am not very happy with the Plato design, my drawings were better, but I can't get them on to the computer with any degree of quality. Thus, the bust. There is another design for Socrates, but I can't find a suitable image: what color is hemlock, anyway? Still working on ideas for Heidegger and Kant...