So, the part where you posted pictures of yourself cutting in order to emotionally manipulate everyone into feeling sorry for you and wound up triggering people as a result.
Please don't. Turn the internet off, walk away, and work with your plants. (That's not sarcasm--I don't know you, but they seem make you happy, so go do that.) They are assholes. They will continue to be assholes. You cannot change that. Please, however, for your own sake, step away. Their anon-stalking of you is creepy as fuck; don't do posts like this that leave the door unlocked.
Actually it was more like the part where someone made a mistake, was goaded into cutting herself, then goaded into posting pictures of said self-harm, then the dogpiling and victimblaming started while everybody sane sort of shook their head at sf_d. JSYK.
Wait, what? So she was bullied into cutting herself, goaded into posting the pictures, yelled at for triggering people when she posted the pictures by the same people who were trying to goad her into posting the pictures in the first place, and SHE'S the asshole here?
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