Nov 09, 2006 04:06
Okay, so let me see if I get this:
If maximum entropy production essentially states that nature creates order in order to maximize its pathways to disorder (similar to an activation energy that will subsequently release a much greater amount of energy), then it would make sense that the universe is flat if it exists in something else, no?
If it were a self-contained, closed system, then it would have no need to transfer energy or minimize potential differences. It seems that by spreading out, it's maximizing transfer of something to some other thing. My guess is that if there were nothing around it, it would likely be a sphere that collapses in on itself to allow quicker transfer of energy and a greater amount of entropy generation internally.
Anyway, I think I'm thinking something about energy being in time and time being in energy, but I can't figure out what I'm thinking, so I'm going to bed.
Note to brain: come back to this. It makes no sense at all, but it's fun to think about, so come back to this.