Jan 17, 2007 08:18

Okay...enough with the 20 degree 'highs'. Can we get a little sunshine here, please?? Better yet, how about a nice storm to kick the boote' of this inversion that is hovering over the state. I'm freezin' my butt off here. It's really pathetic when the cold keeps me from going anywhere once I get home from work. BRRRR!! Things are going well, otherwise. My yoga class was pretty cool yesterday. We did a food meditation. The instructor gave us each 2 raisons. We took time to observe the color, smell, texture, taste, and thoughts about said raisons. The whole point of this exercise was to demonstrate the purpose of meditation. How often do we cruise through life without being in the moment? I can't count the number of times that I've driven home and then wondered how I got home as I don't really remember stopping at any lights, etc. Sorry, I got all philosophical on you. I guess I should do some actual work now. TTFN!!
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