I look like crap as no make-up etc, but who cares I was too busy running around helping my poor old neighbours who were stranded out in the cold as their apartment building was on fire last night :(
http://www.cheknews.ca/ - watch the entire 2.5 minutes of the Oak Bay Fire news video!
I am disappointed that I was the only person in the entire neighbourhood who came out to help, seriously NO ONE else came to help and it wasn't even that late when the fire started! I spent 3 hours providing tea/coffee/snacks and offered my bathroom for all the ladies, and then at 2am I took in 3 people who needed a place to stay. One lady, Sue is staying a bit longer as she doesn't have family or friends here and she didn't get rental insurance, but I know a good deed is the only thing to do in this situation.
I've been called an angel all night and all of today, perhaps if I ever have a baby girl that should be her name? :P
Gawsh, it FEELS GOOD to DO GOOD!!!!