Dec 28, 2006 21:09
Subject courtesy of the San Francisco Adult Night showing of 25APCSB, re: "Don't you talk about stamina to me, Carl!"
So, I went shopping and bought some lovely hippie clothes from Forever21.
I still am in need of a tie-dye shirt. Preferably in orange, yellow and pink. I am on a neverending quest to save my girlfriend get laid make a Leaf Coneybear outfit.
(By the way, the icon I'm using for this post is the Chicago Leaf, Derrick. Isn't he precious?!)
Actually, speaking of PCSB, I have second row center seats for the 21st with Aileeny!
Which I bought!
It's the two o'clock show, so I can fangirl and stagedoor... well, they come out into the lobby. What do you call that? Lobbying?
I'd like to get a bunch of people together for New Year's; an extravaganza...
But I will probably sit on my ass, watching Broadway bootlegs, eating ice cream and petting my cats.
It will be Coneybearapalooza.
Or something to that extent.
So, what did you all get for Christmas?