Very eventful week...

Aug 31, 2009 12:29

I submitted my application to student teach next semester.  I submitted my application to graduate in May of 2010.  The shaft of sunlight did open up upon me, and a heavenly chorus of angels (or maybe something else?...heh) did sing.  I still need to do some things, but all I keep thinking right now is this:

I.  Am.  Going.  To.  Graduate.  In.  Nine.  Months.

Here's the not-so-minor list of things that need to happen before I walk:
  • Pass piano proficiency. (Monika, I'm calling/texting in the next week to set up warned!)
  • Senior recital (again, to Monika...I'm thinking very seriously about taking you up on your offer of ensemble pieces...)
  • Teaching certifications:
    • General knowledge test: One word: Math.  Eep!  I'm going to get some "GKT for dummies" books and do my best to brush up before I take this one.
    • Subject area test: I may be overconfident, but I'm not too worried about this one.
  • Not failing anything in which I am currently enrolled.  Not that difficult...yet.  Those two psych classes might kick my ass, though.
  • Get placed for student teaching in a school that is not a hundred miles away.
  • Not screw up my student teaching.  
So...there you go.  The light at the end off my tunnel has suddenly become much, much closer...and I can be pretty certain that it's NOT a train this time.  Yay for me!  I just finished up some online assignments and now I'm going to watch last night's True Blood. It's not a bad day, for a Monday!

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