Jul 14, 2006 01:11
hello kiddies. Today, I watched the film, Donnie Darko in its entirety for the first time. It's a fascinating film, reminds me of similar principles of metaphysics. It's just very odd, but refreshing film. I'm here by my father's house. It quite miserable here, I must say. Not much food and I just can't say that I am all that fond of my father (or my stepmother for that matter). Yesterday, I had my weekly gig as usual, but it was just ridiculous because my amp was just tripping out on me. Out of the whole band, I'm usually the one with the most technical difficulty. Regardless, I persevered, the show when relatively smoothly. Also this month seems to be pretty promising considering release of the lost episodes of Chappelle's Show and Clerks II. I am kinda worried about my summer right now, there's a lot of confusion about lollapalooza and I only recently found out I still need 20 hours more of driving till I can take the driving test for my license(My permit expires in Mid-August). Overall, I'm pretty much just chillin out.