Masquerade Descs

Apr 29, 2007 00:11

As is the custom, behind the cut are the descs for all those who attended the masq. If I missed you please let me know either with a comment here or an @mail in game and I will get you added.
Characters are given their mask name followed by their name for identification.
As always, everyone did an awesome job coming up with fancy clothes.

Lady in Pink -
Tibby - She is an older woman, but grace has not yet left her demeanor. The lines of her face, once clean and fresh, have softened with age and a touch of extra weight, rounding her cheeks. Her hair may have been red once, but now it is faded with whites and grays to a drab version of strawberry blonde, cut boyishly short and lending her a sense of youthfulness. Such liveliness is still in her brown eyes and the open, kind expression of her face.
Her attire is relatively plain and feminine. The empire waist of her gown hides her figure, soft pink velvet that falls to the floor, gathered white chiffon spanning the v-neckline and covering her arms in loose bell sleeves. She wears a simple pink mask with freshwater pearls at the outer edges, tied on with a white ribbon.

Silver Scale Mask -
Rysia - Curly, chestnut-hued hair is left loose for the most part, two hanks braided and woven together, the rest to touch down near hip level, short strands escaping to frame the face. In truth, such softening touches are needing, given the narrow and long look to the face, all edges and sharp lines. A slightly pointy chin and nose, narrow lips, high cheeks and arching brows all conspire to give a somewhat stern expression - which is totally ruined by the gray-blue textured eyes that are slightly too big, often crinkled up with amusement, and surrounded by a mask of shimmery cloth. Most of it would seem to be white, but there is an underweaving suggestive of silver scales, echoed by the shape of the mask itself.
One might accuse this young woman of being all limbs, standing as she is at a slender 5'8", but truthfully, that is a bit hard to determine. For tonight's festivities, she has donned a dark brown dress, brought in close at the waist, then flaring out down to the floor, the folds giving volume to what would normally be a rather chilly garment, the fabric all rather thin and doing very little to hide the fact that 'slender' is an understatement. A loose-knit shawl of gray is knotted over her shoulders, falling over the top of her arms, and tassled in the back down to almost waist level, swaying with each set.

Dragonwing Mask -
Roa - Straight black hair has been gathered back and wound into an intricate cluster of curls and braids. Polished stones of various colors, each the size of peach pit and the shape of an egg, have been woven throughout her dark locks. Winding its way up the right side of her neck and along her right cheek is a golden dragon painted onto her skin in a vibrant and shimmering hue. The tail curls along her throat, tailtip dusting her bared collarbone. The body, with curved neck and head, stretches up her cheek. One wing is folded tight against the dragon's side, but the other is stretched wide, the paint meeting shining, golden-hued cloth as the outstretched wing serves as a mask from which dark blue eyes peer forth. The wing conceals the woman's upper face but a small nose and full lips, also dusted in gold, are visible above a pale and gently pointed chin.

The short, slight woman wears a black gown that is strapless and leaves lithe, slender arms bare. More paint is brushed along them, and the silhouettes of stylized dragons chase one another over and around her willowy upper limbs. The gown's plunging neckline supports the generous curvature of the small woman's chest, and a green dragon formed from shiny cloth and sequins glides across the upper portion of the dress. The low-cut back is taken up with a winging blue, and it is a brown dragon that coils himself around the woman's soft hips and domed belly; the pattern of his cloth hide creates the illusion of flatness when viewed from the front, if not from the sides. A large bronze soars around the free-flowing skirt that just brushes the ground, concealing whatever shoes may be worn beneath.

Patchwork Woman -
Issa - Black and white diamonds form a skewed checkerboard pattern across the puffed width of this short woman's high-waisted overskirt. Close up, each patch reveals itself to be unique, cut from different fabrics and stitched together by a skilled hand, though they all ascribe to the contrasting color scheme of their neighbors. The bodice of the dress is a simple, shiny black, fitted with a low, square neckline, though the skin it reveals is shrouded with a gauzy white wrap, held in place by casual hands. Casual too, is her dark hair, swept up into a modest, curly bun that disguises length, leaving her graceful neck exposed and unadorned. The concealing plaster mask, painted meticulously with the same black and white pattern and tied in place with a sturdy black ribbon, covers half of her face, leaving only her lips, painted red and smiling, below.

Exotic Seabird -
Vanya - There is a quiet dignity about this young woman. She appears to be in her early 20s, with nearly waist length, black hair and hazel eyes that tend toward green. Her chin is slightly pointed, and her nose is on the narrow side, but this only accentuates her cheekbones. On the tall side, her figure has matured into slender curves in bosom and hip. Arms, legs and feet seem to be in perfect proportion to her height, with long, tapered fingers. There is an aura of calm confidence in her pleasantly husky voice.
Made of light-weight material, the gown is the exact color of the ocean near Southern Boll. A low, scooped neckline and form-fitting bodice accentuate her slender neck and figure. The a-line skirt falls to the floor, and long sleeves taper down to her wrists. A narrow band of silver embroidered waves lines the neckline, hem and sleeves. Black leather slippers are worn on her feet. From a silver chain around her neck hangs a dark, sea-green, tear-drop shaped crystal, matching earrings in her ears. The mask covers the entire upper half of her face, and is made of cloth matching the dress. Feathers dyed gradient shades from dark sea-green to silver-white form a cap-like headdress layered in such a way as to resemble the head of some exotic sea bird. Sparkling crystals encrust the shaft of each feather, and dangle from silver chains woven into hair which is worn loose and flowing for this occasion.

Driftwood -
H’kon - The base form of the mask is a fiery brown. From the type of materials used, the texture and appearance seems to resemble driftwood washed up onto the shore. Although smooth, the grain pattern of wood is easily seen, the material skillfully painted to appear solid. The mask covers the upper half of the man's face tanned and bearded face, with an intricate mesh of fishing net that forms a hood-like hat over his head. Caught in the net are various sea shells and material which has been dyed and cut to look like seaweed, accented by tufts of hair not quite long enough to be curly. Quite a work of art, all materials are natural, the shells and net quite real.
Though hardly what could be called high fashion, the clothes the short, broad man wears are made from durable, practical fabrics that age and hold up well. The tunic is off-white in color, the cut simple and utilitarian. A high collar can be closed by three carved, wooden buttons, but most often is left open for comfort. There is little in the way of decoration, though a geometric pattern in slightly darker ecru threads offers a subtle, decorative touch at throat, wrists and hem. His plain black trousers are tailored to suit his stature. Around his waist is a wide, black leather belt and on his feet are black leather boots.

Man in Black -
Reyce - You see before you a tall, well-built man; that is the extent of the obvious facts to be gleaned about this individual's identity. One could fathom that he is young, for although a black mask conceals his upper visage, his clean, square lower jaw is visible. It might be possible to see two hazel eyes looking out from behind the mask's holes, as well. His hair is hidden, restrained by a black bandana tied to serve as a skullcap. His body is swathed in fine black cloth still bold from the dying, while the overall ebony impression is lightened by a few sapphire accents here and there. The tailored jacket he's donned is pure black, as is the shirt beneath - but the button-up vest itself is a bright cobalt hue. The pants and shoes are black, trimmed in a shade of blue that matches the vest.

Red Feathers -
Tavaly - A wide-brimmed hat of black with one side pinned up begins this carmine attire. Several long plumes dyed in various colors of red flutter out from underneath the pin, shaped like a wild bird, also red. Beneath the brim a long, gunmetal mask protrudes forward, hooked at the end like some strange avian's beak, eyes rimmed with rows of small red feathers, shadows cast so that the eyes are barely made visible. A black shawl covers the back of the person's head, and is tucked into the high collar of a stiff black coat.

The coat is long, reaching past the wearer's hips. Primarily black, the details are all wreathed in red and become an intricate design. Feathers everywhere, curving off of the shoulder in prominent crests, accentuating where the collarbone may also be. A wide crimson sash belts the waist, another pin in the shape of a red bird in flight fixing the soft fabric in place. Black leggings of no particular interest appear out from under the low hem, and dive into knee-high black boots that look suited for some brigand or the next. Buckles over the tops of the person's feet are a bold, polished brass and are decorated by fans of small, downy red feathers. It is difficult to discern the gender of the wearer; the garb is dark enough and thick enough to create a rather androgenous display.

R’en - Very faint wrinkles are starting to appear on Jensen's face: crow's feet at the corners of his blue-grey eyes whenever he smiles, laugh lines faint on either cheek. The depth of those creases would say he smiled and laughed a lot more often when he was younger. Brown and unkempt and showing grey at the temples, his hair isn't too unlike a haystack at times, its messiness proportionate to how many times he's run long-fingered hands through; it interferes with his line of vision quite frequently. His nose is hawkish and a little crooked in the bridge, his mouth set firmly in a cynical line when 'relaxed', and hiding underneath all the unshaven, peppered grey scruff is a defined jawline. He's made up of tough lines and angles, broad shoulders and thick limbs. What was once youthful scrawniness has turned into solid muscle, though he still can't be considered bulky. He's tall though at 6'3", and though he carries himself confidently enough it's a little easier than should be to catch him having an awkward moment.
There's no real obvious difference in the attire he's wearing for the occasion versus his usual save for that it's nicer. The clothes are tailored, cut to fit him long limbs and all and colored to maybe bring out the tone in his eyes. Dark blue is heavily involved, his pants and the stiff jacket with silver thread embroidery, but the crisp tunic he wears underneath is white and the sleeves extend near to his knuckles. His knife is absent; the usual worn boots and his weyrling knot are not. His mask is hanging from one hand, black ribbons dangling.

Laelle- First glance finds Laelle to be of statuesque height and willowy proportion with a narrow build and long, slender limbs. Her coloring is fair; her complexion likely blushes or burns easily and shows a propensity for generous freckles. Her dark blonde hair, with ends and highlights of brighter gold, is long enough to fall in waves about her shoulders or be swept up into various styles. Lastly, her face has delicate features, small down-turned lips, a pert nose with soft bridge, arched brows and large green eyes, rimmed with well-smudged kohl.
In the stead of a complex mask designed to obscure identity, Laelle wears a simple strip of black lace, openings cut for her eyes and the ends of the strip tied like a blindfold behind her head. And so she is certainly Laelle, cool gaze, freckles and all. Her attire is a contrast of exposure and modesty. The brocade of her slimly tailored dress, a smoky muted violet, is stiff and concealing, but it's strapless and hugs her curves before flaring gently toward the floor. A satin ribbon accentuates her narrow waist with its neat, black line. Over her shoulders and arms is a short bolero jacket of fine, black lace, giving the illusion of coverage though her bare skin is plainly visible beneath it. The long sleeves are tight to her slender arms, ending with embellished cuffs that reaches her knuckles.

Gold Dragon Mask -
Ginella - This woman is about average height, and slender, a fact highlighted by the dress she wears. It's made up of layers of flimsy, barely-opaque fabric in varying shades from champagne to gold, and it shimmers, with hints of silver here and there along the edges. The top half fits closer than the loose skirt, and is low cut in the front, and open to mid-back. The hem is uneven, contributing to the light, flowy look of the garment.
There's a second set of straps over her shoulders that blend in with the dress, but are made to hold the rest of her costume: a set of dragon wings, made of the same flimsy, delicate fabric stretched across a frame. Her mask is the same shade, with darker hints to suggest the contours of a dragon's head. It hides from forehead to upper lip, with holes for pale green eyes, and is secured with tiny strings that loop around ears, behind wavy brown hair that's let loose but for a few golden threads woven through, and falls to the middle of bare shoulder blades.

Red Masked Man -
T’ral - Square-jawed, square-shouldered, this party guest stands at 6'4", and earns attention by sheer dint of his height and bulk. A plain white ceramic mask covers the upper half of his face, the lower half clean-shaven. His hair is close-cropped and curly, and an unnatural shade of red, painted with some bright stuff that doesn't promise to come off easily. The back of a freckled neck is visible above a crisp white shirt, and for his lower half he simply wears his black riding leathers, and boots. On each shoulder, and pinned to the front pocket of his shirt, he wears an oversized Weyrleader's knot.

Shipfish -
Ellaia - The woman is average in height, with a nicely rounded figure. Most of her face is hidden behind what can only be described as a "shipfish" mask, complete with that bottlenose so prevalent in the ocean-going mammals. Made of thin ceramic material, the mask is skillfully painted in the exact shades of pearl gray and silver-white of a shipfish, down to the black, shiny eyes that look filled with laughter. Held in place by a dark gray ribbon, it fits like a glove to the young woman's head, hiding most of her upper face, but leaving her mouth clear. The gown she wears is elegant in its simplicity, and made from a slick, pearl gray material that resembles the skin of a dolphin. The "sweetheart" neckline and wrists are embroidered with silver thread in a pattern of "waves," and around the hem are embroidered waves, with leaping dolphins between each crest. On her feet are dark gray slippers. From ash-blonde curls peek a pair of silver hoop earrings, the hair forming a gentle frame around the edges of the mask.

The Man in White -
Neiran - Dark hair falls down to this man's neck and dark eyes glitter from behind his mask, but otherwise he is completely white. A white mask wings back from his nose and eyes, lengthening the sharp lines of an already accentuated jawline and angled chin. The cut of his clothes pulls his trim frame into geometric sharpness, the flat bar of his shoulders and shallow-edged triangle of his upper body brought into clear focus by the crisp white of his jacket. Ivory buttons, fixed all the way to the raised collar on his neck, and gossamer strands of embroidered silver offer texture and contrast from up close; from afar, his pants ease the bright glow of his upper body with a warm wash of pale cream.

Harlequin -
Sakher - Close-cropped black hair, dark skin, and a slim, five-foot-ten frame--these are the most distinguishing physical characteristics of this party-goer. The mask he wears for the occasion covers his forehead, the bridge of a patrician nose, and high cheekbones in harlequin-patterned green and purple, stitched in gold for contrast. It leaves his wide and mobile mouth free for copious chatter, and keen dark brown eyes shine from the eyeholes.
The rest of him is no less striking than that flamboyantly-hued and -patterned mask. He wears a green shirt, very elegantly made and tailored to him, stitched with gold for contrast. His pants are light khaki in color, of similar expense and taste as his shirt--if the color scheme is over-the-top, then at least the cut is relatively simple. In jewelry, though, he makes up for that, boasting a gold ring in each ear, a small golden chain around his neck, and on one hand a very large ring with Nabol's seal on it.

Simply Masked Man -
R'vain - He has not gone to much trouble to disguise himself; a few little touches change his mein and presentation and this is apparently meant to be good enough. He has glossed his hair, parted it on one side and combed it tidily back over the ears, and the oil it's slicked with deepens its shade to a modest earthenware hue. A white mask covers his face from hairline to the tip of the nose, its shape smooth, symmetrical, perfected. Golden curves are painted where the eyebrows should be, slender and finely arched; the thin, glossy ceramic is otherwise unadorned. His mouth is broad, his chin ruddy-hued but smooth.
He's dressed fit enough for formality, the color of his suit an unusual champagne tan. The matching vest is ornamented with a subtle degloss brocade and covered buttons. If anything, the light colors emphasize his broad build and 6'3" height. His shirt-collar, white, is undone at the throat; freckles dapple the skin displayed there.

Plainly Dressed Boy
Ella - Short, dark hair has been slicked back from a pale, oval face with a high forehead. For a mask, the young man wears what looks to be a strip of sheet with eyeholes cut out of it. Below this impromptu disguise is a small nose and lips that are unusually full for a boy.

He didn't bother dressing up for the occasion. A faded brown tunic falls over his narrow frame and tucks into a pair of grey breeches that encase skinny legs. Over this basic ensemble is a matching vest; his only attempt at finer garb.

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