New Job

Jan 18, 2006 11:46

Who: Lexine, Miniyal
When: Current turn, middle of the night
Where: Records Room, HRW
What: For some strange reason it's been decided to offer Miniyal a new job.


This time of night it's quiet in the records room. Other than the rustling of little vermin. No, wait! There are no vermin! None. There's a few glows all gathered on one table and it's there Miniyal sits, working on something or other, hand moving slowly as she appears to be copying something from one hide to a new one. A table away sits a pitcher and a cup, nowhere near her work. She pauses, straightening up and shaking her hand out with a quiet sigh.

Lexine has never been known to keep predictable hours. Rather, it's her tendency to show up at the strangest time that has the Weyr on its toes and ready for inspection at any given moment. Tonight, it seems, her goal is the records room, slipping inside with a sigh as she brushes her hand through shorn locks, setting them neatly in place, and pauses to take a look around. Catching sight of Miniyal, she smiles faintly, and begins to approach. "Miniyal, my dear," she calls out gently.

Miniyal's head lifts from just having begun to contemplate her work once more. She blinks several times to focus on the distant rather than the close and then straightens up, rubbing at a smudge on her hands. "Weyrwoman," she says politely, bumping into the table and knocking her stool out of the way as she rises to her feet.

"Please, have a seat," Lexine dismisses with a graceful wave of her hand, approaching the table without sitting herself. "I had something I wanted to discuss with you. A possible...promotion," she explains with an easy smile.

Miniyal fumbles for her stool, cheeks pink. Once it is righted she sits down and carefully sets her work aside. "Promotion?" she asks, blinking owlishly as she continues trying to shift the focus of her eyes from work to person. "I don't understand."

"Promotion," Lexine repeats in agreement, smile remaining. "I've found that the instructors and students of the Caucus bring with them an ever-growing supply of new scrolls and hides. These need to be organized, and their access to our own supply needs to be better documented so that the two don't become crossed."

Head tilting to one side, Miniyal brushes at her hair with an annoyed swipe of one hand. "It is a problem," she agrees quickly. "And so few of them understand what sort of care some of the older records require. I am trying to work with the others here to make copies as we can, but with my other duties. . .wait." She stops here, little light bulb going off. "Is there something wrong with how I have been performing my duties for weyrwoman Diya? She's not appeared upset with me."

"No, no, not at all," Lexine assures soothingly, holding out a hand. "It's just that I appreciate your work with the records so much more. Anyone can fetch and carry for Diya," she dismisses with a wave of her hand. "But it seems that not nearly enough people have the acuity for organization that you have. Nor the strength of character to be able to deal with the various high-profile personages that pass through the Caucus in a polite manner without knuckling under."

"Oh. Well, I try to be polite. Sometimes they're very upsetting." Miniyal bobs her head, looking around the room with maternal affection. "You can't expect much from some of them I suppose. Still, it'd be nice to have some sort of. . .yes, organisation. I mean, it's just so hard. One never knows if people are coming or going and they think they can just take what they will and there's no accounting."

Lexine nods her agreement, expression sober. "Precisely, Miniyal. And so, with your agreement, I would like to promote you to Records Liason to the Caucus. You would be in charge of organizing texts as they are returned, helping Caucus members to find needed texts, and keeping track of who is using what to ensure that everything returns to its rightful place. Would you be interested?" she asks with an arch of her brow, absently straightening a hide so that the corner lines up with the corner of the table.

Miniyal's hands edge off the table to rest in her lap. Once there they fiddle nervously with the skirt of her dress. "Well. . .do you think, I mean, are you sure? Is it. . .well, possibly. I could organise it my way? I mean, there would be rules and order and people would have to follow them?" She's not asking with any power hungry glee to her tone. Mostly she sounds concerned, like she's not quite sure this will be a good thing.

Lexine's brows rise. "Well, so long as your way makes sense to the rest of the population, I see no reason why not. I can't allow you to arrange them by, say, which you best like. Should something, Faranth forfend, happen to you, your records would fall into disuse and miscare, and that is, of course, the last thing we would want, isn't it?"

Miniyal shakes her head rapidly, eyes wide. "I wouldn't -do- that! I've actually got a very good system I would love to implement and, of course, I would record it so that everything could be found by everyone because what is the point in having records if no one can use them."

"Then I see no reason why not to," Lexine smiles warmly, rapping her knuckles once on the desk. "Shall we make it official, then?"

Blinking twice, Miniyal shakes her head again, this time more slowly. "Oh, well, I don't think there's. . .yes. Yes, I think so. Oh, but what about Diya? I can't just leave her like this with no warning and no replacement. It doesn't seem proper."

Lexine smiles faintly. "I've taken care of Diya. There's a promising young man with a brother in the Caucus in need of gainful employ who should do the job just fine. For now, you just focus on the records. With Thread coming, we'll need everything as efficient and organized as possible."

"Oh, well, if you're sure? Oh, she won't think I'm. . .running off? I mean, I did enjoy working for her. She was very nice to me." Miniyal frowns at this, concern flickering across her face and briefly replacing the glee of getting to run things. "I'll speak with her and be sure she knows it's not her. But, yes, it's important to maintain the records."

"Very well, then," Lexine nods once, smile flashing. "I look forward to seeing the results, Miniyal. And if you ever find yourself needing something, please, don't hesitate to come and ask."

Miniyal smiles, looking around the records room once more. "Oh, I think I can handle it all. Thank you so much! I won't let you or the weyr down at all. I promise! I can make this perfect." Ahh, the light of fanaticism in her eyes is nothing at all to be concerned about. Truly.

Lexine manages to contain any laughter to a slight smile. "I wish you well of it, Miniyal. Do remember to get some sleep before you get started. That way you won't have to stop for rest as many times," she adds helpfully before she slips away.

Miniyal doesn't even really hear the last words, instead she stands up, not knocking anything over this time, and heads over to a shelf, tapping her lip with her finger as she searches for something.

lexine, miniyal

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