The bitterness, it stings.

Aug 06, 2006 12:20

Who: Kianda and Miniyal
Where: Records Room, HRW
When: 11:53 on day 7, month 3, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Kianda gets way more than she was looking for when coming to the records room


It is 11:53 on day 7, month 3, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Just shortly before the noon meal and most of the people who had been in here, caucus students mostly doing last minute studying, have taken off for that meal. The records staff works in shifts so there's still a fair number of them about copying and shelving and reviewing the log of borrowed items. Overseeing it all, but not really overseeing so much as being here, is Miniyal. She's seated at a table by herself, well-lit from the glow baskets on it, and appears to be making several copies of a single hide with her attention more there than anywhere else at the moment.

Kianda peeks in rather cautiously, her gaze moving to take in the room before she sidles the rest of her body through the doorway. She takes a deep breath, absorbing more than simply the appearance of the room, then returns her gaze to her target, and moves forward, trying not to startle with her soft greeting. "Excuse me? Miniyal?"

The pen doesn't stop moving and doesn't mar the writing in any way as her name is spoken. Miniyal would probably kill herself if that every happened. Without looking up from her work she nods her head and then sets a hide aside to dry. "What do you need?" is asked in a tone that implies it better be something important. Or else. Not that she has many interesting 'or elses' she can throw at people. But that's never once stopped her from bluffing about it.

Kianda pauses apprehensively, and gathers her courage, clearing her throat. Hands tucked behind her back, she speaks clearly, if softly. "I was directed to you in order to obtain some, ah, texts. History and such. Not the dry 'what happened' stuff, but the 'what happened, why, and what effect it had' stuff."

Miniyal finally lifts her head to regard Kianda with a thoughtful, and somewhat annoyed, expression. "Who directed you to me exactly?" she asks. It doesn't sound like it will bode well for whomever it was that did so either. "I don't really have time to be leading everyone who comes in here to things they could easily find if they just took the time to acclimate themselves to the room."

Kianda meets her gaze steadily. "Roa did." Her brow furrows a little in surprise. "I do beg your pardon. I'll happily find the items myself if that's allowed, ma'am."

Miniyal rolls her eyes and sets her pen down away from the hides she was working on. "Well, I'm just surprised she found time to do anything in between nearly getting killed all the time." Shaking her head she gestures towards a shelf near her table. "If one directs oneself to the proper place they can find anything. Every record in this room is cataloged and listed so people can find them. Otherwise, those of us who actually worked wouldn't have time to get our work done. It's not like we exist so that people who just exist to cause trouble around here can come in and bother us all the time."

Kianda blinks a little at the first comment, but whatever her thoughts on it, they're neatly swept away as her eyes begin to gleam. She practically pounces toward the shelves, eyes greedy on the tube labels. "Oh, thank you! I shan't bother you anymore, I-" A blink, and she looks back at the woman. "Who's just existing to cause trouble?"

"Who doesn't?" is Miniyal's answer as she takes up her pen again. "Sharding caucus doing nothing but making trouble for the whole weyr. Just when you think it can't be any worse our esteemed ex-weyrleader decides some student should be allowed to steal the leadership away from the weyr. Which is why this whole place is a mess and if anyone had a brain they'd send every featherheaded student home including our supposed new leader. Then maybe something could get done around here."

Kianda's eyes widen at the tirade, then her expression turns rather thoughtful. "I'm starting to think you're more educational than these will be." She gestures toward the various records, hesitates, then says, "Is there anything I can do to help? In here, or whatever?"

Miniyal may be annoyed, and there's no way to assume she is anything but, however her pen continues to work evenly as she returns to her work. Emotional upheaval should be taken out on some poor hide. "I don't know anything. I only know records. If you want to know about people then you're better off looking at what has been recorded. Besides, I'm not old enough to know everything. I'm not some old woman, you know." Yea, she just acts like one!

Kianda stifles a smile, though the corners of her mouth twitch slightly. "I know," she says lightly, and turns back to looking over the scrolls available. "Why did our esteemed ex-weyrleader," and her voice is dry, "Want Yevide as our Weyrwoman?"

Miniyal snorts softly and continues her work as she speaks. If she must be sociable so be it, but she has work to do as well. "Other than the fact he's sharing a bed with her?" she asks. "Who knows. It's not like he's been the same since he lost his dragon. Should have been removed then since it was clear he wasn't the same. After all, if a weyrleader doesn't have to have a dragon why must it be a rider who is in charge anyway? Whatever the case, underhanded and sneaky is fine if you from someplace like Bitra, but we should be better than that and to do such a thing when we had our own queens at High Reaches. It's wrong."

Kianda looks around at the records keeper, startled, then her brow furrows. "It does seem," she admits uneasily, "A rather odd situation. Very odd indeed," she murmurs, looking rather thoughtful. "And with a new Weyrleader from Igen as well... Hrm. Question is," she moves on to another shelf, actually selecting a tube this time, "Is it simply a matter of G'thon being heartsick, or Yevide playing him to get the position she's got now."

"Ganathon," Miniyal says, that word filled with so much hate. So, so, so much. The sort that makes one wonder what she'd do if she had a knife in hand and his back was turned to her in a dark place. "Ganathon was clearly not in his right mind. And I'm quite sure the usurper took knowing advantage of that. Not that anything will be done, of course. We'll be expected to make nice and pretend the weyr wasn't stolen away from us by outsiders. You tell me this, if the new weyrleader was such a good person why was Igen willing to trade him? And if there was any intention of us ever getting leadership back why was E'sere traded like so much cloth for our new weyrleader? Shards, even that useless sot R'vain would have been a better choice. At least then we could know it was one of our own screwing us over."

Kianda's eyes widen a little, though she keeps her gaze firmly on the tubes she's inspecting. "I heard he was due to return to Igen, like, the day after Ulyath's flight. E'sere, though..." She frowns, glancing over her shoulder. "You know I haven't been at the Weyr all that long. I never got a chance to meet him. You think well of him, then?"

Miniyal shrugs her shoulders and sets the hide she was working on aside so she might move on to the next one. "I hardly knew him. I met him a time or two, but I never really interacted with him." Does she interact with many? Well, not really. "But, people thought highly of him. He was said to be good at what he did. His support could have made the leadership here work with many who otherwise wouldn't want it I think. Or he could have turned the tide against them. No, I'm quite sure they got rid of him on purpose." Shaking her head she sighs. "Clearly the powers that be wanted us under the thumb of outsiders. It's not as if there is anything to be done about it."

Kianda's fingers steal thoughtfully over several tubes. "Perhaps. Perhaps. I must admit, I did find it rather odd that just a few days after Yevide was decrying the poor state of affairs here, she suddenly became Weyrwoman."

Miniyal snorts loudly, continuing to work mostly as it gives her an excuse to keep her head down. "Well, clearly they've been planning this a long time. It doesn't surprise me at all. Nothing that lot do will every surprise me again." Someone with less self-control would be jabbing their pen viciously into the hide and the table underneath it by now. It's almost more unsettling when someone is so upset and is not doing something like that. "Whatever happens will happen. It's not as if I've any control over it. I'm sure it's just a matter of time until I'm removed from my post anyway."

Kianda lifts an eyebrow, looking round at her. "So they can put somebody in your place, that will make Records they prefer, rather than truthful ones?"

Miniyal's shoulders lift in a shrug. "Who can say? I doubt they want to go down in history as the scheming back stabbing creatures they are. Surely turns from now when everyone's grandchildren are in here they won't want to be reading the truth. How the weyr was stolen by a no good bed hopping snake and a weyrleader who had not been in his right mind for some time before it happened." Shaking her head she sets her pen down. "Besides, it's quite obvious this was simply given to me as a bribe. And I've no desire to keep something so tainted."

Miniyal stands up and gathers up her things, stacking the hides neatly after seeing they are dry. Carrying them to a cupboard she puts them away before returning to do the same with pen and ink. The whole time she doesn't talk. Only when her things are put away and she's standing by her table does she speak again. "For being stupid. Trusting someone I shouldn't have. Letting my ignorance be used by someone who cared very little about what it would do to me. What it would mean. If you will excuse me I've some things to do. If you have trouble finding anything Sellik and Maty will be able to help you." And she leaves before she's no longer able to speak so evenly about things. Before giving anything else away about her own private misery. Fleeing from the records room rather than running someone else off is not actually something that has occurred before. This can't be good.

Kianda can only nod acknowledgement, though she might debate the 'evenness' of Miniyal's statements. "Thank you for your help..." She watches the woman flee, very thoughtful indeed.

kianda, miniyal

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