(Cross) Who are you?

Jul 15, 2006 23:20


This happened some time ago, and was my first RP. The scene is the first of what might be many on this particular quest of Aivey's.

Players: Jensen and Aivey
Place: Jensen's office
The What: Aivey comes to deliver some lost clothes that turn out not to be Jensen's, while Jensen deals with an unusual discovery.

Jensen's Office

It's a simple chamber, this room, wider than it is long, and serves as personal quarters/office for the captain. The door is almost always open to anyone who may need to see him. Light is provided by a number of glow-baskets fixed to the otherwise bare walls. A bed, little more than a cot, made up with heavy quilts, is up against one wall, pushed into the corner so it'll be out of the way. It's big enough for two if they don't mind being very close. A small chest for clothes and likely any weapons he might have in his possession rests at the foot. A desk and chair sit opposite it, the former cluttered with hides and parchment scattered across its surface. Some clothes, clean and dirty, litter the floor. His leather breastplate and wristguard and things rest next to the bed when not in use.

The office is quiet. Everything looks just as it had last been left save for one rather drastic thing. There, in plain view of any who walk through the door is a dagger stuck to the wall. Dangling from the hilt is a Guard Captain rank-knotted cord in the colors High Reaches Hold. Whoever left it hasn't lingered around in the office and nothing has been left behind to help identify who did it.

Jensen has had a long day thus far and it isn't over yet. He's simply coming 'home' for a quick gathering of notes he'll be taking with him to the stores and wherever else he ends up. After opening his door he steps inside, eyes downcast as he shuffles through some of the hides in his hand. Leaving the door open behind him he takes a few steps towards his desk, looks up, and stops dead in his tracks. Oh look, a sharp thing sticking out of his wall. Immediately his free hand goes to his the handle of his knife and he turns to scan the rest of his room while slowly backing up towards the 'message'. The hides are set down hurriedly on the desk and he halfturns, his nose inches from the dagger's handle. And the dangling knot.

What a time for visitors to come calling then, for someone does indeed come calling. A soft knock patterns upon Jensen's door, the harbringer of such one struggling Aivey. She doesn't look immediately at Jensen but rather the basket clutched against her chest, "'scuse me, but I think I have some of your shirts here, sir. Some got left behind by mistake, and I'm trying to find who they belong to." Holding up one such shirt by its collar, Aivey looks in Jensen's direction. It's then she spots the knife which naturally has her looking straight at him. "Strange spot to keep a knife, sir. If you don't mind my saying so."

Jensen is startled by the knocking, his knife halfway out of its sheath before he realizes it's only a girl at his door and not someone with another sharp object. Forcing himself to relax, he eyes Aivey with brows furrowed. "Shirts?" Pause. This girl... looks... "Uh. Ain't mine." Dropping his knife back home he straightens and reaches up to pull the dagger from the wall.

Aivey's attention lingers on Jensen, not the dagger he pulls from the wall. After a lengthy pause she shrugs, "If you say so sir. Just you remember if any of your shirts come up missing, I was here trying to get them to you." She nods as though that settles the matter on her end of things, and stuffs the shirt back into the basket. "You look like something's got you by the neck. Everything alright, sir?"

"Shirts?" Jen blinks, stares hard at Aivey, and shakes his head. "I don't know what you're talkin' about, uh, small... girl... person." There's definitely something about her that tugs at the mind a bit. "Is everything alright? Well." Again he stares at the dagger, its handle clenched in his hand. "Yeah. Well... Not in so many ways, but." Wait. "Who are you?"

Dipping her head respectfully, Aivey says, "My names Aivey, sir. I work in the caverns. Laundry, cleaning and the likes. I was doin' a load of wash here, and I saw some shirts left behind. Someone said to me that they were yours so I brought 'em up to you." Again she eyes the dagger, then Jensen, "You're sure everything's good? You look like you're gonna get sick or something."

"Oh." So she isn't going to be flinging daggers at him. Jensen remains somewhat suspicious though. "Can't say I've been treated t'the door service before," he mutters. "Nice o'you." With dagger in hand he slowly, after eyeing the small hole in the wall where it once was, crosses the room to go to her. "Ain't gonna get sick, uh, Aivey, was it? Shirts, then?" His other hand extends.

Aivey now eyes Jensen strangely, "I've already show them to you. You said they weren't yours. No offense meant, sir, but if I hand these here shirts off to the wrong person, it'll be my back someone skins and not yours." There's a smile at the end of her words to keep everything respectful and proper.

Jensen's brow furrows. "You did? I did?" Wait, skinning backs? He tries out a smile; it's tense, but it'll do. "Nobody skins anybody else's back 'round here. 'Less o'course you were speakin' figurative."

"No sir," Aivey says with a shake of her head, "It's only right if you do your task wrong which is why I don't intend to do it. I'll find the person who's shirts these are and hand 'em off proper like." Aivey, on the whole, doesn't seem entirely convinced by that smile either, but she remains pleasant about the whole deal, "Like I said though, I don't mean you no disrespect. If you've got some clothes that need cleaning, I can take them for you. Faranth knows you've got to have your hands full with more important things then womens work."

That smile disappears quickly, Jen's mouth sort of dropping open. "Listen here, girlie, that don't happen here. I know how it is at the Hold, which is where 'm guessin' you're from bein' the little mousy creature y'are, but here things're different. So. Just... Get used to it." Pause. "Don't need you takin' my clothes for me, though my thanks for your concern. Now, uh, since those ain't my shirts and all you could probably just head on your little way..." And he's already nudging her gently.

"If you say so, sir." Aivey says pleasantly as she moves along, "But you just remember the offers there all the same. M'name is Aivey, I'm right in the Caverns night and day, so if you need 'em done up proper, don't be afraid to ask." Slipping through the door, Aivey pauses just out in the hallway, "I'll not say it again, sir, because it's none of my business and all, but if I were you I'd try and find out who that there knife belongs to. You didn't look exactly happy to see it stuck in your wall like it was." With that, the girl departs.

"Well I'll keep that in mind, Aivey, thanks." Jensen, in a hurry to get her /away/, continues nudging her until she's gone. Her parting words cause him to slow, a concerned look on his face. As she walks off he lifts his hand, dagger too, and looks at it very strangely. Finally he murmurs, to himself, "Reckon I do." And, with that, he disappears into his office and closes the door behind him. And you better believe he locks it too.

aivey, jensen

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