Turn's End: Part 2

Jul 08, 2006 23:25

Location: Living Cavern
Time: Evening on Turnover between Turns 1 and 2
Players: Everyone!
Scene: And now things begin to get interesting.

Essdara gives Sefton a frosty look as he foils her plans. "Headmaster." She says, with careful politeness. "I find it is much easier to enjoy a pleasant and interesting conversation when relaxed. Sometimes, the best way to do that is to be away from the people who are making you uncomfortable, and to do something pleasant until you reach that state. Hence, dancing. But I am sure you have your own ways, which work just as well for you." She stresses the last two words ever so slightly.

Jensen has been here the entire time, but most of his time has been spent circling. He isn't the only guard here, either. In fact most of his men are present as well, all dressed in their best, which varies.

"To me it is," Aida replies promptly, finally drawing up by a little cluster of chairs. She doesn't actually move to sit, but she does turn to set her side against the back of it just so, not leaning but at least minimizing the angle that people can approach her from. "Apparently I was almost the disgrace of the infirmary, but we won't go into that." Even as she's chatting lightly with Kierom, her attention wanders here and there. Attentive. There's no doubt she's observing everything she can manage.

G'thon offers Reyce a dry smile, then a somewhat warmer one for his new dance partner. "I have found over the turns," he informs whilst offering the lady of Benden his elbow for her hand, then leading them toward the dance floor, "That someone must be the first to actually use the music for what it is provided for. After us, others will follow." At the edge of the parquet he pauses and steps back, offering his hands, stately and graceful; as befits his station and his age both, it is a formal pose indeed.

"My time is devoted to my students, Aelan," Sefton returns, rather unsettlingly demonstrating knowledge of this particular student's name. Essdara's words draw a quirk of his lips, and an inclination of his upper body that's almost a bow -- slightly mocking. "Then you must not allow me to discomfit you, Essdara. By all means, dance." A wave of one hand indicates those doing already, and he steps back; he's spotted Master Derien, perhaps a more interesting proposition.

K'sar talks softly with Roa while the two continue to dance, even though the music has changed.

"I wonder," remarks E'sere lightly, hazel eyes falling on the entering Mastersmith, like many others, "what surprises are in store for the Reaches tonight. It's not a party without one." But he shrugs and fixes his companion with another of those grins, brows arched at Issa's words. "Should she now," he remarks, grin broadening. "Hmm. I might have to linger here longer than I originally intended, in that case. While the cat's away, I suppose. Do warn me, though, if you see one of those, ah, wenches approaching? I'd hate to be looking the other way when one comes looking."

Penny lifts her glass in farewell as the Lord leaves, smiling as he goes. Once he's safely away, Penny turns a delighted sort of smile on Ginella. "Oh, I'd forgotten how much fun this is," she says by way of reply. She looks down at her glass, from which she hasn't yet managed to take a sip; and before she can make another attempt, she nearly drops the glass -- startled at Derien's shout, she turns, wide-eyed. Then her own face splits into a sweet, wide smile echoing her father's grin. The wine glass is thrust rather unceremoniously at Ginella, and the smith doesn't wait to see if the goldrider will take it before she's off towards the Mastersmith. "Father," she greets gravely, skidding to a halt in front of him and executing a picture-perfect curtsey of utmost respect, the very image of a high-born lady. She manages to hold the gravity for a moment before the dimples reappear and she straightens in order to fling her arms around the man's neck, stretching onto her toes. "Hi, daddy." Cling.

Kelar is having a fine time -- the weight of responsibility is not so heavy on his shoulders, and Sefton's brother has engaged himself in the gentlemanly task of rescuing Bailie from having to bellow remarks into the ear of a very elderly bronzerider. Whether the old man actually hears the excuse the man from Boll makes is moot, but it serves -- soon enough, Kelar and his future sister-in-law are dancing.

Samien stops short as the Lady Sian tenders him her greeting. The soft, warm smile the Lord High Reaches so gently and willingly shared with the Bendenite goldrider and Mastersmith's daughter chills to a thin, hard line as his eyes like ice freeze upon the swell of Sian's belly. Slowly that cold gaze strolls back up the landscape of his mother's form to her face; to that he coolly remarks, "The Weyr clearly _dishonors_ my presence, Lady."

"That's...very responsible of you, sir," Aelan says with a tight smile, regathering herself after the edgy jump. "I'll make sure to put that in my next letter home. Headmaster Sefton devoted to students. Willing to spend personal time with them." The smile that flashes then is simply seraphic, as though innocent of the implications of her words, and she suddenly reaches out to snatch Dara's hand and start with long strides towards the floor. "Let's go dance, Dara, like the Headmaster suggested." Flee!

"I'm sorry, I thought I saw..." The little Telgari weyrwoman shakes her head as she glides along the floor with K'sar. The train of her dress is a potential problem, but so far it hasn't been stepped on, and for all her protestation, Roa does keep up with the steps of the dance fairly well. "It was nothing, I guess. You and Rysia aren't...I'm sorry to hear that." As for the rest, well, it's simply not touched upon. "And where *has* your business taken you of late?"

Sian's hand stills as it is offered, slowly lowering to her belly as her own eyes narrow. "Don't..." she hisses softly at her son. "You have been taught better than this, Samien."

Settling into a standing position near to Aida' right, Kierom makes a frown, "I won't ask and I'd rather not talk about the Infirmaryas it is now. Taking a deep breathe, he takes a sip of his klah. He glances around a few times, seeing who's present and maybe hoping to see someone in particular. "I promised Essdara a dance later, but until then, I'd rather go unnoticed."

"Leadership by example," Carina agrees, taking his hands with her own measure of grace - she's an old hand at these things, and an elegant dancer. The mastersmith's bellow distracts her for a moment, but a flung glance over her shoulder is all Carina gives it. Another laugh escapes her as she turns her face back to the weyrleader. "A lively event, indeed." Reyce, back by the wall, sees a golden opportunity to sneak away for a drink, and does so.

"Oh, my baby girl!" Derien approves with a rumbling laugh at Penny's curtsey, wrapping tree-trunk arms around her waist and lifting the girl with her hug, giving her a little spin before putting her down and stepping back to take a look. "Faranth, the things they teach you at this Caucus. Such lady-like bows, then such dresses. Don't they have chaperones here to check these things? You know what the boys will be thinking, I know I do."

Timing-- the art of the right place at the right moment-- is everything. R'vain appears at Sian's shoulder, those two laden plates one in either hand, only a moment too late to hear what the Lord High Reaches has said to his mother. But Sian's response and Samien's demeanor speak volumes, and as might be expected, the Weyrlingmaster's face is quick to turn scarlet. Rage broils just beneath its surface, but with uncommon decency the rider manages to keep some semblance of propriety, bending to place those plates one at a time on the table before straightening and gritting out through sharp white teeth, "Duties, Lord Samien." Whether that's a greeting or a suggested correction might be somewhat unclear.

Ginella flinches at the bellowing, turning to look and almost missing the wine glass as it is thrust at her. A brief juggle and she secure it without spilling, slowly trailing after Penny. She doesn't approach, really, hanging back just enough so as to not intrude on the father and daughter, while still keeping her friend in sight. While she waits, she looks around. Exciting.

K'sar's smile has faded and he shakes his head. "Around and about." he murmurs low. "Well done with the party - if you were a part of its arranging? You seem to have the air of someone proud and wary all at once."

Essdara mutters something at Sefton's back that, while unheard in the din, you can be sure is anything /but/ polite. And then she is all-but dragged towards the floor, looking decidedly happy about it. Arriving at the floor, she smiles a bit at Aelan. "That man drives me mad." She says, simply. She seems to be steadfastly ignoring any dramas going on around her, focusing on her partner.

"That man scares the shells out of me, but I'd rather not let him know," Aelan replies cheerfully to Dara, pausing and setting her hands on her hips once she reaches the floor, lips twisting in a thoughtful grimace. "Did you have a plan on how we were going to manage this?" she asks after a moment.

"Augh!" Penny squeaks at the enthusiasm of the mastersmith's hug, pushing ineffectually at his arms. "Air, daddy! I need to breathe!" When he sets her back down, she staggers a step or two. "Yes, well, I seem to remember a time you wanted me to act a bit more like a lady. I recall a certain incident with a smashed model sailboat and one of your apprentices in tears." She raises an eyebrow, and then turns, slipping herself under her father's arm and hugging him round the waist. "Of course I know what they'll think. They'll think 'Wow, that girl has one intimidating father.' And no one will ever dare to so much as look at me." She spies Ginella trailing along behind her and smiles, lifting a hand to wave her over. Yeah, nothing scary here, just a tree of a man with the lung capacity to bellow clearly across a room crowded with all of Pern's upper crust.

"You realize that with such a notation about desired conversation, you drastically reduce what it is I can politely talk about?" Aida asks of Kierom, her tone threading with a tease. She takes another light sip from her glass before she lowers it, free fingers lifted to gesture around vaguely. "There are plenty of others you could go ask to dance; it would not only keep you busy, but keep you occupied -- and with others now dancing, not draw much notice. Look, there -- doesn't she look lost?" There's a light gesture towards another wallflower. "Or you can just stay here. I think you should be fine, really."

Essdara smirks. "He knows, and it amuses him to no end, never fear. Watch yourself around him, /especially/ if he is being nice." She blinks, and looks at the other girl a moment, then down at herself. She shrugs. "We'll work something out? I'm not missing the chance to enjoy this!"

G'thon laughs briefly, softly, an affected little laugh from his infinite store of such chuckles. "We've been beat to it," he observes with a nod of his head to Roa and K'sar - then he begins, and with Carina's hands upon his the Weyrleader joins those few pairs already dancing. "So have I Reyce to thank for bringing you as an invitee of the Caucus, or have we something else to be grateful to for your lovely presence?"

Jensen ends up near Aida and Kierom - big surprise, isn't it? - and stands at the latter person's free side. "Hi Aida. Kierom." A nod, polite and conservative, and his hands clasp behind his back.

"And you're elusive as ever," counters Roa with a practiced chuckle. "It's the third and fourth year students that arranged everything. I only painted a little. And if I seem 'pround and weary', well, your mysterious journeys have taken you away from a great deal of drama here at your very own door." The slow smile offered is intended to soften the possibly harsh words, as she and the bronzerider dance.

Derien just /beams/ at Penny's answer, clapping his great big paws to her shoulders with pride. "My baby girl. You must be doing so well here. Where's that headmaster fellow? Announce his pretty little ascension and I get no extra letters about how my baby girl's running all his classes to perfection, hmm?"

K'sar pauses in mid-dance step and tries to tuck Roa's hand into his arm. "A drink, m'lady? Perhaps a quiet corner for a few moments while you /explain/ that comment?" He pauses only long enough to add "Please" to that statement - as if there were really a question in that.

Aelan considers Dara for another moment, then nods. "Let's just do hands on waists on all around, shall we?" she suggests, smile slipping crooked with wry amusement. "And try not to run into anyone important. Maybe if we keep spinning it won't ever dawn on them that it's two girls," she winks.

The current song ends, another picking up right on its heels. The pause is just the right length for one to take advantage of as they will: either to break off and seek other partners (or not) or to decided to enjoy another turn around the floor with the current one. Harpers. Clever in so many ways.

Kierom blushes at what Aida says/ "I'm sorry, it's been an interesting couple of weeks," he says, "And I should be more focused on the beautiful lady present before me." He smiles softly at her and nods as Jensen greets him. "Hello sir." He chews on his lower lip for a second and then takes a sip of his klah.

Issa keeps on grinning, and one may detect a hint of surprise in the slight squint of her eyes as she listens to E'sere. "Will do," she assures shortly on the subject of wenches. Curling one arm about her midsection, and resting the elbow of the other on top of it, she manages to attain the perfect height for the wineglass, perfect for casual sipping. "Surprises? I hope none. Considering the shape that recent surprises have taken, I'd much rather a quietly tipsy night of dancing and good food. Or perhaps, if it's required, as you say, just a good brawl. Women brawling," she decides with a single, decided nod of her head. "Oh, there's one now. She's perfect for you, if I do say so myself, E'sere," Issa points out quietly, shielding her words with an uplifted glass. Coming up to the table is a portly older woman, with thinning hair and a toothy smile, daringly bearing a bountiful decolletage. Wench number 1.

Ginella looks up to meet Penny's eyes, visibly wary of the invitation she's being given. There's some /definite/ hesitation, but after a second's pause, a sip of wine, and the now-imminent danger of losing her companion altogether, she gathers her courage and heads towards the smith pair. "Goodevening, Mastersmith, sir," she greets him politely, still holding and extra glass of wine.

Essdara grins brightly. "But, Aelan." She says, while moving to follow the other girl's lead. "I fully intend to be proud of my first dance partner. Not a person here doesn't envy me now, I'm sure." OK, so noone even notices them; why let that stop a compliment? "But really, don't think anyone's going to notice or care tonight. 'Specially with the really important people around to be spectacles."

"I would expect that you have also been taught better, Lady. You are disgraceful here." Samien's genteel nostrils flare in a most unpleasant way, but aside from that and a slight curl of his lip his face betrays little of the temper which keeps his words tense and clipped. "And you, dragonrider." Though clearly this addresses R'vain, the young Lord does not grace the bronzerider with so much as even a glance. "Now: If you will excuse me." Each word is brief, clipped, almost spitting, and Samien turns on his heel to stalk off toward the Mastersmith, already arranging that warm, handsome smile anew on his fair features.

Carina allows her smile to become just the tiniest bit wry at the suggestion of Reyce's compliance, but her expression is entirely demure when he flatters her. "You are too kind. And much as it pains me to seem vain in front of you, I must give myself all the credit for my coming here tonight." She darts him a mischievous grin. "So many of your female caucus students make good matches, oughtn't I to have a look around?"

Aida's face lights up again when she spots Jensen, and she's immediately lifting her glass to him. "Sir," she greets, voice warm. "Hello. We are playing 'stand in the middle of everything and look busy' right at the moment, and you are more than welcome to join us in such. You are doing well, I hope?" There is of course laughter at Kierom's words, and she shakes her head at him. "Use those words in relation to me again, and I may drag you out to the dancefloor simply to assure that you will end the night with at least one broken toe." Her tone *is* teasing, of course.

Sian opens her mouth to say something to Samien as he turns, the words lost in a gasp that makes her eyes widen and her whole body shudder. Instead, her hand reaches out and clutches at R'vain, her face going ashen-pale and obviously in pain.

That headmaster fellow appears obligingly near Derien -- he really does have a knack of drifting through the crowd without noticing those who would waylay him. While Kelar and Bailie take advantage of the break to claim refreshment, Sefton raises his glass in greeting to Derien, Penny and Ginella. "Good evening, sir. Penny looks very well, does she not? Reminds me of Turnovers past at Boll, in that dress." Not quite the tone the students are used to in class, this one is relaxed, familiar -- friendly.

Miniyal burrows back into her corner even farther as her player gets dragged afk a moment.

"Yeah, speaking of which, let's get started while the Mastersmith's around," Aelan grins wickedly back at Dara. "There's a good eight in ten chance anything we do'll get covered up by something he bellows." And then she steps in and sets her hands on the other girl's waist, wry smile betokening some confidence, at least, in the motion. "Shall we dance?" she grins.

R'vain's face finds new shades of the spectrum to explore, all in the general vicinity of 'red.' Veins stand out along his neck and beads of sweat appear around his temples, and those brash brawling paws clench with violent intent. But just as the Weyrlingmaster begins to lose it and dash a forward step, a fist ready for swinging at the back of Lord Samien's pretty head, the Lady's clutching fingers tug and pull at R'vain's shirt and his momentum turns him about in a half-circle 'til awkwardly, he's facing her, growling and champing at the bit. "What. What? He's got no right. Even Ganathon would run a string through his nose for that." Ineffectively, the bronzerider tries to pluck Sian's fingers free so he can pursue his prey.

Derien reaches out to clap a hand to Sefton's back in broad greeting. "Sefton, m'boy," he chuckles deeply. "Speak of Thread and poof! here it is. She is beautiful, isn't she? I'd tell you to drop that Fort girl of yours and think about my Penny light, but I think she's got bigger things than just being some man's wife ahead of her," he beams, attention caught briefly by Ginella, one massive paw offered in her direction. "And who might you be, sweetcheeks?" he asks, ever the indulgent father figure. "Such a nice girl! Are you one of my Penny's friends here? Wonderful girl, isn't she?"

Roa allows herself to be led off the dancefloor, but at its edge she stops, attempting to withdraw her hand from her dance partner's. "K'sar...I'm not...you can't just..."Inhale. Exhale. "I would be happy to speak with you about all the latest news at another time. Tomorrow, if you like. *Tonight*, I have promised Kelar of Boll a conversation and there are other people here whose company I am expected to enjoy as well." Not so little anymore indeed. And now it is her turn to add, more softly, "please."

Essdara returns the grin with an ever-widening one of her own. "It's my pleasure, madam." She answers, and they are off on the dance floor. Dara declines to try to talk while dancing; while she's not bad, she clearly hasn't had too much oppertunity to really practice it, and it takes all her concetration to keep up.

"Daddy, this is Ginella, of Benden Weyr. Yes, she is one of my friends here, she's heard a lot about you." Penny smiles at Ginella, though there's a faint note of defiance -- yes, friends with a dragonrider. Nobody's perfect. "The headmaster?" Penny looks blank for a moment, as if she actually doesn't know the person in question. But then her eyes roam the room, a quick once-over, eyes almost immediately falling on the black-clad form just as he approaches. "Here he is." Now, for the first time, she does pull away from her father to step toward Sefton, leaning up on her toes to place quite a sisterly kiss on his cheek. "Why, thank you, headmaster," she says, leaning back down and smiling at him. "I would say the same of you, but you always look well." There's a faint drawl in her voice at that. Her father's comment earns him a startled look, one that changes to a sort of self-mocking humor. "Daddy, hush. Don't tempt him with things he can't have."

"That's one of my favorite games. I've gotten pretty good at it." Jensen grins right back at Aida and tips his head again. "I'm doin' well as can be expected. You?" His eyes had been wandering and though they do seek out a few faces in particular - perhaps taking note of who is here and who isn't, something he's very likely been doing all night - they find Sian quickly. "Uh. Actually, if you could excuse me? I'll be right back." And without another word he departs for the Lady, snagging a glass of wine on his way; he stops by her side moments later, a polite distance away from both her and R'vain, and sort of stops short when the bronzerider loses it. "Uh. Lady Sian?" His tone is concerned, and a hand is ready should she, well, need it?

K'sar offers Roa a crisp bow and steps back. "Thank you for the dance, Roa. Again, you look quite lovely. I hope you enjoy your evening." His eyes say something wholly different as he turns away and heads for the drinks table.

Aelan isn't exactly a dancing expert. The steps are a little off, even if they are with the beat, but at least there's an athletic grace to her movements that keeps her from looking too foolish. The not so foolish effect is unfortunately counterbalanced by the broad, cheerful grin she shoots anyone who looks her way, but at least it's a start.

"Ah, I wondered if that might be the case." The ending of one bit of music and the beginning of the next offers G'thon an opportunity to lift one of Carina's hands and press a chaste little kiss to its knuckles, then step back and lift his brows at her, silent query as to whether she wishes to continue dancing. Having used no words to convey this question, he's at liberty to continue conversation and drily remark, "Ah, they do indeed. But I should hope you have seen in Reyce some evidence that the Caucus does serve other purpose, as well?"

"Oh, dear," says E'sere, tracking Issa's gaze to that older woman. Quickly, he slips closer to the greenrider, remarking, "I think I'll pretend you've laid claim to me for the moment. And here I was, thinking, you meant young, /beautiful/ lusty wenches." His sigh is heavy, too much so to be serious, and he's quick to offer the greenrider a smirk. "But, now, a women's brawl. I've seen those before. Had to break those up before, too--they never tell you the downsides of fancy knots," he adds, smirk broadening slightly for the woman.

Sian's voice drops low and she whimpers as she speaks to R'vain. "Please...it's..." She whispers. "Jensen...the babe..." Well, that's ONE way to keep R'vain from beating the Lord Holder to a pulp. Another gasp and she closes her eyes, belly visibly shifting beneath the silk of her gown.

Kierom nods as Jensen makes his leave and sighs a little, still blushing slightly. "Well, I am not the best dancer either, which is why I am here and not /there/" he points to where the others are dancing. "But if anyone could pull me to the dance floor right now, it would be you," he teases a little and cocks his head slightly, with a giggle.

And what a cute pair the girls make, trying to not be seen, while dancing with little skill but much enthusiasm. Dara winces a bit as she does miss a step, but she manages /not/ to stumble or fall over because of it. A sheepish smile to Aelan as she settles back into the rhythm.

K'sar finds a bottle of the Bollian liquor and steps away from the table, heading for a corner and a seat. He watches the other dancers, gaze flicking to Roa now and then. Yep - he's not happy with his Telgar lady friend right now.

"I'm..." Not going to get a chance to answer that. Aida shifts on her feet enough to watch after Jensen, putting on a flutter of worry for a moment before she smoothes it out and reclaims the polite smile. She watches Sian and R'vain with a hint of curiosity but doesn't let her attention linger long. Instead, she drags it back to Kierom...and promptly crosses her eyes at him. "Flatterer," she accuses. "Careful; I might start blushing and giggling in a moment."

Roa finds herself...standing alone in the crowd as the bronzerider departs for better company. She swallows once but squares her shoulders and turns in a slow cirle in an attempt to relocate those she ought to greet who haven't yet been ensnared by others.

Sefton rests an arm briefly in the small of Penny's back for that sisterly kiss, releasing her with a laugh. "You know very well she has half of Boll at her feet," he tells the Mastersmith, pausing for a mouthful of that same white his companions have in hand. "And the other half are simply not man enough to admit it, overwhelmed with respect for your person, sir." Ginella is offered a perhaps unexpected leg-up by the headmaster, who indicates her with his glass. "Ginella is one of my most diligent students. Penny chooses her friends very well."

Ginella flushes at Derien's question, but smiles and nods all the same. "She certainly is," she agrees, giving Penny a bit of a smile for the introduction, "I'm very pleased to have her as a friend, and it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." The Headmaster's approach earns a smile and a polite nod. "Headmaster," she greets him, "Good evening." She allows her attention to wander, most often to the door, before turning back at the unexpected praise. She flushes lightly, inclining her head again. "The Headmaster is too kind," she murmurs politely.

Aelan grins broadly at Dara. "You're doing fine," she laughs, yelping another laugh as she bumps right into a minor holder from Fort, flushing and spinning the dance back behind another pair. "Right, so, that's one report to my Father..." she whistles innocently.

"Oh, Nugget, don't be silly," Derien chuckles richly. "Sefton's a reasonable sort of fellow. A pleasure to meet you, Ginella," he adds with a warm, eye-crinkling smile at the goldrider. "I'm glad to hear that Penny's made such interesting friends here. It was always the plan for this Caucus," he says proudly.

Bailie is swallowed up by a party of young women, and in short order she's holding court, leaning out to inspect the embroidery on one girl's sleeves with an approving nod. This leaves her escort free, and Kelar promptly snags an extra glass of wine, materialising behind Roa to reach past her, a gold-trimmed sleeve and dark hand appearing in her field of vision with this offering. "My turn for a dance," he instructs the Telgari familiarly. "I have to go to Fort soon enough."

"Oh." R'vain's voice is rough, maybe even disgusted, but the red drains out of him. "Dammit," he adds-- surely the perfect reaction for the proud father-- and stops bothering with Sian's clenched fingers. Instead he puts his hands bodily on her upper arms, like to haul her up out of her chair. "Can you walk?" He glances over his shoulder at the captain. There is not a single iota of affection or respect in the look he gives the guard, but grudging awareness that the other man might be useful if the lady proves unable to use her feet forces from the Weyrlingmaster a grunt. "Think we're leaving," he observes.

Miniyal gives in and stops a passing kitchen worker to lighten the tray a few pastries. Which means eventually she'll need a drink, but for now she tries not to get sweetener on her dress and therefore never hear the end of it from her mother.

Essdara grins impishly. "Just forget about him and enjoy yourself. Do you really think he'll get reports of everything you do tonight? Far too busy here." The pair continue around the dancefloor, and Dara's words when she speaks again are a bit breathy from the exertion. "'Sides, the night's barely begun, and I am sure we'll find plenty of ways to cause him discomfort by the end of it."

The guard smiles at what Aida says, "Well, I am a flatterer," he admits, "but you make the job easy." He winks at the girl as he spots Essdara on the dance floor with Aelan and chuckles to himself. "It is nice to be able have a little fun."

Penny lingers for a moment at Sefton's side before she moves away to return to her father, linking her arm in his and leaning against him like a little girl hugging her daddy's leg. She flashes Ginella a grateful sort of look, smiling amusedly at her father's antics. For the moment she remains quiet, though Sefton's comment about having half of Boll at her feet earns him a bemused look, one eyebrow rising.

"Lady?" Jensen's hand very definitely slips underneath Lady Sian's elbow, as much to keep her from tipping over if that's to happen as to offer the length of his arm for her to hold onto in kind if she needs. His wine glass is gone who knows where, hopefully not the floor. "Get 'er to the infirmary," he tells R'vain, and adds, "I'll help you." Because, well... It's /Sian/.

"Think I might have to avoid that..." Aelan starts, then spins the dance to an awkward stop near the edge of the dance floor when she catches sight of Sian and R'vain, brows arching. "Oh!" she says, then moves to a swift whisper to the othe girl, watching.

Carina presses her lips together over a laugh, saying delicately, "He has improved, certainly. I fear he has never been very demonstrative, so it's a difficult measure." She shakes her head, glancing back at the wall, where Reyce - drink in hand - awaits their return and broods. "I would continue dancing," she says quietly, "for you've been a wonderful partner, but if I have shanghaied my brother into attending me, I must at least be generous enough to bore him in different areas of the room."

Roa nearly jumps out of her skin as Kelar appears behind her, whipping around with enough force to threaten her balance so the hand that shoots out grabs not for the second glass of wine, but for Kelar's arm. Equilibium regained, the goldrider smiles feebly. "I'm sorry. Yes, it does seem to be your turn at that. And how kind of you to brave the Reaches at the height of its winter. Your affection for your brother is great indeed."

Aelan whispers "That's the Lady Sian, she teaches all the etiquette classes. And unless I miss my guess, that's a woman about to drop a foal..."

Issa favors E'sere with a heavy gaze as he steps nearer, eyes thinning though she reutrns the bronzerider's smirk. "You assume too much. I merely specified wenches, and I believe," she says, with a mocking formality that is broken by a short giggle, "she qualifies." The woman only goes on to prove Issa right, shooting E'sere a meaningful glance as she passes on her way to the dance floor, despite his proximity to the greenrider. After drowning her resulting chuckles with the rest of her wine, Issa continues. "Ah, yes. Poor little bronzerider. You really do just have the hardest life there is."

The dance ends for them, and Dara releases the woman to turn and watch the people. She nods a little at the whisper, leaning over a bit to reply to her in quiet tones.

Sian staggers to her feet with R'vain and Jensen's help and whimpers softly, shaking her head at his query about her ability to walk. "No, R'vain..." another gasp and she clutches at her belly, bending over as the men help her towards the exit. "Fast...s'too fast..." Jensen is given an appreciative grimace. Help is most definitely appreciated.

One song flows into the next, this one slower and perhaps a little melancholy. The lyre player sits down and takes up the drums so that the drummer might sing this song solo. It's a rememberance of things past. Lost moments, and particularly, a lost love.

You whisper "Yeah, I met her once. And that does seem to be the case. That's going to be a child with a wonderful sense of timing, you can tell. That's R'vain with her, the weyrlingmaster. And Jensen, the captain of our new guards." to Aelan.

Aida starts to say something that was likely to be another tease in response to Kierom, but the words never quite make it out. Her attention lingers on Jensen, Lady Sian, and R'vain, and she's promptly turning and reaching to try and take Kierom's mug from him. "Go see if your Captain needs help," she directs him. "They'll at least need the way cleared of people."

If there is something amiss with his mother the Lady Regent, Samien is gracefully, forcefully unaware of it. He has no eyes for anything occurring over in that part of the cavern. No; the Lord High Reaches, finding Derien surrounded, seeks out other quarry. "Lady Aelan, I suspect," says he, suddenly attendant - seemingly out of nowhere - beside the women. To them, he offers that warm, pleasing smile. "You are delightful this evening. And your... companion, as well." Ice blue eyes turn to warm ocean waves as a glance washes over Essdara.

K'sar finds the bottle in his hand is lifted to his lips quite easily. Easier still as it empties in swallows instead of sips. He keeps watching Roa and then skims the crowd, wondering where Rysia is.

E'sere has absolutely no concern for the ongoing drama elsewhere; his attention remains on Issa, his companion of the hour. Sinopa, though still gushing with her girlfriends, spares a few frowns his way that are as pointedly ignored as other surroundings. E'sere manages a tight smile for the other woman ogling him, tugging at his collar idly as he glances sideways back to Issa. "I'm glad you understand," he tells the greenrider, offering another small smile. "You've no idea the troubles that plague me."

"This evening is the product of the work of the students," Sefton observes, glancing away for a moment to take in the decoration. "We must admit that they do seem to learn something, despite occasional efforts to the contrary." Rich amusement in his tone, dark eyes taking in his charges in their various conversational groupings.

Kelar laughs, touching his glass to Roa's as he circles around into more a more convenient conversational range. "Brave? Obedient, perhaps. Or if you prefer poetry, I was simply driven to come, unable to resist the opportunity to be reunited. Will that do?"

Aelan is still staring wide-eyed at Sian and company and whispering with Dara when Samien materializes. Darn those high-born men and their powers of apparation! This time, at least, there's no jumping or wineglass juggling when she looks up, blinking once. "Lord Samien," she says slowly, a little shell-shocked for a moment until she snaps back out of it to step back and manage an imperfect curtsey. "Your, ah-" And then /some/ sense of politics kicks in and she clears her throat, dropping the finger starting to point at Sian. "Lord Samien, this is Dara. She works in the kitchens here," she introduces with a bright smile. "Dara, Lord Samien, of High Reaches."

R'vain is pretty good at brute force. Jensen's help is all he needs to haul the Lady complete, part and parcel, into his arms. The captain's attendance is tolerated as far as the entrance to the tunnel which will take the apparently very imminently expecting pair to the infirmary; at that point a growled remark from the Weyrlingmaster excludes the guard from welcome. R'vain and Sian vanish, leaving a few whispered remarks among lower caverns staff and not much other stir in their wake.

Sian and R'vain depart for the Infirmiry

World expanding once more outside of the circle of father, headmaster, and friend, Penny finally notices the commotion over by Lady Sian and tightens her arm around her father's. "Daddy. Do you think you should help her?" Because Derien, of course, is a big man; but there are plenty of people assisting, and she's not exactly relinquishing her grip on him. Sometimes a girl needs her father. She continues watching the progress of the Lady and the Weyrlingmaster, and of course the guard Captain as well, an air of distraction about her.

Essdara is not without her own manners, rare though they are to be shown. Faced with Samien's inturruption, she offers a polite smile. As Aelan introduces her, she can't help but give a slight wince. Still, she sketches a curtsey the departed lady-in-labor would be proud of. "It's an honor to have the chance to meet you, Lord Samien. I hope you are enjoying your evening?" She looks up at him with a polite smile with her last words.

Derien looks over his shoulder when Penny draws his attention away, bushy brows rising in question. "Huh. Well, that'll be a story for the gather, hmm?" he says jovially. "Never a good gather until someone's started having a baby or choking on the wine. Or gets drunk," he adds good-naturedly. "Sefton, m'boy, I'm proud of you. I've seen more improvement in my Penny since you took over than I ever saw from that old...What was his name?" Derien isn't nearly old enough to be forgetting names, but it suits him to pretend. "Well, that Harper fellow."

"Well, it's certainly..." Roa's words trail off as a figure across the room, a man dressed in black, is there and then gone. Quick enough that most would miss or not even notice him. She looks around to find Jensen rather busy with worries of his own. Or more precisely, worries of R'vain and Lady Sian. K'sar, well, that corner is quite avoided. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I seem quite prone to distraction. It's my first real Gather, you see." The wine is drawn to her lips. "Would you share with me news of Boll? I find myself a little hungry for stories of sun and warmth."

Aspen enters from the bowl outside.

He blinks for a moment and starts to head towards the Captain, but moving a little too slowly through the crowd, he sees R'vain and Sian leave and sighs a little as turns around and is surrounded by people and starts edging back to where Aida is, glancing at Essdara as he does so.

The Weyrleader shares another of that store of little laughs for Carina's remark about Reyce, then lets go her hands and turns to attend her off the dance floor. "Of course, Lady. It has been my pleasure." G'thon stops at the edge of the parquet, releasing Reyce's sister back to the crowd and her sibling obligations, then himself moves off toward the tables and wine.

Jensen does what he can - there's no way he would leave his 'post' anyway - in clearing a path and helping the weyrlingmaster get the expecting Lady out of the busy cavern and murmurs a farewell of sorts. Go, go, go. That done he turns, gives anybody close enough who was watching a Look - nothing to see here - and starts striding off in the direction of Sefton. Hey look, he has a glass of wine again! "Headmaster," he greets, standing close enough now to do so.

Meanwhile, the rest of the guards are standing at several different spots, some mingling, some simply standing and watching. There's a certain aura of attentiveness surrounding each and every one of them though, and none more than their captain.

Drink would be good, but Miniyal eyes the tables suspiciously. She doesn't leave her protected corner for now, instead she sits there, licking her fingers clean. At least she doesn't wipe them on her dress. The inside of her shawl, sure, but not her dress. One foot taps a couple of times, but then she stills and goes back to observing.

Sefton's attention turns to Sian too, and conversations pauses for a moment of observation. "Lady Sian is well-attended," he murmurs, returning his attention fairly promptly to his immediate companions. "But you're too kind, sir." All the instructors work very hard, and Penny applies herself in class. Master Jerion," Sefton continues, ever the diplomat, "laid down a good deal of groundwork." A neat reduction of the eight turns the man devoted to the position.

Issa peers at E'sere now out of the corner of her eyes, expelling a short, sharp laugh at his response. "Obviously, I don't," is her muttered response, and she neglects to say anything more in that vein. While she too fails to notice the drama of babes and birthing mothers, Issa does take note of the drama of jealous goldriders. Catching sight of Sinopa and those flustered frowns in among the chatter, she subtly changes her body language, an tilt of the head and a slightly different tilt to her shoulders. "Could you maybe take enough time away from your troubles to pour me another glass?" she prompts, displaying her empty one, a smile aiming to charm accompanying the gesture.

"Dara. Such a pleasure." Lord Samien offers his fine hand to take in his palm the kitchen-worker's fingers, should she allow the gesture. If it is a little bit ridiculous, the smooth delight which the Reachian Lord wears refuses any awareness of it. He is, every bit, a young man being charming to young women. With his other hand the Lord raises his wineglass in a mock toast. "I am simply adoring my evening. The Caucus serves us well. Would that we'd thought of such a celebration to arrange when I was here!"

Starting to turn and move towards a table to set glasses down, Aida circles back to her claimed chairs once she realizes Kierom is heading back towards her. There's another worried glance sent towards the tunnel, but soon enough her sunny smile is put back on, and she holds the guard's mug back up to him. No words are yet offered; she's taking the opportunity to look around and make note of people again.

K'sar pushes to his feet and looks at the bottle in his hand before going to find food. Food, to soak up the booze in his stomach. He pauses near Roa and Kelar and hands Roa the bottle of Bollian liquor. "This will warm you, Pup." He leans in to murmur to her for a moment, then nods to Kelar. "Duties - and my apologies. Just passing through."

And in among the edges of the room stoops a tall, gangling figure, turned out in the ruffles and extra-voluminous sleeves of his formal clothing. Head tilts to one side as Aspen considers the dance floor with bright eyes, one hand waving slightly in the air as if keeping a tune--one that has rather little to do with the one actually being played by the musicians. "Hmmm mmm mmm...mm hmmmm..." He hums while he sways slightly in place to his internal music.

Jensen's approach seems to catch Penny off-guard for a moment. She blinks at the man, taking in his formal attire with something akin to confusion, as if seeing him out of practical clothes is a bit of a shock. Eventually she recovers, glancing from the guard to the headmaster and back. She clears her throat, lifting her chin a little, apparently determined to do her duty by polite society. "Daddy, this is the Captain of the guard, Jensen; he's been very dedicated the past several sevens to investigating the murder I wrote you about. Captain, this is my father, Mastersmith Derien." And Derien, by reputation, needs no real supplement to the introduction. After a moment, she notices the glass still in Ginella's hand, and reaches out. Yes. She wants her alcohol back.

Reyce, with little else to watch, has been observing Lady Sian. He continues to stare thoughtfully at the infirmary door, entirely unaware of his sister's approach until she suddenly appears beside him, to give his cheek a motherly pinch. That indignity, perhaps, is why he doesn't tell her anything about the incident, merely frowns and lets himself be lead - no more pretension here, Carina's in charge - across the room towards "Ginella!" Carina's voice is filled with warmth as she steps up to the goldrider, approaching from the side so she won't seem to intrude on the other conversations nearby. "Excuse me - Weyrwoman. I spotted you across the room, and I /had/ to know if you'd still recognize me." The lady's smile is almost impish.

Aelan keeps a wary eye on Samien despite her broad smile, eyeing that wine glass rather wistfully for a moment. "It does make for crowded parties," she observes, smile flickering back to life. "Tell me, Lord Samien, how did you enjoy your time here at the Caucus?" Absently, she moves to link arms with Dara. United front!

"You'll hurt my feelings," Kelar teases, matching his brother for enthusiasm in the drinking stakes, and downing a little too much of his wine at once. "But they should let you out more often, you'll..." A pause at K'sar's interruption, and the man's lips quirk to an amused smile. "Of course, rider. A drink is always welcome." And, with a polite nod, he returns his attention to the Telgari. "You must remind me where things stood when last I wrote, then. My shadow and I have been busy enough."

Ginella seems to have slipped back into the role of an observer, listening to the Mastersmith, his daughter, and their old friend the Headmaster. She shifts Penny's still-full wine glass into her other hand so that she can sip from her own, smiling politely at various remarks but making no real attempt to insert herself into the conversation. When Jensen appears, she seems surprised, but manages not to look at Penny, instead simply greeting the Captain with a smile. Then there's a hand in front of her, and she blinks at Penny, returning the glass. "Good evening, Jensen," she says, "Have you--" She's cut off by Carina's enthusiastic greeting. She blinks, caught off guard, and nods quickly, "Of course I recognize you, Lady Carina," she says, adding a quick shallow curtsey. "I had not realized you were joining us this evening."

Kierom takes the mug back that Aida offers and nods, mumbling a thank you and chews on his lower lip absently, not saying much either but enjoying having someone he knows present.

Tavaly enters from the bowl outside.

"Jensen," Derien repeats with a warm smile, offering out a massive, callused paw to the guard. "A pleasure to meet you, man. I must say, knowing you fellows are around here keeping an eye on things makes me feel better about my little Nugget." His free arm reaches out to wrap around Penny again, smile still broad. "Good to know there's good honest men around then, you know, those fellows come back all riled up from their dragonflights and looking for innocents." From anyone else, the comments might be insulting, but there's such a good-natured honesty in the mastersmith's words that it's hard to take offense.

"Certainly," answers E'sere at once, turning back to the wine table to find a suitable bottle, which he uses to refill Issa's glass and top up his own, though he's not taken more than a couple of sips from it. Replacing the bottle, he steps back to the greenrider and remarks, "My troubles always take second place to those of a lady. I'm sure mine are minor indeed, anyway, especially in the context of the world's collective problems. It's only their proximity that magnifies our own in comparison."

A young girl darts through the crowd and tugs gently on Roa's sleeve.

Essdara doesn't resist the gesture on the Holder's part, and even manages a blush for him - it'd be rude not to, of course. She does tense a bit at Aelan's move to link arms with her, casting the girl a brief look of warning, and then a slight smile. She looks back to Samien. "Sefton always has intruiging ideas. I admit that I am enjoying tonight rather much myself, but I attribute that to the excellent company I find myself with."

Roa looks between the bronzerider to the bottle of alcohol that's just been plunked in her arms. The smile returned to K'sar is kind, if a little strained. At his murmurs she says softly, "We'll talk tomorrow, all right?" And then, as K'sar departs she turns back to Kelar as she attempts to figure out the best way to look ladylike while holding a bottle of liquor. "Distractons fall from the skies tonight," she laughs. "Your letter. Well, let's see..." and she begins, with that smile slipping into more of a smirk, to simply recite the entire thing.

"Captain Jensen has your daughter's honour firmly in hand," Sefton assures Derien blandly, greeting the Captain with a nod. "He leads the men stationed here, and does a fine job of it." Carina's arrival on the outskirts of the group is greeted with a polite nod, but Sefton's glancing away briefly, and meeting Bailie's eyes on the far side of the room. "I'm afraid I'll soon need to leave you in his capable hands. Bailie and I will be expected at Fort."

"I adored it, Lady. Such freedom to think and nurture ideas as I had never before considered possible. Such encouragement to prepare and provide for a bright future. The Caucus served me well." Samien smiles upon the linking of arms between the two young women. It might even be said that he smiles fondly, with great affection for the kinship between women. After releasing Essdara's fingertips he offers his hand to Aelan. But his question is posed to Essdara: "Might you be willing to allow me a turn on the dance floor with the Lady, Dara?"

And then there's a tug tug tug and Roa looks down at the small child, brows lifted. "May I...erm...can I help you?"

"Hello, Penny," is Jensen's so calm response. You look..." And he looks her over, lifts his chin. "Very lovely." Ah. "Mastersmith, no introductions necessary. It's a real honor meeting you, sir." His own hand is ready for a good shake, and while such ensues he lifts an eyebrow and glances askance at the smith's daughter. Nugget? "We do what we can," he says calmly, grinning. "It's good work. Hi Ginella." He releases Derien's hand and uses his now free one to wave at the goldrider. And now... time for awkward small talk, now that the pleasantries are over with. "Sure is a nice party." Right. And tug at your collar, Jen, because it's so darn tight.

Carina returns the curtsey solemnly enough, then gives her hand a little flick. "Oh, I like to take you by surprise." She steps back, leaning back against Reyce for a moment so she can get a good look at the Benden weyrwoman. "You look /very/ good," she comments. Reyce keeps his eyes on Ginella's face, judging that he lacks his sister's perogative in checking the goldrider out. A brief frown flicks across his features before he flicks his gaze away and raises the wineglass to his lips. Blessed distraction.

Food is obtained and K'sar leans against the wall, watching and listening while managing to not make a total ass of himself tonight. Or so he hopes.

And Kelar drains the last of his wine, holding out his now empty glass. "Share a little bit, only polite," he mock-chides her, glass waved back and forth with a grin. "He's right, your friend. It'll warm me up before I have to hop between to the next." Her recitation draws raised brows, and then laughter. "Now /that/ is a trick I wish I could master. To continue from there, then..." And yet another interruption -- the child is inspected with some interest, and the man falls silent.

The little girl smile at Roa and nods her head up and down. "I got a note for you. In my head! I'm s'posed to whisper it to you so no one hears!" She seems very excited about it all.

Aida seems inclined to fall into companionable silence for the time being, sipping from her glass and watching the others in attendance. There is the occasional reassuring smile sent towards her companion, but for now she seems intent on observation.

Aelan's fingers tighten briefly around Dara's arm, the silent 'it's a slow song!' message of protest passed with it. Still her other hand lifts to Samien's, the callused fingers resting lightly, at least. "My lord is too kind," she manages to mumble with a polite smile that does very little to hide the vaguely cornered look in her eyes.

A tinkle of bells and a flutter of cloth, the one weyrling not already present and making merry finally peers around the entrance to the cavern. Fashionably late? No.. this is far from fashionable. This is just plain not-here. And then she makes her move. Entering and skirting along the walls, Tavaly's pale eyes are scanning through the throng of people, a half-smirk worn on her features and proudly displayed. Spotting the one she searches for, the girl-in-green jingles her way through the people, politely excusing herself and even smacking the hand of a grabby-drunk until she's right behind Essdara, pulling lightly at her ear.

Tavaly whispers "Think I could ask a favor, love?"

The hubbub with the Lady Sian and the Weyrlingmaster seems to be noticed by the harpers, or at least by one as a single note goes sour. But things flow smoothly from then on, the music continuing. The show must go on, after all, come Fall, Fire, or Unexpected Birthing.

Penny is looking at Ginella, faint smile as she reclaims her drink, and is thus caught off-balance as her father pulls her against him again, though with his arm around her she could hardly fall. Eyes flicker from Jensen to Sefton at the headmaster's comment; her eyes narrow slightly before she looks away, down at her drink, still untouched after all this time. She stares at it for a while before lifting her head and finally taking a long swallow of the white wine in it. Then she smiles, charmingly, back at Jensen. "Thank you, Captain. "You look-- dressed up." Not perhaps the most tactful thing ever, but she manages to insert a little bit of approval into her voice.

Ginella doesn't seem particularly disappointed that Sefton is leaving, nodding vaguely before offering a small smile to Jensen. Carina is distracting her, though, and just maybe freaking her out a little. "Well, you did that," she admits to the Lady with a puzzled almost-smile that turns to a flush at the compliment. "Thank you, Lady Carina. You certainly look very lovely, as always." Her brother earns a look and a nod as well, but her question is addressed to Carina: "Are you both enjoying the festivities, I hope?"

"How utterly gentlemanly of you," Issa responds, dry tone smoothed with a grateful smile as she accepts her glass and beginning to drain it, one small sip at a time. Flirty eyes are batted over the rim, though the conversation hasn't been particularly coy. Lowering the wine, she cradles it in both hands. "And what if I were to tell you I had no problems?"

G'thon spends far more time milling about the food tables with a plate in his hand than is strictly necessary. Eventually, everyone at a party comes to see about the spread, so from this vantage the weyrleader has ample opportunity to greet visitors - and ample excuse to slip away from them after exchanging minimal pleasantries. But after a time the ruse grows thin, for the man never serves himself much in the way of food. In the end he settles for a single slice of the citrus cake and with it, retreats to a far corner to feast on his sweet 'supper'.

Miniyal slides down in her chair, no longer trying to keep people away by mere posture. Instead she just executes poor posture and kicks at the ground with one toe. Boredom, that's what this is all about. But, if she stays just a little longer there can be no complaints about how little time she spends in public.

The Bollian liquor is handed to Kelar along with a sort of helpless what-can-I-do look. And then Roa crouches down before the little girl, tipping her head so that the 'Important Message' can be whispered into her ear. "I'm aquiver with anticipation," she murmurs to the child with a wink.

Essdara gives Aelan a helplessly apologetic look, before replying to Samien. "She is not mine to allow nor forbid, Lord." She says, quietly. And then she is tugged by the greenrider, who gets a slight smile from Dara. "'Course, can you give me a moment, though, Tava?" She turns to Aelan, sadly extricating her arm. "Come find me later, Aelan?" Her tone is wistfully begging.

"Pleasure to meet you," Derien approves of Jensen again with a squeeze his hand and a last release of Penny's shoulder before he steps back to press a kiss to her cheek. "Time for me to get back to greetings, Nugget," he says warmly. "I'll just leave you here to have fun with your friends. "Take care, Nugget. And you, Sefton. And Jensen, and Ginella." The Mastersmith seems terribly pleased with himself for remembering the names, then tromps off to greet elsewhere.

Kierom sips at his klah is silence next to Aida, staying quiet, but watching the crowd, a smile touching his lips as he spots Tavaly, but he remains where he's at.

Aspen is obviously not concerned with making a fool of himself, unlike many others present. In fact, there's a little bubble of space around him and his spot at the edge of the floor, with few people wanting to stand next to the man who is absently humming a strange song to himself. His empty hand is suddenly looked at in vague surprise, and he goes on the move, looking for something to drink. "Good evening." he nods politely at G'thon and Miniyal. "Weyrleader and..." A vague air of confusion at not knowing her name.

Tavaly nods her head swiftly, still grinning, casting furtive glances here and there. She's hunched slightly down to Dara's height. Trying to avoid recognition? Then again, who would recognize Tava in a dress? Surely no one. She turns around, spotting Kierom on the wall, and grins even brighter, even winking at the man. Something is most definitely up.

Roa's smile, well, it's gone now as she regards the child. "Oh dear," she says softly, the worry only partially make believe. "Did he say, then, what would happen if he got mad?"

Wait -- everybody's leaving? Penny blinks first at Sefton, lips twisting a bit as he expresses his intention of returning to his fiance, but its her father's words that seem to trigger true distress. "But-- daddy, what about..." She stops, though, letting him kiss her cheek and just standing there, forlorn, possibly unaware of the faint pout on her lips. It's an age-old ritual, the journeyman long-since familiar with her father's need to go out and be political and social. But this time she's left with Jensen and Ginella as company, and it takes her quite a while to turn back to them.

"Uh. Yeah. I... heard this was a formal thing," Jensen says, his voice even despite his obvious awkwardness in such a situation. Duh, Penny. "Oh. True it was a pleasure, Mastersmith sir." And then Derien is gone, and Jen eyes Penny. And her wine. And without hesitating he reaches over and gently starts pulling that glass away from her.

Reyce gives a small, derisive snort before his sister can reply - and catches her with her mouth open, about to. Carina puffs an exaggerated sigh through her cheeks, rolling her eyes at Ginella. "Isn't he charming?" Her attention moves briefly to the mastersmith as he names Ginella in his farewells, then returns to the goldrider with a smile. "At any rate, /I/ am, and hope you are as well. I got to change clothes in your barracks, earlier - I'll be blasted if I ever go between in a dress - so I feel, rather presumptuously, as if I've had a small slice of the 'Caucus experience.'" Her voice holds a note of amused self-deprecation as she says this.

Catching Tavaly's grin sent towards her companion, Aida's smile returns and she comes out of her brief people-watching sort of daze. Her attention swings back to Kierom, and she gestures with her glass over towards Tavaly and the others around her. "You've got someone trying to catch your attention," she points out. "It might be about time for you to go over and try and claim that dance."

The little girl giggles and shakes her head at Roa's question. "No! I have to go! He gave me a whole quarter mark! Bye!" And off she goes.

Samien allows absolutely no suggestion that this is awkward in any way whatsoever to cloud his gentle, composed delight at having permission from both women to spirit away the Blooded one for a moment. "You had her last dance, Dara; of course it is only proper that I ask you. Otherwise - " His clear blue eyes take in Aelan as his hand takes in hers. Drawing her away toward the dance floor, he continues softly, "I would be guilty of cutting in, wouldn't I?" And the Lord High Reaches pauses on the edge of the floor, acquiring the proper pose with which to begin dancing.

T'ral enters from the bowl outside.

K'sar moves towards Essdara, grinning slowly. "Essie!" he calls out, knowing full well she'll get all pissy about it. At least there's enough advance warning about his now-jovial approach. Amazing what half a bottle of liquor and some food can do.

Roa watches the girl hurry off and then stands up slowly. "Kelar, if you might keep a hold of that liquor for a moment? I'm afraid I must needs..." she clears her throat and looks down and away a moment. "Well, I suppose 'powder my nose' is the thing to say?"

"Soon as I'm free," Aelan promises Dara with a swift, more genuine grin and a last squeeze of her arm, adding a wave to Tavaly over the other girl's shoulder before she's drawn away. "Oh, I'm not sure you can cut in on a dance I cut off on my own to gawk and stare, Lord Samien," she says when she looks up and steps with uncertain grace into the proper dancing posture, smile rueful. A deep breath is taken, bracing, though at least the smile remains.

Tavaly turns briefly towards Aida and beams a grin. "Fear not, there will be plenty dancing done, however, I'm afraid it will not be happening within the next little while.." Oh so vague. "And shards, but you look adorable!" The greenrider trills animatedly, eyeballing Aida. "Great color." More poking at Dara's shoulder.

"Lord Aspen." Again, G'thon seems ever so slightly surprised to have been directly addressed. He steps forward enough to lean and set aside his cake plate upon the nearest table; whilst doing so he seeks out with his eyes the source of Aspen's apparent inability to place a name. When he finds Miniyal with that searching gaze, a brief but genuine smile slopes up the right-hand side of the weyrleader's face. "Miniyal, our new head of Records. The Headwoman announced her post just a few days ago. Miniyal, this is Aspen of Half Circle Sea - perhaps you met in class earlier in the turn?"

Essdara looks after Aelan a moment, and then turns towards Tavaly. Or starts to, when that name is called. She turns to give K'sar a decidedly icy look towards him. "Kissy." She replies, with a sweet smile. "I haven't seen you in a while, since that card game. You've been well, I hope?" She glances towards Tavaly again with a small grimace; the greenrider is gone for the moment, it seems.

Br'ce enters from the bowl outside.

And quietly, Sefton and Bailie begin to withdraw -- it's a fascinating double act to observe, synchronised socialising. Hands are clasped, compliments murmured, and slowly, the pair converge on the doorway.

Kelar's glancing away for a moment, but his glance slides obediently back to Roa, and he pulls a face. "I'm away in a moment, I'm afraid, I can see Sef waving. We've got to do Fort tonight as well. Future in-laws, and all that." Future Holding, technically. "Go powder, I'll wait a little."

There's a slight stir at the door as Telgar's Weyrleaders arrive, and no small number of them are the women hovering there. S'lien's tall, chiselled form is hard to miss, with his pale gold hair and the sharp green eyes so reminiscent of his aunt's. It's with a certain dry sense of memory that the Telgari Weyrleader looks around the living caverns, just shy of neglecting the Weyrwoman on his arm.

Or not gone. Giving K'sar a held up finger - one moment - she turns to the gerenrider who had simply stepped out of site. "Whatcha need, Tavaly?"

Kierom chuckles and smiles at Aida. "Would you mind if I leave for a little bit? I did promise two dances tonight, and both ladies are here now." With that, how bows to Aida and winks at her, then moves towards Essdara and Tavaly, smiling.

Tavaly whispers "Save a dance for me for later. Right now, however, I need your voice. In about ten minutes time, Immath's going to bellow outside. If it's not heard, I need you to direct everyones attention to the bowl. T'zen and I have.. cooked something up. And it's going to be /epic/."

The song rolls to a close. It was quite a long one, and the music stops as there is a change of harpers, the four stepping down and four others hurying on deck to begin to turn and prepare their own instruments.

Continue on to Part 3.

jensen, k'rom, br'ce, sefton, sian, t'ral, tavaly, aspen, roa, reyce, g'thon, dara, aida, penny, issa, miniyal, aelan, ginella, k'sar, r'vain, e'sere

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