Just Another Evening in the Bowl

Nov 09, 2005 16:10

Who: B'ren, E'sere, Lexine, and Rasiya
Where: The Northern Bowl
Date: day 24, month 10, turn 200 of the 6th Interval
What: Rasiya tries to get some work done while enjoying the fresh air and is joined by three riders, one after another.

Miyamurath is resting in the bowl watching the Weyrleader's area alertly, rumbling softly to herself.

B'ren descends the broad staircase that leads from the Weyrleaders' offices.

B'ren has arrived.

B'ren walks down the stairs from the Weyrleader's complex, looking rather bewildered as he heads for his green, one hand rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. "I have no idea," he replies to a silent question from the dragon, "He's either really nice or he's crazy. Yes, I get to attend the classes for a month."

Rasiya has a folding chair under one arm and three scrolls tucked under another arm. Dragging the chair, bandy-legged and limping out of the Weyr propper, she finally decides on a rather sunny spot and sets up her chair to take a seat, not before nodding her head slightly in the general direction of all the dragons. Best to keep up the respect. B'ren is noted for his exit from the Weyrleader's offices, and he, too, gets a nod before she sits down. "Good day to you," and she's immediately into her scroll, having kept up the social niceties.

Rasiya is almost startled that the greenrider would actually initiate a conversation. "Stable, you ask? Well." She pauses to consider it for a moment, folding up the scroll in her lap to keep the words from plain view. "Of course I think he's stable, otherwise I wouldn't be working here. But, each person has their limits, I suppose. What have you done, then, to destablize him?" She cocks her head to side with an eyebrow quirked in questioning.

B'ren laughs and shakes his head, "Nothing, just had a meeting with him about what wing I'd be best in, and he seemed very odd. I punched a bronzerider and I didn't get punished for it. Rather, I got assigned to attend caucus classes. I'm B'ren, by the way," he introduces.

Rasiya rolls up the scroll for a proper chat, realizing that the bowl wasn't the best place to go to get anything really done. "Good to meet you, B'ren. You seem somewhat familiar. I'm Rasiya." Her accent can't be placed as it's a bit jumbled. She stands and sets the scroll down to shake hands with him. "What classes will you be attending? Is it your choice, or has he set up some sort of schedule for you?"

B'ren returns the handshake, "Well met, Rasiya. I was assigned to diplomacy and conduct. I'm kind of excited actually. I came here wishing I was in the caucus, but I'm just a greenrider so I figured I wouldn't be allowed. And, well, here I am."

Rasiya nods. "Excellent. I'm sure you'll like G'vin and Ama's classes. Yes, we are a rather intriguing bunch, aren't we? And it's always changing." She didn't mention she was an instructor, but it might have been inferred from the "aren't we." She turns to take a look at his green, "And, so what does your good friend say about this? I suppose she'll be quite happy to have you occupied with such fascinating subjects."

B'ren smiles, nodding at Miyamurath, "Aye. Well, she thinks I'm the greatest thing on two legs, so she's rather pleased someone other than her seems to be realizing my potential." He chuckles, and the small green arches her neck and rumbles happily.

Rasiya smiles amusedly, "Do you think you'll be tapped for some sort of diplomatic mission? I understand what you said about greens not usually being admitted. You must be someone very special indeed." Her eyes follow the contours of the dragon admiringly. "Not that it's anything against you, mind you. I have a fondness for dragons, despite what they've inadvertantly done to me."

B'ren's eyes shine and he stands proudly, "Aye, I guess so. I rather enjoy meeting the higher-ups of Pern society." His posture drops slightly though, "Did to you?" he asks softly.

Rasiya taps the foot of her bad leg on the ground demonstratively. "Runner accident on the wagon train. I usually ride and a small group of dragonriders came up to us." She shrugs dismissively. "It actually happens more often than you'd think. Unfortunately, that is." She shakes her head a bit. "But that's no one's fault, really, you understand. Things like that can't be helped."

B'ren blinks in surprise, "The dragons startled your runner?" he asks, "I'm sorry about that," he says in sympathy. Miyamurath also rumbles a soft apology.

Rasiya smiles warmly, "Oh, really, you shouldn't apologize. I hadn't had the sharding animal for more than a sevenday and thought I might have a new pleasure runner on my hands. Really, the dragons and riders were just doing a sweep over us and decided to come down for a look to see who we were that were approaching the Weyr. Simple curiosity." She looks over B'ren once again with a smile, "So you're to be a diplomat, then? What do you hope to do with your education?"

B'ren shrugs, "Fight Thread is my main goal actually. I don't know what the Weyrleader is up to, putting me in these classes."

Rasiya's face turns to that of admiration, "That's very noble of you, really. Fighting Thread is what riders do, after all. Sometimes I think we'll be too much of a burden here, holding classes while so many of you will be fighting it all the time." A scroll tries to roll away with a gust of wind, but she slowly reaches over and picks it up to place it back on the chair before turning her attention back to B'ren.

B'ren smiles and nods, "Aye, that's what our duty is. So of course that's my main goal. That comes far above any classes, no offence."

Rasiya smiles plainly. "None taken, rider. We have much that we owe you." She looks at the green, "And you, too, green dragon." She inclines her head inquiringly, "What's her name?" Ras isn't quite sure if she heard it or not, by the look on her face.

B'ren smiles, "Miyamurath," he says smoothly, the name rolling off his tongue with love. The green warbles gently, stretching her muzzle towards the woman with a soft wuffle.

Rasiya's hand reaches up tentatively to give a scratch, the woman raising her eyebrows in question to the rider. "May I? Does she have some spots she likes scratched? I always hear about these things, but I'm afraid I've not much experience with them." She's just a little old lady is all.

B'ren smiles and taps a spot just behind the green's eye, "Right here," he says. "I'm impressed you're not afraid of dragons, after the accident." Miyamurath warbles gently and rests her head on the ground.

Rasiya shakes her head. "No, I quite refuse to be. I wasn't beforehand, and I told myself I wasn't going to be afterwards. It was only a few turns ago, really. I tried to keep riding in the wagon after that, but it was too much for me. For all my years of driving wagons, I mostly stayed on a runner. Much more freedom to talk, you see." There's a little twinkle there in her own eye as she scratches behind Miyamurath's.

B'ren ahhs and nods, "I suppose that's true," he says with a shrug, "Really haven't done that in a while. She doesn't like me riding runners. Gets jealous." The green rumbles and leans into the scritch.

Rasiya uses long nails and fingertips for the double-your-pleasure eye-scratching experience. "I completely understand. When I left, the wagons went to my second, and while he's doing very well, I rather miss being outside all the time. It's why I like to sit in the bowl and do my work. The air, you know. Quite nice in the Reaches, espcially." She eyes him, "You Impressed here, then?"

Miyamurath croons with delight as the nails are added. Her rider doesn't even have nails, this is bliss! He shakes his head, "Actually I impressed at Ista. Not looking forward to the winter." He chuckles, "Well if you ever need a ride, I haven't yet been assigned to a wing so I've got free time and we'd be happy to carry you anywhere you need to go."

Rasiya perks up and scratches heartily, "Really? That would be lovely. I rather need to head over towards Telgar-ways here in a few sevendays, if you won't be busy? I mean, my wagons should be heading over there and I've not seen them since late spring. I'll be needing to check in on them. /And/, for your time, I'd be willing to repay you. Quite well, actually." Rasiya doesn't /look/ terribly wealthy, but the look in her eye seems to convey the fact that when she says "well," she means /well/.

B'ren's brows lift, "I'm not sure if I can accept payment," he says, "but...I'm not sure." He smiles, "I'm sure we can work it out when the time comes." Miyamurath warbles happily.

Rasiya shrugs, still scratching. "Whatever you wish, really. It's up to you. If you were my student, you'd have to accept payment, considering that it might be seen as bribery for good grades, otherwise." She examines the green's head in detail. "My, she is a pretty one, isn't she?" Is that a hint of baby talk coming from Rasiya's lips?

B'ren laughs, "Well, in that case, I will accept." He beams fondly at his green, "She's perfect," he murmurs, "I loved her the instant I saw her hatch on the sands."

Rasiya smiles, "Oh, I've not heard that a thousand times." There's more than a hint of sarcasm. "You dragonriders. So lost in your lifemates. I'm quite jealous sometimes, you know. But everyone has little dreams of being a rider when they're small, ne?" She rubs the spot she's just thoroughly scratched and then pats it a little in a gesture with some finality, after which she turns away towards B'ren.

B'ren chuckles and blushes a bit with a shrug, "Well...I admit I was hoping for bronze, but now...I'd hate to be a bronzerider and I'm thrilled with Miyamurath." He smiles, "So, what would you like to talk about? I know we dragonriders tend to go off on our lifemates."

E'sere arrives from the southern section of the bowl.

E'sere has arrived.

Rasiya is rather surprised by the question. "I'd like to find out where you got those wonderful clothes, actually. I've been looking for a new weaver to whip me up something, as I'm afraid that the journeyman I've been working with recently got promoted. Has too many things to do now, it seems." She takes a good look at the tunic he wears, eyeing over and admiring the stitching in particular.

B'ren grins, "Journeyman Eriton at Ista," he says promptly. "I'll take you there if you want." He smooths his tunic and smiles, "I quite like it, and I'll have to go back anyway to get some proper winter clothing made."

Rasiya lifts a knobby finger up and gestures with her enthusiasm. "Ah, I believe I may have heard good things about him! I sent one of my wagoners to Ista with some dyes just a short while ago. Quite a large order, that. Upri had said something about talent down there, but I neglected to ask just who. I'll have to send him a letter to ask him." She's quite pleased with herself. "You don't mind if I write this Journeyman Eriton, then?"

E'sere, stepping out of the living cavern, dusts idly at his shirt and sets off across the bowl toward his bronze. Morelenth has taken a position nearish Rasiya and B'ren, eyes lidded as he dozes; he does, however, perk up a bit as his rider approaches, rumbling and snorting at the man. E'sere smirks slowly and nods, remarking, "I think so. We'll see." A shrug, and he turns at the sound of voices, brows arching as he sees the greenrider and the older woman. "Good evening, B'ren, ma'am," he greets the pair easily.

Lexine descends the broad staircase that leads from the Weyrleaders' offices.

Lexine has arrived.

B'ren shakes his head, "Not at all! Mention my name, you might get a discount." He grins. "Or I might." He turns and waves, "Evening, E'sere! I talked with the Weyrleader today, and he gave me caucus classes to attend. I don't know if I'll be in your wing or not."

Rasiya beams, quite pleased with herself. "A discount, then? Lovely." That's all you have to say to a trader, really. Rasiya nods her head politely to E'sere in greeting, "Good to see you, E'sere." She gives a nod to Morelenth, as well.

E'sere's brows arch, and, giving Morelenth a distracted scritch, he abandons the bronze for B'ren and Rasiya. "That so?" he asks the greenrider, nodding slowly. "Did you request them, or was it his idea? Ah, same thing, I suppose--in the end." He shrugs mildly, glances to Rasiya. "And you, too, Master. How are you? Are your new classes going well?"

B'ren shakes his head at E'sere, "It was his idea. I don't know if our Weyrleader is fully there, you know? I didn't get punished for punching R'vain, instead I get to join the caucus for a month." He smiles at Rasiya.

Rasiya's eyebrows raise at B'ren's second mention of the violent act. "The Weyrleader surely has reasons for what he does. I'm sure there's plenty of untapped potential around Pern that should be here, just hasn't been sent yet. But we'll get to them." She turns partways to address E'sere, "I do think that we have some excellent new prospects. Especially from the crafters and to some extent, the riders. The Blooded, well." She shrugs simply. "There is hope, yet." Just her opinion, of course.

Lexine makes her way across the bowl from the Weyrleader's complex, luckily far enough away that she doesn't catch B'ren's comment about the Weyrleader. Catching sight of the grouping, she arches a brow, adjusting her path to approach the group.

E'sere ponders that a moment. "Hmm. Perhaps that's his idea of punishment," he suggests after a moment. Then, he shrugs. "I wouldn't worry about it: if you don't think it's a punishment, it's not. Perhaps you'll even learn something in the Caucus, hmm?" He smirks slightly, then cuts his eyes toward a flicker of moment. Noting Lexine, he offers her a vague smile while he replies to Rasiya. "Good to hear, ma'am--I'm sure you can whip them all into shape, anyway. The Blooded--well, they just need a little work to shape them up into something more."

B'ren chuckles and shrugs at Rasiya, "I'm glad you think we have potential." He laughs at E'sere, "Yeah, he did mention that. I told him we'd see." He smiles at E'sere and nods, "True enough. Life is what you make it, and all that." He grins then, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet looking very amused.

Rasiya smiles, also noting the Weyrwoman's approach as she says, "They've simply had tutors most of their lives. We'll have to make sure they all understand how to play well with others, here. If that's not what this caucus is for, then what could it be?" She continues quickly with a small curtsey, "Weyrwoman, it's always a pleasure to see you about. How are you and Vasyath?"

"Training, instructor," Lexine answers Rasiya's question with a tight smile as she approaches the group. "The Caucus is here so that they may get to know each other and learn everything they will need to be effective. I think you'll have less difficulty with the Blood than with a few of the bronzeriders I met coming in." The smile eases slightly as she dips her chin to E'sere, then considers B'ren. "G'thon tells me we's found a solution to your problem?"

"It is that," E'sere agrees easily, inclining his head toward B'ren. And, in response to Lexine and Rasiya, he smirks. "Got to watch out for them," he agrees. "Though, the Caucus usually shapes them up, along with the rest of the lot."

B'ren smiles at Lexine and bows slightly, "I don't know if I have a problem, but he has assigned me to classes in the caucus." He bows, "If you all will excuse me, Miyamurath and I have to get to sleep. It was a pleasure to meet you Rasiya, let me know about Ista. Wingleader, Weyrwoman."

B'ren steps up to Miyamurath's raised foreleg, then pulls himself up onto her neck using the riding straps.

B'ren has left.

Miyamurath has left.

Rasiya gives a two-fingered wave to B'ren, muttering a quiet, "I will indeed." She turns to the Weyrwoman with a quite kind tone, even after having sensed an ever-so-slight snub of ignoring her greeting. "True, true, Weyrwoman. And thank you. I'm sure if they have too much trouble, we'll need to have a faculty meeting to address the problem. Is there anyone in particular?"

Lexine arches a brow slightly at Rasiya. "I think we can leave the calling of faculty meetings to the Headmaster, Instructor," she drawls. "And," she adds, with another tight, sharp smile, "I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions about your students. I hope everything is going well with your accomodations? Not having any trouble organizing classes?"

"Good evening, B'ren," E'sere tells the greenrider as he departs. He folds his arms over his chest, falling silent as Rasiya and Lexine talk. He peers between the pair wordlessly.

Rasiya keeps a tight rein on her expressions, chuckling lightly, "Nothing out of the ordinary for the beginning of classes. A lost student or two. However, there seems to be a problem with space in my beginning trade classroom. Normally I take the students around the Weyr for tours, but the class I've been given is a little larger than last year, and the main classroom is in use at that time. I'm afraid I might have to cancel an excursion or two and split the class into two parts. Do you have any suggestions for a larger, free room?"

"There's always the galleries in the hatching cavern," Lexine suggests. "It's a very pleasant place this time of the turn, in fact. If not, you may be able to speak with the posted crafters to gain use of their hall. In the worst case scenario, there's always room in the storage caverns, though I sincerely doubt it should be an issue." She reaches a hand towards E'sere's arm, looking towards him. "E'sere, I'd like to speak with you sometime, if you could make room in your schedule for it."

"I had thought--" E'sere begins, "there was another free classroom, after Master Portun retired, but I believe they may have moved one of the new teachers into his place. I'm sorry." He shakes his head apologetically, expression rueful as he glances over to Lexine, finding her hand on his arm. "Of course, Mother," he tells Lexine quickly, nodding once. "I'm sure you're busier than I am, so just let Morelenth know whenever you'd like to see me."

Rasiya nods curtly and folds her hands neatly in front of herself, "Thank you, Weyrwoman, Wingleader. We have never been at a loss concerning your hospitality. I don't know if I've ever mentioned how thankful I am for it. It seems, however, that we're to be such a burden. The whole of the Caucus, I mean. When it comes to fighting Thread, I'd think it's going to be a logistical nightmare once it actually falls." The creases in the corners of her mouth turn downward as she speaks, "With wings fighting so often, you'll lose many of your transport riders, I'm sure. And of course us traders will have to keep in Hold, Hall, and Weyr while it falls. Is there anything in particular I can do to help?" Rasiya's tone, quite relaxed, is directed at the Weyrwoman, her head inclined ever so slightly downwards towards her.

Lexine slowly arches a brow at Rasiya. "Perhaps, instructor, you could rephrase that in a way that does not denigrate the abilities of those who have devoted their lives to the effort that is the Caucus, and intend to continue doing so throughout the forseeable future," she says, the words clipped and distinct, gaze narrowed slightly on the woman.

E'sere arches a brow at Rasiya, lips pursing in a thoughtful gesture as he studies her. Brows arch, but he keeps a carefully neutral silence this time.

Rasiya smiles almost, but not quite jovially, "Oh, Weyrwoman, I'm simply asking if you need my help. I have full confidence in your abilities and in the abilities of all the graduates of the Caucus, but there will come a point where we will all have to come together to fight Thread. Not only in the skies, but also with every hand, foot, and head we have." She pauses for a moment, considering the woman and wearing a neutral face. "If you wish me to rephrase, I tell you this, Weyrwoman: I wish to help High Reaches, that I have now called my home for five turns. If you have need of my wagons, they are there. It is a simple proposition."

"I am sure," Lexine replies cooly. "However, I believe we have the situation well in hand. Thank you, instructor, for your concern. E'sere," she turns to her son, "I have business to take care of. I'll be certain to have Vasyath speak with Morelenth when I have a free moment. Instructor, if you come across difficulties, I expect you should be able to speak with the Headmaster."

E'sere, adopting a slight smile for Lexine's benefit, inclines his head toward her. "Of course. Good night, Mother," he tells her mildly. Then, taking her departure as his own cue to exit, he backs a step away, toward the waiting Morelenth. "I should be on my way as well. Good to see you again, ma'am," the young wingleader tells Rasiya.

Rasiya nods, smiling again. "I thank you, Weyrwoman. I will, of course." She nods to E'sere and gives a small curtsey to Lexine, before glancing over at the folding chair and scrolls she's left sitting out into the night. "Enjoy your evenings, both of you." With that, she toddles over to her goods and collects them to bring them in. No use trying to read in the dark, now.

"Take care, E'sere," Lexine says, though there's an inflection to it that almost says 'and behave' as she turns away. "Instructor." Back straight, she turns and continues across the bowl.

Lexine ventures down the tunnel that leads into the living cavern.

Lexine has left.

E'sere grins at Lexine, offering her a lazy, "Yes, ma'am." He nods toward Rasiya, then levers himself to a spot between Morelenth's neckridges. The bronze rumbles as he laboriously takes flight, soaring upward toward their weyr.

lexine, b'ren, rasiya, e'sere

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