Everyone gets to the kitchen sometime

Apr 30, 2006 11:38

Who: Miniyal and Roa
Where: Kitchens, HRW
When: Sometime around 23:00 on day 14, month 9, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.
What: Random encouter, kneading bread, almost nice. . .


10:54 PM

Sometime around 23:00 on day 14, month 9, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.

Late night in the kitchens so there's hardly anyone here. Just a few hands cleaning up the last of the dinner plates and, seated on one stool, a Telgari weyrwoman, sans knot, quietly kneading dough for tomorrow morning's bread.

It's not uncommon for Miniyal to come to the kitchen late at night. Her mother works here and often leaves her little treats. Since said records worker hardly ever takes a meal in the evening it makes sense. She comes in now, head down and trying to not be noticed. Of course, she's an outsider so of course she is going to be noticed, but she's left be, having a mother in here and all. Not that, thankfully, said woman is about right now.

The goldrider looks up at the sounds of someone else arriving and her brows lift in mild surprise at who said arrival is. Hands still deftly kneading the bread dough, Roa ventures a softly, 'Good evening," the the recordskeeper.

Miniyal's steps still, hand hovering over a pastry. She looks over to the quiet voice and blinks and then nods her head. "Hello. I didn't expect to see you." Indeed, she never expects to see anyone. Her hand pulls away from the pastry and she gives it a longing look without touching.

"Me neither. Expect to see you, I mean." Knead knead. Her brows lift at the pastry reach and withdrawl. "Not a fan of creme filling?"

"I don't eat at night," Miniyal says with a frown, lying through her teeth. Well, she doesn't until she gives in to hunger in the middle of the night. Fat girls, always trying to lose weight and falling short. "I was just popping in for a fresh drink before bed. What are you doing?"

Roa hrms? "Oh. I kneading dough. Then it can rise overnight and be ready for baking tomorrow." Well, yes, that is what she's doing. "Really? You don't eat at night?" A small smile as she looks down at floury hands. "I used to love to sneak into the kitchens at night a nibble on leftovers. Felt like I was...I don't know...doing somethign adventurous. Sort of silly, I suppose."

Miniyal shakes her head slowly. "I don't. Not after sometime in the afternoon. I don't eat too much." Well, of course she does. Well, maybe. Whatever the case she shakes her head once more and folds her hands behind her back. "My mother would sneak me in sometimes before she got to work during the day. I was no good in here. They always asked me to sit in the corner and not move. I broke things."

Roa flips the dough over and begins working the other side. "I didn't know much about the kitchens when I arrived at Telgar, either. But after w hile, I began to find the rhythm. It was sort of calming, actually." A pause as she pulls a bowl over and sprinkles flour onto the bottom and insides of the bowl. "I'm sorry they made you sit in a corner, though. That seems a bit unfair."

Miniyal almost smiles, shaking her head. "I broke things. Cut myself all the time. There was nothing I could do without screwing it up. I have, well, I can't always. . .anyway, I was not made for the kitchen. So, I eventually got to stop coming. I'm good at sitting and being quiet. It was no big deal."

Roa balls up the dough, setting it in the powdered bowl and covering with a piece of cloth from nearby. She wipes her hands off on a towel as she quietly studies Miniyal for a moment. "If you say so," the girl says simply. "I guess we all make decisions about what we can and can't do after a while. Besides, seems like you have all kinds of other skills. And you're smart."

Miniyal laughs, wryly. "Smart? Not hardly. I just have one set of skills I am good at. It's. . .nothing." Shaking her head she steps out of the way, bumping into a table as she does so, but luckily there was nothing on it. "I'm aware of my limitations."

Roa opens her mouth to say something but stops, closing it again. After a moment she says, "All right." She hops off her stool, brushing her hands along her skirt. "You are smart. You can insult people without their even realizing it. I've seen you do it." For allt he time the girl spends reading in the records room, that is rather possible.

Head tilting to the side, Miniyal looks a bit shocked. "I do not insult. . .I do not try. . .Well, people are idiots." Indeed, they are and so she must point it out on a daily basis. "But, at least most of my worries are over until I get shuffled off to some other position." Frowning at this she reaches out and touches the pastry from before, lifting her hand to lick sugar from her finger."

Roa looks down at her knees and nibbles on her lwer lip to keep a smile from breaking. After regain her composure, she peers back up again. "I was wondering...what's your job title now?" She observes the sugar sampling with no comment at all.

Miniyal doesn't answer as she wipes her hand on her dress carelessly. "I'm just working in the records room. Copying stuff mostly. There's a lot of old records we need to be sure are copied and saved. I'm happy with it. I'm hoping I can just. . .keep doing it forever." Such ambition! Such desire to change the world. That hand sneaks out again for another swipe at the pastry.

"Well, that's good, then. That you like it." Roa sands up on her toes, discreetly stretching her legs,and swallows down a yawn. "I'd better head back to the barracks. Still have homework for tomorrow's classes. Good seeing you again, Minyal."

Miniyal blinks at that last statement and then nods, pretending it didn't totally confuse her. "Oh, well, yes. Good luck with that. I'll see you around." She steps back, away from the pastry of temptation. "I should be going before things get busy again in here."

Roa laughs. "It's nearly midnight, I think. Things shouldn't gets bustling for hours yet." She lifts her hand in a wave and then heads out the door and is gone.

roa, miniyal

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