A Meeting of Minds

Mar 01, 2006 12:14

When: Day 5, month 5, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.
Where: Living Cavern
Who: K'sar and Miniyal
What: Food and fodder for the gossip mills

Living Cavern

Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

Miniyal enters through the tunnel that leads from the upper caverns.
Miniyal has arrived.

K'sar is seated near the hearth at the end of a table. A couple of hides are laying near his elbow, but mostly he seems focused on the cup of klah in his hand and the bread and meat on the plate before him.

Gasp! Look! Out from her hole comes Miniyal! It could be any day, any time, she always does look the same. Her steps are slow and she walks the way someone prepared to bump into something does. It would help more if she didn't tend to let her head dip downwards as she walks to avoid seeing people.

The figure approaching doesn't catch his notice, yet. Not until he gets up to reach to the table behind him for the klah pitcher to refill his cup and nearly walks right into the girl. "Oh! Pardon, miss!" The accent is a little off - more Telgarian than Reachian as K'sar offers his apology.

Miniyal is quite used to actually bumping into people so she has a standard, "So sorry, was an accident," mumbled. Then she seems to realise there was no collision and lifts her head, blinking at the stranger she didn't collide with. "Oh. You're new," is said as she takes a half step back and then nearly tumbles down, catching her foot on her dress. Doesn't fall, but again, seems like she's quite used to tripping because she just sighs.

One hand darts out to help stabilize you and K'sar offers a warm smile. "Yes, miss, I'm new. K'sar, rider of bronze Dananth, at your service. Might I offer you a seat and I'll go get us both some klah? You look like you could use some about as much as I."

More blinking occurs and Miniyal sort of stares at the rider. "A seat? Oh. . .well. . .I was just. . .I mean, well. I suppose." She seems more startled by the invitation than anything although she manages to remember to nod her head a fraction and say, "Miniyal." Which is all she uses by way of introduction.

"Well, have a seat here, Miniyal and I'll get us some klah." K'sar steps away, returning after a few moments with a pitcher of klah, two mugs hooked on a finger, and a plate of bread and meat and cheese for you that he sets down. "I took the liberty of grabbing a plate for you too."

Rolling her eyes to the rider's back, Miniyal seats herself, tripping again over her dress and banging her knee against the underside of the table. Ducking her head down she rests her chin against her chest for a moment and clasps her hands together tightly in her lap as she waits. When you return she nods her head again. "Thank you," is mumbled.

Reclaiming his own seat, K'sar pours the klah into both cups and sets one near you, then pays attention to his bread and meat for a few minutes. Chewing and swallowing, he looks over at you. "So, what about High Reaches would you tell a new person, to help them get settled in faster?"

"Everyone's crazy," Miniyal offers, sounding almost entirely serious. Blinking she looks over and asks, "Guess it depends on why you're here? I just keep my head down and stay out of the way. Caucus people running everywhere doing as they please, riders. . .well, anyway." Ahem. Ignore that. Indeed. Taking a drink from her cup she keeps both hands wrapped around it. "Just don't be stupid."

Dark eyes glint with amusement for a moment and a wry smile curls his lips as K'sar mutters "I think I already was stupid in agreeing to come here. But, when life tosses you a bag of bones, make soup as my foster mother used to say."

Eyeing the food for a moment, like fat girls do, Miniyal finally reaches out and takes the smallest slice of bread she can find and nibbles on it and it alone. "There's nothing wrong with here!" she says defensively, nearly spitting bread crumbs on the table in her heated defense of her home. "Reaches is a fine place."

"I'm sure it is." K'sar replies. "Which is why I asked you to tell me about it. What makes it a fine place?" He sips his klah, elbow resting on the table as he keeps his gaze on your face.

Miniyal's gaze slides down to her hands and she seems intent on studying them if she's going to be stared at. "It's just home," she mumbles. "I mean, people complain about the cold, but you'll get used to it. Some of the people are alright. You should talk to weyrwoman Diya. She's the best person to get to know if you want to settle in."

"There's cold in Telgar too." K'sar replies. "Diya, Nenuith's rider, yes?" He leans back and watches you for a moment. "Anyone in particular I should -not- try to meet?"

"R'vain," is quite the snap reply to the question. "Weyrlingmaster," Miniyal clarifies. "I mean, you're welcome to, but I can't imagine why someone would -want- to meet him if they could avoid it."

K'sar smirks faintly at that. "Really? And why would someone want to avoid him?" He swirls the contents of the cup and sips again, eyes half-lidded now as he listens.

It's not often she actually talks, and to strangers no less. Which would explain why Miniyal does not understand what one should or should not say to people. "He's a drunken louse," she says simply. "He's mean, has a temper, so seldom has anything nice to say, and has a chip on his shoulder."

"Does he have a twin brother?" K'sar asks, amusement still present, but a hint of seriousness in his tone as well.

"Not that I am aware of," Miniyal says, peering over at you from behind her cup. "Shards, that's a scary thought. Two of them."

"Then I wonder who the man was that I met yesterday? I could've sworn someone said his name was R'vain. He looked to be dressed in rather nice clothes, clean-shaven and quite amenable. He was addressed as "Weyrlingmaster" by the weyrlings that I met and was quite friendly with them. Are you sure that the one you're talking about is the same one I met?" K'sar asks.

Miniyal rolls her eyes, "Oh, I'm sure he -can- be nice. I've just never seen it. I mean, anyone can be. Probably has something to do with the time he's been spending with that Lady. I imagine she's trying to keep him in line for whatever reason. It won't last." She seems sure of this anyway.

A low chuckle and K'sar nods. "A lady often has a positive effect on a man. Women are creatures of mystery and power, and any man who doesn't respect that is doomed." Now he's grinning again, yep. "Which Lady has been keeping time with him?" Gossip. The lifeblood of the weyr.

Gossip! For shame! Miniyal does not gossip. She just talks indiscriminately. "Lady Sian. One of the tutors for the caucus." And doesn't the sheer overwhelming annoyance of that body of individuals show in her town? Oh, indeed it does.

"Sian...Lady High Reaches, eh?" K'sar nods and reaches for the last bit of bread on his plate. "I think for someone of her reputation, I'd wear clean shirts and smile more too." Sarcasm? Maybe. Or teasing. Hard to tell with that accent. "I'm here to attend classes myself, actually."

"Yes, well, it won't last. He's after something I am sure and he won't get it and will be right back to his old self." Miniyal seems sure of herself on this one. Even if she's most likely speaking simply from her own beliefs. "Oh? Lucky you," she says without even an attempt at forced cheer.

K'sar mutters low. "Yeah. Lucky me." No cheer here either. "Still trying to decide if it's one of those punishments that is actually a blessing in disguise, or someone's idea of a blessing that's really a punishment."

Miniyal snorts in a most unladylike fashion. "No blessing. Waste of time if you ask me." Her opinion of the caucus has never been a secret after all. "Make more work, most of them are idiots without a brain. Nothing but a marriage mart these days anyway."

Was that a visible shudder? K'sar's fingers tighten on his cup. "Lucky for me that I'm a 'rider then. No need to worry about marriage or mates." He sips, shifting a little on the bench. "Tell me about this Sefton fellow who is the Headmaster now?"

If it was, she missed it. Miniyal is too busy watching someone walk with a pastry, icing at least half an inch thick on it. A quiet sigh and she pulls her gaze from it, looking at you a moment. "Don't know. I've been trying to meet with him for some time. Seems like he might be an alright sort. Certainly didn't waste time finding himself a bride to be and getting himself a promotion."

K'sar wrinkles his nose and drains the remains of his klah, actually looking at the pitcher again and considering another cup. His eyes unfocus for a moment and he snorts, then sets the cup down and refrains from refilling it. "Better him than me, I suppose."

"Anyway, the people from here are not always so bad," Miniyal offers grudgingly. "But. . .well, yea." Perhaps realising she's been a little too free with her words she shuts up abruptly, peering down at her hands.

"Thank you for talking with me, Miniyal." K'sar offers after a moment. "It's always a little strange, getting settled in a new place, or so I'm told. I've never lived anywhere but Telgar Weyr, so I'm finding the customs and manners all a bit strange."

Miniyal's eyes blink rapidly and she peers over, confused. Someone thanked her. How odd. "Oh, umm. Sure. I mean, not that it was much help or anything. I'm sure you'll settle in fine." She doesn't sound sure, just mouthing words it seems like. "If you have questions you might talk to some of the other recent transfers too as well as Diya."

"Who are some of the other recent transfers?" K'sar asks. "You'll have to forgive me. Dananth and I arrived late yesterday and it's been a bit confusing, getting settled and registered and all."

Biting back a laugh, Miniyal shakes her head. "I have no idea. Most riders have no reason to come to the records room and as I prefer not to leave there if I don't have to I'm not up on people." Pausing a moment she sighs. "You might talk to B'ren," she says grudgingly. "He's been here a little bit now." Unfortunately, her tone implies.

"Sounds like you're a real fan." K'sar offers, chuckling a little. "Tell me about this B'ren?" Again his eyes stray to the klah pitcher and then away. A low, muttered. "Dananth, I /won't/..."

"Not much to say. He's rather insufferable, but he might be of use to you since he's been new as well." Miniyal wrinkles her forehead and then finally says, "Oh, that was it. Miyamurath. That's his dragon. Anyway, he can't draw so don't ask him for a map ever." That's a high crime there. Drawing inaccurate maps.

"I can draw passably well, but I don't like to." K'sar replies. "My father had me taught well enough for his liking, so I suppose I'm tolerable."

"Well, I suppose that's good," Miniyal says with a shrug. Finishing off her drink she sets the cup down and scratches at her head. "Anyway. So you're here for the caucus?"

"So I'm told, yes." K'sar replies. "What do you do?" Not much conversation there. Must be hiding something.

A faint hint of curiosity returns the simple answer and Miniyal glances over before looking away. "I was assistant to weyrwoman Diya for some time. But then I got placed back in the records room where I came from. I'm the records liaison to the caucus." Whatever that means exactly.

"Records liason. Sounds important." K'sar replies. "So, you're the one I come begging to when I need to find something for a class?"

"Important? Hardly," Miniyal says with a snort. At least she has no illusions about that. "Mostly I seem to have to try to keep the caucus students from running off with everything in the records room."

"See? You are important. I'll have to be sure to stop by and visit and stay in your good graces so I can survive my classes." K'sar replies, grinning at you. He really is rather charming, when he wants to be.

Head tilting to the side, Miniyal stares at you like you just offered to throw a baby off a cliff. Come visit? Oh, dear. This went horribly wrong. But, she summons up a smile and inclines her head. "Oh, good. I'll look forward to it."

"As will I." K'sar replies, then pauses, gaze shifting for a moment before he offers. "Dananth says that you are well-respected and that I should bow. He's usually right." A smile and he offers you a polite bow. "Good day, Miniyal of the Caucus records."

"Oh, umm." Well, that caught Miniyal off guard to say the least. "Good day." Yes, nice safe farewell. Yep. She just sits there, yep. What an odd man.

k'sar, miniyal

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