Two, two, two visitors at once

Feb 18, 2006 12:30

Who: Miniyal, Anaddui, Saramia'
When: day 12, month 4, turn 1 of the 7th Pass
Where: Records Room, HRW
What: Anaddui sees to her task and Saramia visits


It is 23:15 on day 12, month 4, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.

Anaddui peers around the door frame "Anyone here?"

Miniyal is seated at a table going over a stack of hides taller than the basket of glows used to illuminate her work. Looking up at the voice she says, "No."

Anaddui jumps, not really expecting the hides to speak. Wait on, there's a face somewhere behind all that..."Oh, hello. I'm weyrling Anaddui. I was just...ooohh..." She looks at the row upon row of records, the musty smell slightly similar to Aurenth's hide.

Miniyal lets out a huge sigh as she stands, knee smacking into the table as she does so. "Let me guess, you're here to make sure you've been recorded, yes? Name spelled proper. Dragon name all nice and dandy. That sort of thing?" She sounds. . .annoyed, although it appears to be directed at the situation and not the person.

Anaddui steps forward bravely. She who has faced hatchling dragons. "Yes, ma'am. That's right. I'm here to see mine and Aurenth's records, please."

Miniyal lets out a small growl of frustration from her spot behind the stack of hides she was working on and stomps over to a shelf. Under her breath she says less than favorable things about the weyrlingmaster, a record selected and carried back to be set down gently on a table. "Is he sending every one of you?" is demanded of poor Anaddui.

Saramia slips through the door and looks around the room quickly noting that the Liaison is busy, she turns her steps to the side and starts perusing scrolls on the shelves. Behind her, her hands meet, loosely clasped around a rolled up scroll of her own. Braid in its usual fly-away condition, she looks as if she's been hard at work and hasn't had the time to pay proper attention to her appearance.

Anaddui lifts her chin and then lowers it several times in a nod of 'yes'. "Uh, weyrlingmaster R'vain wants us to see for ourselves, I guess. I don't understand half the things he makes us do." Like saluting fenceposts perhaps..."But he asked me to, so here I am." Saramia's entrance is noted with a dart of her eyes, but otherwise she remains focussed on the task before her. Hopefully the woman won't eat her for supper.

Miniyal flips through the bound records and then turns it to face Anaddui, pointing to her and Aurenth's names. "Right there," she says with a weary sigh, noting the arrival of someone else which doesn't really help her mood. "Yes. I think I'm going to have to have a talk with him. . .but, that's none of your concern I am sure. Just doing what you have to."

Saramia sneaks a grin Anaddui's way and a little wave, and paces back the way she came to start on another shelf, reading with apparent great interest the long columns of labels and titles. The scroll she holds taps lightly against the small of her back and she starts humming under her breath, apparently quite chipper herself.

Anaddui spots Saramia's wave and returns it with a brief wiggle of fingers, but her interest lies in the record before her. Aurenth's name in green cursive, and her own (spelled correctly!) beside it. "Thank you, ma'am. I'm sorry for disturbing you. I understand you're busy, and I appreciate the time you've given me."

Miniyal closes the record once it has been looked at, her head nodding once. "Oh, it's fine. It's not your fault your weyrlingmaster is a twit." Yes, such good manners. Really, she's hardly going to get in trouble at some point at all! "Congratulations, by the way." Because that's what people say. Her attention flickers to Saramia. Ah, good. She's not messing with things, just looking.

Anaddui blinks "Thank you, ma'am." Is said once more, but no comment is made of the name the records keeper gave to R'vain. Such thoughts run through her own head at times too. A wry smile plays on her face. "I won't keep you." Saramia is given a nod and a smile and Ana turns to leave.

Saramia tilts a look over her shoulder unable to avoid overhearing. "He's a twit as well as a drunk then?" she asks with upraised brows. "Hmm. What do you think of weyrlinghood so far Anaddui?" that's asked with more enthusiasm and a brightness in her face to go along with it. "My congratulations to you as well. It seems like we got to be bunk-mates for far too short a time."

"Oh it's not fun all the time, most of the time it's sleep while you can, eat when you can, and the rest is feeding, oiling and feeding and classes." Anaddui smiles to Saramia. "Yes, we only were together a short while. How are the Caucus classes coming along?" She moves from the table closer to Saramia.

Miniyal returns the record back to it's place, banging her toe against a table and muttering as she does so. On her toes, even the bumped ones, she replaces the record and returns to her table. "I imagine he is," she tells Saramia, continuing to 'properly' school the girl.

"Mostly interesting actually. Not all -fun- but definitely interesting," is Saramia's assessment. "Sounds like Weyrlings are very very very busy," she says a bit wide-eyed. "I don't think I'd have the patience to oil a whole dragon." She approaches Miniyal and holds out the rolled up scroll. "I hope you'll find a lot of improvement from the last one!" she says eagerly, hopefulness splashed all over her face.

Head lifting, Miniyal gives Saramia a searching look as if trying to place the girl before her head nods once. She reaches out to take the scroll offered to her. Without looking back up she unrolls it and begins to go over it carefully. It doesn't seem like she's really reading it, but she does give it her full attention.

The handwriting on the scroll is a little on the splashy side, but it looks like the author has made much effort to keep it neat and tidy. "I copied the one you gave me nearly a hundred times!" she describes emphatically. "This was the best one. D'you want to time me and see if I'm going fast enough?" she seems dreadfully eager about the whole thing.

"Busy, yes. Rewarding, yes. Would I be anything else? No." Anaddui smiles at her friend and then notes that she has become busy. "I'll leave you to it Sara. I hope to see you again soon."

Miniyal notices the departure of the weyrling enough to mutter a quiet goodbye, but her attention is clearly focused on the work she's studying. And, it seems, she's still not done studying it.

"I'm glad it's that at least," replies Saramia sincerely as Miniyal gives her work the onceover and waves as Anaddui excuses herself. "See you around!" she sends brightly after her then sticks her hands in her pockets and rocks back and forth on her heels waiting.

Miniyal definitely takes her time about it and finally she grunts softly and sets it aside. "Time is not important," she says quietly. "When you are good at it, you are fast as well. There is no proper time to do something. It is merely the swiftest and neatest way to get things done." One finger taps the hide before her. "There is clearly improvement here. You will continue to get better and when you've trained yourself more you will notice you are unable to write in any way but what is the best you can do."

Saramia takes all that in and deflates somewhat. "Oh ... well I'm glad it's better. Should I keep practicing the same bit? Or something new?" She's bouncing on her toes this time, apparently possessed with some sort of irrepressible energy today.

Miniyal doesn't seem to notice the deflation, but for her that was high praise so of course she wouldn't. "The only way to get better is to continue to practice. If you truly wish to learn then you may come down here twice a sevenday and assist us in copying the older records so we do not lose them." Gasp! Such an offer. Well, ok, it may not seem like much but for Miniyal it's an amazing thing.

There's a moment's distaste at the idea of old records and a twitch of her nose that might indicate, old and musty records but Sara only chews on her lip for a moment before nodding. "What days? And any particular time? Or is that what happens all day long? So I don't miss classes, see," she explains, with an enthusiasm that's somewhat out of proportion to what the Liaison is offering.

"Two days when it will not interfere in your studies," Miniyal says with a nod. "You may come after the evening meal if you like. Or come between classes. I will leave that to you for now. We will find times that work best after a few tries. I shall select the records for you to copy and leave them in that cupboard over there." She indicates a cupboard behind her, at the end of a row. "I will inform the others that your task is in there and you are to be given the supplies you need."

Saramia turns to look where Miniyal points, a few more strands of hair drifting free of her braid. "In that cupboard there," she repeats and nods. "I'll be here in the evenings," she promises. "Thank you very much for all of your help. I'll get to be a good copyist yet!" continues the young lady with determination. "How've you been since I was last in here?" she changes subjects abruptly, focusing in on the Liaison herself, fingers twisting in the fabric of her pockets.

Someone was much happier when just doling out an assignment. Even if she never quite seemed happy while doing it. Miniyal takes the subject change with ill grace, head ducking as she pulls a hide from her stack to look over. "I've been well, thank you," she gets out without choking on the words. "And I hope you have been as well?"

"Good!" blurts out Saramia looking quite pleased and she shoots another look at the cupboard. "Oh me? Yes. Busy. Like everyone," her shoulders rise and fall. "I"m starting to get more used to the way things are here at the Weyr. Though ... it's still ... sobering when they come back from Fall."

"You'll get used to it," Miniyal says with a small shrug of her shoulders. As if she's any more experience with it than anyone else. "It's what they do after all. What they were chosen to do and born to do and so on and so forth." Ok, her argument loses something at the end. "But, it is good you are settling in well."

Saramia nods a few times, opens her mouth then closes it. "Anyway, right, I've taken up too much of your time. I'll just uh ... see myself out and I'll be by tomorrow evening for copying." She flashes another friendly smile at the Liaison and starts to drift towards the door.

Miniyal actually, miracle upon miracles, returns the smile. But realizing what she is doing it fades away and she drops her head to her work once more. As she does so she mumbles, "You're doing much better." Will wonders never cease? And then, minor lapse of actual friendliness pushed aside, she retreats behind her work.

saramia, anaddui, miniyal

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