(no subject)

Feb 02, 2006 16:20

Players: Lachien, Ginella
Time: Month 3, turn 1 of the 7th Pass.

Though it's after the dinner hour, it's not yet late enough that there aren't people milling about the common area for the Caucus - only one seems a little out of place, in his flour-dusted clothes and with his scruffy hair. Lachien carries with him a plate laden with cookies, and is currently setting it down on the hearth.

Ginella is curled up in a chair by the hearth, book in hand, notebook tucked under a knee. She seems more or less immune to the bustle of the cavern, shifting only to brush hair back from her eyes and turn the page. When Lachien arrives with the cookies, though, she finally looks up, turning towards the scent and lowering her book to eye the plate. "Are those for... anyone in particular?"

"All for you, freckles," Lachien replies good-naturedly, retrieving the plate to offer it out to Ginella. With it, his lopsided grin and an appreciative quirk of his eyebrows.

Ginella blinks at that address, but as the plate is being offered to her, there's no chance he meant someone else. And really, who cares, when he's providing cookies? "Thanks," she replies with smile, reaching to take one, "They smell delicious. What kind are they?" she asks, taking a bite before bothering to wait for an answer.

Lachien doesn't seem affected by Ginella's blinking, and holds the plate steady for her. "Why thank-you, sugar, I made 'em myself. Redfruit and cinnamon, fresh from the oven," he drawls in reply, his grin widening for her compliment.

"Mmmm," Ginella replies, covering her mouth for a moment as she finishes chewing before nodding quickly. "They /are/ delicious. I've had redfruit and cinnamon bread before, but never cookies. Those are wonderful." So wonderful that she can't help but eye the piles on the plate. "Do you mind if I take another? Is there some special occasion to the cookies, or anything?"

Lachien offers the plate again, nodding slowly. "More sugar in'm than bread, makes'm sweeter. And sweeter things are meant for sweet girls, so go on ahead, take as many as you like." He takes the opportunity presented by Ginella's attention on the cookies to better check her out, adding casually that, "The name's Lachien, by the way, though anythin' shorter is fine by me."

Ginella nods in agreement about the sugar, taking a moment to pick out just the right cookie before glancing up and then snagging another as well. "For later," she qualifies with a slightly sheepish smile, "I'll probably be up late finishing all this reading." She nibbles on the second cookie and brushes wisps of hair back to smile at him with a more focused look, now. "Pleased to meet you, Lachien. I'm Ginella. Are you here for the Caucus, or do you just magically appear whenever I crave cookies?"

"Pleasure's all mine, Ginella!" He dismisses the extra cookies with a wave, grin brightening all the more as she takes them. A baker loves to see his wares appreciated, after all! "While I'd love to tell you I'm here for both," he leans in, and raises a hand to cup by his mouth as though telling a secret, "I'm actually a candidate, been searched for that clutch on the sands here. 'm gonna be a dragonrider, I reckon." Leaning back, he lifts his chin jerkily as if to say, 'Ain't -that- impressive!'

Ginella palms the third cookie and smiles back, raising a brow as he leans in to share the 'secret'. "A candidate? A-ha-," she replies, nodding, "Well, there certainly are a lot of you about lately, that's for sure." She takes another bite of the cookie and shakes her head. "Too bad that you plan to Impress, really. You won't have much time for baking cookies once you're a rider. Picked out a color you want, already?"

"I can always find time to bake cookies for a pretty girl like you, freckles," Lachien assures, laying a finger aside his nose and nodding. He sets the plate back on the hearth, "Figure it'll be brown or bronze, but my marks're all on brown," and decides to settle presumptuously into a chair beside Ginella.

Ginella doesn't look at all offended by his presumption, though she does flush faintly at the combination of the compliment and the nickname. "Why brown?" she asks, polishing off the cookie before adding with a shake of her head, "Not that it matters much what you think's going to happen when you get up there. 's not many people get exactly what they expected."

Lachien points a finger to his face. "Sugar, does this look like the face of a bronzerider? Nono, siree. Those eggs'll understand I won't have time for leadin' no weyr as well as baking cookies for honeys like yourself, and they'll hatch me a brown, I reckon." He leans back to lounge in the chair, lifting a leg to settle one ankle upon one knee.

Ginella laughs lightly and shakes her head. "Oh, stranger choices have been made, trust me," she replies with a smile, "Do /I/ look like /I/ ought to be leading a weyr?" She shakes her head to answer for him. "I don't think so. Still, it would just be wrong to keep you from making cookies like these, though," she adds, "Maybe you'll just end up with a green or nothing at all, and then you could bake for the caucus all the time? How's that for selfish?"

"I'd've picked you for a goldrider anyday of the turn, from ten yards and with the sun in my eyes, freckles." Hands come up lazily to rest behind Lachien's head as he pays this compliment, giving it an offhand feel. "Y'ain't no common greenrider, that's for sure - an' o-ho! Don't be wishing no green on me, sugar, I don't ride thataways!"

Ginella laughs. "Now you're flattering me, I think," she replies, shaking her head at Lachien and reddening lightly. "You must be new around here, or you'd feel differently. You're not from 'Reaches, are you?" She tilts her head a bit, listening more closely to his accent in an attempt to place it before straightening up and laughing again. "Well, I'm glad to hear that, I'll put my wager on you getting a brown, then."

"Never, sweetcakes. Every word I say is the truth and nothin' but." Lachien winks, his own laugh traded in favour of another lopsided grin. "Southern Boll born and bred, though they picked me up at High Reaches Hold. Was on tour with the la-dee-dah, bakin' up a storm," he explains. "Hey, you do that, an' I'll do my best to make sure they pay your bet."

Ginella grins back and just nods briefly. "Uh-huh," she replies before blinking. "Boll? Oh, of course. I knew it sounded familiar." She brushes at her hair and shifts in the chair, closing her book. "On tour? You're with the craft, then? Obviously. I'm surprised you'd rather be a rider than continue with that. Baking sounds more fun to me a lot of days." She draws a knee up and smiles, "I'll see if I can scrape the coin together, but no promises."

Lachien shrugs, and leans back a bit more. "I waw the assistant to the head baker at Boll, used t'be on call to travel with one of the Lord's nephews who was a fussy eater." His gaze switches to the plate of cookies on the hearth, as another student passes by to retrieve a few. It prompts a smile. "Honestly, I sort've thought it rude to refuse, 'specially with the Pass all startin' and stuff. Can't argue with the Searchriders, ay?"

Ginella can't help but look surprised again, brow furrowing as she leans around to face him a bit more. "Which nephew?" she asks, "One's an instructor here, you know." The other student snatching cookies draws her eyes for a moment before she nods. "True, I suppose that wouldn't do, really. It's an awful big committment though, with the Pass and all. Least with a brown you wouldn't have to be in charge of anything if you didn't want to."

Lachien nods thoughtfully. "I've heard as much, but it can't have been him if I was at the Hold not a sevenday ago, yeah? Must be 'is brother. Or cousin. Our Lord's got a swag of nephews, I'll tell ya!" He follows Ginella's lead, quite happy to face her and get another good look in. "Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, ay? An' I'm sure the dragons are smart enough to pick their matches as it suits both."

"Oh, I suppose that's true," Ginella replies with a nod, "I didn't realize there were so many of them. Were you familiar with Sefton, then? I don't picture him being much interested in cookies, to tell the truth." She breaks a piece of her last one and pops it into her mouth, nodding again at his logic. "That's what they say. I wonder a bit, personally, but..." She shrugs, looking distant for a moment before nodding again. "Good luck with that, anyways."

Lachien seems to take a cue in there somewhere, and pushes up from his seat with ease. "I'm sure I'd recognise 'im if I saw 'im - and freckles, don't fool yourself. -Everyone's- interested in my cookies, did y'not taste 'em just a few minutes ago?" He taps a lazy salute, one finger on his forehead and extended to Ginella. "I'd best be gettin' back to the kitchens. Show me some love, ay, in return for the sweets?" He blows a kiss.

Ginella doesn't seem to realize she gave such a cue, as mild surprise flits across her features when he rises. "True, I'll have to bring some to him, maybe it will help with my grade," she replies with a smile, laughing at the lazy salute and the farewell. A grin follows the blown kiss, and she waves back at him. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lachien. Thanks for the cookies!"

"I'll bake you an extra batch just for that, freckles. Have it delivered to 'Ginella' in the common area, by the hearth, ay? Can't be held responsible for your bad grades now, sugar, canni?" Lachien grins back, and winks. "Pleasure's all mine, freckles! Until next time!" And he's off.

l'chi, ginella

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