I might be a fool, but you might be one too; maybe we're all that we needed.

May 24, 2005 16:24

Curious how I only get the motivation to write in this time-waster when I'm mopey. Ah well, I suppose composing something is better than nothing, as I fear this journal is otherwise near death. Today, thus, reeked of crap, further proving the lack of point behind this dreadful week -- so close to the end, and yet, nowhere near it, with the 654654541 tests I'll be having in the next few days & weeks, plus finals, and the required continuous review assignments to saturate those final days of real class. All of this, of course, is in addition to necessary social outings, which can never result in anything save disappointment. I'm accordingly left with the Roses Are Red show over this Memorial Day weekend, and cannot find nearly as much interest in participating as I predicted I'd have. I want --no, I NEED -- this to go ahead without a hitch & without me exploding with insults that cause further friendship disaster. Not to say that any of this responsibility rests upon anyone else, as it, alas, was I who planned this entire excursion. But still, Il must scour up some form of giddiness to enjoy the concert & invest some effort in finding some pre-concert eating///roaming around somewhere///etc. for some REAL happiness to lighten this tedious school experience.

Bleh. I must stop complaining, but no one is reading this. Whateverrrrrrr, still, I might as well make this a real entry, if I've found energy to start writing. THE ALL-POWERFUL TECHNO FEST IS THIS WEEKEND, as well, which should, if anything, give me something to provide real excitement, despite the fact that even Livvi's attendence is questionable. &&&then STATIC LULLABY! Yes, SOMETHING, just anything to relieve me of that empty headed Guenzel with her watered-down reproductive system, Mikkelsen the blurb-slash-smidge-ridden vampire, and that stupidass Barker, who happened to cause me an unbelievable 88% on a test despite my consistent protest to his vague, faulty test questions. DIEEEEE, DIEEEEEEE, all of them, with a pointy stick or an enormous boot up the butt. Whatever happens to be more convenient.

Heh, it appears I hate everything again. HOORAYYYYYYYYY. Let's all listen to screamo and dance. Ah yes, exactly! Anger, frustration? CHANNEL IT INTO THE ASL/RAR shows and I shall be exhausted for weeks to the point that I am unable to maintain guilt & anxiety for my social mess-ups. Now, provided I can actually finish my tangents and sines and cosines before I collapse, in addition to maintaining concentration on the hell that is reading Julius Caesar, I may just be set 'til the end of the year.

Gawd, my self-consciousness has taken over and no longer allows me to so shamelessly whine. Forgive that, since this journal, now, is resurrected, not unlike a certain other bringer of offenses (ohno! -scribbles out word-) that was officially retired for a total of five minutes today. For the better or the worse, one may not yet say.

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