My friends are all celebrities.

Apr 20, 2005 01:05

My mom, of course, cannot give me the news that she's uploaded our Greece pictures at, say, 6 or 7 at night. Rather, she must toss them at me at 12, after which I am accordingly excited, and I must proceed to upload 22 of them to my Photobucket as soon as possible. That is exactly what I wish to do, after all this midnight effort I've put into getting these pictures accessable. THEREFORE:

WEEE! -elation-

Shopping at Rhodes, I encountered a sea-side shop, not only with quite stylin' ensembles, but also mannequins (O___Oohgawd!) capable of delivering mass amounts of "OMGGGWTFHAWT."


The origin of this masterpiece was the pina colada dinner, in which my anger boiled over into constructing letters with various table items. The group, I shall admit, was thoroughly amused.


MMMM. Black men & notebook-quality doodles! &, as a result, by far, the hawtest graffiti on earth.

eeeek. I had to outrun various Turkish come-ons to snap this one.

but so frigging worth it, considering how well it sums up that country.

oh no!

Why hello there, rainbow poser slutttttttt. ^_____^

most hilarious Kusadasi occurance. EVER.

I mean, you can't deny it.

baked alaska o' the boat= icky. >_<

I was quite unhappy, as can be inferred.

okay, I'm going to make this the final of tonight, just because of its appetizing applicability.

potato... or PUMBLY?!
ohh my. I broke out in a spaz attack as I saw this sign on Santorini, not that that wasn't totally justifiable.

All done. Funny, though, how I have no uploaded pictures of temples or statues or history. But really, who wants to see the Parthenon when you can see demented black men and pseudo-Pumblies?

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